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Newcastle United 2 - 2 Derby - 23/12/07 - post match reaction from page 15


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Very dissapointed but definitely relieved too as we at least didn't lose.


Here is my positive spin on things ... when Faye and Taylor are 100% fit it will mean Roz is our fourth choice centre back.


Also, I thought Duff looked very bright and will definitely add something to the team.


Lastly, I love Martins but he isn't going to work out for us on the wing. I believe we will actually look better with him at the African Nations Cup. Milner and Duff out wide will improve us a lot.


Today was bad but I will at least give Sam some credit for avoiding disaster with good substitutions.


We're in the top 10 right now and I think we'll be fine I honestly do.


Portsmouth, Blackburn and Man City are also beginning to slow down a bit.


Today I am grateful for small mercies. We did not lose the game.

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people all season have said that it needs to be one of rozehnal/capaca with one of faye/taylor, as you get a sweeper with an aggressive, physical player alongside him. quite why we went with the two former players when they struggled so badly in the reverse fixture this season... taylor can't have been that unfit, he looked fine when he came on.

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Dosn't come as a surprise as we've been poor in our last 2 games despite winning both! playing players out of position is NOT tthe way to go!! And will somebody please f**king sort our defence out...how many more seasons do we have to put up with sunday league defending!!!

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Guest Harry-Norway

26.12 A Wigan Athletic  

29.12 A Chelsea  

01.01 H Manchester C


Cant see us getting many points the next 3 games?????

Is many years since we did a good Christmas performans,we always comes out bad at these times


But anyway,have a nice Christmas and maybe a Happy TOON Year all of you


PS. that includes you to Decky


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   I wonder how many points and games we are losing for his favorite 4 3 3 it is just sad 28 points would have been nice since it is tough on January.


I didn't think we played a 4-3-3 today.  I thought it was more of a 4-4-2 with Martins and Smith switching between being forward and wide-right.

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Id rather see Duff on the left, Milner on the right and Zog in the centre , even if its something like this:



          Barton    Butt



Milner                          Duff



Why not try that? Have we anything to lose? It gives us good attacking options and doesnt leave us vulnerable at the back, its miles better than what we played today.

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26.12 A Wigan Athletic    

29.12 A Chelsea    

01.01 H Manchester C


Cant see us getting many points the next 3 games?????

Is many years since we did a good Christmas performans,we always comes out bad at these times


But anyway,have a nice Christmas and maybe a Happy TOON Year all of you


PS. that includes you Decky also



;) same to you matey

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By no means were we scintillating, i am absolutely not saying it was a particularly good performance, but we really should have won that game.


Derby will be saying the same though.


We were, by and large, the better side in that game. That's all i am saying.


People are trying to make out that i'm happy/content/whatever. I'm really not, honestly. :lol:

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How many times did Smith touch the ball in the second half? How many times could the wanker have shot and instead tried to dribble around the whole Derby defence? He was useless today. When played up front, he actually offers us something but when played in midfield, he's a liability - something which his partner in crime Barton also is.


Allardyce needs to stop with this ridiculous Smith-bumming and fucking play him in the right position or not play him at all. I also thought Milner looked quite good on the right, looked better than he did on the left - so, for me, that puts paid to that 'Milner's more effective on the left' shite that Sam was on about in the interview.

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Disgusting to watch, feel that anyone at the game should get a refund.


We lost because of pure arrogance today, which was rooted from fans to the players.  Everyone believed it was going to be a cricket score, and we went out there with formation to attack, but forgot that you still have to defend. 


This 4-3-3 crap has to stop.  It's costing us points and the players don't remotely look comfortable playing it.


Here's other things that I felt during the game.


1. Nicky Butt, never EVER try the long ball pass.  YOU JUST CAN'T DO IT AND YOU LOSE THE BALL YOU TOOL.

2. Joey Barton should not start.  He isn't ready and should be playing from the bench, Emre to start please.

3. Rozenhal, what the hell happened? Cacapa is nearly just as bad... Taylor and Faye should always play when fit.

4. Crosses... let's put man on the opposite corner to collect the ball after Milner hoofs it over the entire goal area.  Perhaps the 2nd ball from the opposite flank will be a better one.

5. 4-3-3 is NOT working. Forget it sam.  You play to the strenghts of your players, not play your favourite tactic despite it being ineffective with the players you have.



oh I could rant all night about this game.  It's just so frustrating to see that we have talented players which are letting less talented players get the better of them.


Well done to Derby too.  They got fuck all to play for really yet they came and should have taken the points.


As much as I feel angry at Sam for not sorting out the team to get the win, I still think he needs to be given to the end of the season. We have to take this one on the chin and hope Sam wakes up, sorts out the problems, and we move up the table to fight for 6th/7th.

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Guest newcastle4life

One point against Derby isnt good enough and defence rubbish again no point playing defenders if Derby can score twice. Two points wasted.  >:(

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That's certainly a plus point if there are any, Duff looked bright when he came on, and i don't just mean his hair dazzling the crowd as the floodlights bounced off him. He actually looked like he had a turn of pace, bizarrely. ???

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At the moment, the problem is in the middle of the park.  Central midfield and central defence.  Neither have any control, and we are suffering because of it.  If Sam doesn't recognize that and make changes next month, then we also have a problem in the dugout.


I expect a replacement for Butt in January and some time for Barton on the bench. 

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Guest shaun11177

Martins on the right wing-great idea eh. So disappointed in Smith-6m-Barton still looks way of the pace or maybe he isnt very good-5.8m and Enrique oh ye he's the bloke that never plays-6.3m. Would you give this Manager more money.

Sam is hanging onto this job by his fingernails.

The Zog and Butt did great.

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I've definately started to lose faith in Big Sam. When that stat came up in midway through the 2nd half that said Derby had 61% possession...I think that said it all. No more 4-3-3. Grumble.


We didn't play 433. Some people here are on drugs.


I don't even know what system we played.. What was Smith's position for instance?

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