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Fave KK memory?

Guest Knightrider

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Lots of memories, many of which have already been posted.


I remember the day he came as manager first time around VERY clearly.


Wednesday February 5th 1992.

I was 13, and in Year 8 at school. I went to school as normal that day, unaware of what was going on. Ardiles was sacked early in the morning that day, about 7/7.30 I think. Douglas Hall had been sent around to Ossie's house to tell him, which he did - Ardiles then apparently invited him in for breakfast! There was a press conference hastily called, where Keegan was unveiled at the Tyne Brewery.


I was unaware of all of this. I'd got up that morning, washed, dressed, had breakfast, packed my bag and left for school. Everyone else was the same, nobody else knew what was happening (at school anyway). No rumours, whispers or anything. First lesson on a Wednesday morning was Games. We came back into the changing rooms after playing football, and our Games teacher (who was a big NUFC fan himself) went upstairs into his office (where one of the other teachers must have told him). He came running back down, found 3 or 4 of us he knew went to the matches and goes "Hey Lads, KEEGAN! KEEGAN!" We were puzzled, and he says "Lads, Kevin Keegan is Newcastle's new manager." I was baffled, how, when, what? Then at dinnertime some of us went up to the Art department, where we knew there was a radio, and the teacher let us listen to Metro, who confirmed it and gave a bit more info. Of course, there was nothing like Sky Sports News or the internet to get more information when I got home, so I had to wait until Look North was on to find out more and see an interview with him. He seemed really enthusiastic and excited and was going "I Can't Wait for Saturday!" and he sounded like he really meant it, and that made me feel the same. That saturday, we dominated the game, and it seemed like a different side. We won 3-0.


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The day he signed as a player I was in Rimini (16 yr old) & I wouldn't believe my Mackem supporting mate's dad that we'd signed him.


First game QPR, queuing in the car park outside the old stand, sun shining, can of beer in hand. Standing in the old stand paddock nearest the Gallowgate & that goal. It was the first magical moment of many more to come. We had been rubbish for a number of years prior to that, were a club going nowhere & were light years away from being any kind of big club. It was THE catalyst to all that followed. Simply fantastic, the best by far for me.

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On the pitch - his first goal against QPR - I can recall no atmosphere better than that day.


Off it I once had the privelege of being (briefly) in his company after a match. Even in a couple of minutes conversation this was no superstar just someone who made you feel good and even important.

No wonder every ex player raves about him.

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i aint got a memory of him, i was born when he was here as manager but oviously cant remember any of it...im called after him though  :cheesy: king kev and i also sit in row kk at the match ... kk = king kev ... isnt that so good people ^o)  :razz:

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selling Cole stands out.  Considering the circumstances.


I was in primary school.  I'd come home at the end of the day, put on my Newcastle top (the one with the blue star on circa 92/93) and run into the garden to spend the evening kicking a penny floater into the mini-goal I had, whilst shouting "clark....to Cole! Goooooaaaaaalllll!!!" at the top of my voice.


I still remember the hurt/bewilderment my young heart suffered when one day I ran out into the garden, screaming "Cole" when my mother called me back inside to tell me that we'd sold him.  Needless to say I cried, and never went back in the garden for about a week.



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Have to say the 5-0, what a day. Was sure we'd go on and win the title, and if you watch shearers interview afterwards on youtube, you think it even more. How quickly things changed :( Loads of the Keegan games were memorable, Tino's debut vs Boro, beating Villa 4-3, losing at liverpool 4-3, Spurs 7-1...


The Love It rant shows the passion the man has, just like any of us being interviewed on TV. Its a shame that Fergie won that battle.


Worst moment was Cantona's goal, my god we should have been 3 up in the first 30mins, Schemeical was fuckin unbelievable. Then there was Flowers and that ginger geordie who scored 2 and nobody heard of him ever again.

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God, it feels great being able to talk about KK without some fucker saying "get over it" or "in the past".  :coolsmiley:


For me it was his LOVE IT rant. That wasn't our manager in that booth, but every one of us who were all thinking the same. He gets slagged for that and I've even heard people say they were embarrassed by it but not me, no different to me or you saying the same on a pre match thread. Anyway that rant summed it all up for me.


Footballing wise there were so many, but I'll go with Cole's 40th against Villa when we beat them 5-1. Cole being a big hero of mine.






The first time i've heard anyone mention it. What a game to be intorduced to aswell. Does anyone know where i could see the goals from that game?


Ah the memories..... in those days they had bollards in the standing section. As a young un, i was sitting on one of them, when we scored i fell off but some bloke from behind caught me.

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Beating Man Utd 5-0 obviously.  Also fondly remember the purchase of Shaka Hislop for some reason.


For some reason the 5-0 is one of my lesser favourite moments because whenever I think if it, in my head I can hear Manu U fans saying"who gives a fuck - we won the league again that year" + I remember the following week we went and lost 2-0 to Leicester so it counted for nowt really.




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the day after we beat west ham at home in the promotion season telling the l;ads i played 5--a-side with "get your names down for a season ticket.. this is gonna take off big style" . that day, one of the lads (a plastic scouser who does know his football) laughed at me when i said we'd be pushing them next season.


that afternoon sitting with my dads mate eddie in the club. after years of people saying "what happened to YOUR team yesterday". he battered down all those who now came in with "how good were WE yesterday?"


that sunday was the best of those few days in your life when you know you are at the start of something fantastic but tell people and they'll probably not believe you.

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Dammit Nobby, you've got me rooting round now looking for the Mick Lowes / Radio Newcastle commentary of those goals that's floating round somewhere in this room.


I'm making a right racket and the Mrs is bound to wake up and come charging in here demanding to know what the hell I'm doing "at this time of night"! :D


haha, it's quality

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