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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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When the dust settles we will all realise that £35m for a player with 6months experience who thrives on wing play and long balls will be a good deal for us. Liverpool do not put much in the box - He will flop there i am sure of that - We have to move on although its not what we all wanted


There's some sound logic there. Liverpool don't play a style which will make the most of Carroll's strengths. Not sure Dalglish is a manager who really knows what he wants to do either; play football or defensive crap with the long ball as an outlet.

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How many times has the 'official line' been proven to be absolutely false, though? Ask yourself that, and then ask yourself how everyone involved in this whole transfer saga comes out smelling like roses to the people they want to smell like roses to, and surely you have to be somewhat suspicious. If you're not, like I said, you're incredibly naive.


I'll ask again, why would Carroll go along with it? Or is that too naive of a question for you to answer?

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He's talking bollocks man.


I'm sick of the "I'm sat up here on my high horse. Oh you naive little fools, how wrong you are and right I am" attitude. There's no proof that it was a PR exercise, other than sayso and rumour.


As far as the official line goes, we rejected a bid, Carroll handed in a transfer request and so we had to go back and accept the Liverpool bid.


Because it makes complete sense to trust what they feed you regardless of their dodgy history of feeding people pigshit


Aslong as we can call it the official line, who cares who writes it. Genius.


What? Because it makes more sense to completely make up the suggestion that Ashley forced Carroll to hand in a transfer request? Aye whatever :rolleyes:


It makes a whole lot of sense to suggest that as being massively possible yes ?


You're missing the argument completely. No one is saying Carroll is free from blame. Ashley has made no attempt whatsoever to keep him here & has kept negotiating with the interested side whilst Carroll has been made aware he'd get a huge pay increase whilst Ashley offers nothing in return. Carroll submits transfer request exactly as Ashley wants.


They are both to blame. Ashley avoiding any blame is embarrassing.

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I'd rather Mike took this 35m as part payment for the club and sold it to someone for 45m to reach the 80m he reportedly wanted.


I hope Graham Carr has a f***ing gem up his sleeve.

Edit; aye, I'm talking shit. but I'm emotional.

This, and it wouldn't suprise me if he did Tiote was an absolute steal.

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How many times has the 'official line' been proven to be absolutely false, though? Ask yourself that, and then ask yourself how everyone involved in this whole transfer saga comes out smelling like roses to the people they want to smell like roses to, and surely you have to be somewhat suspicious. If you're not, like I said, you're incredibly naive.


I'll ask again, why would Carroll go along with it? Or is that too naive of a question for you to answer?


Money up front. Agent pressure. Who knows.

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Carroll is special in that there's fuck all like him, powerful yet quick, can score from anywhere but particularly strong in the air.


We can't replace him because there isn't anyone like him out there.

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Don't care what anyone says, it is completely fucking obvious to me that Ashely was always wanting to sell him. 35m pissed against the wall in one of his casinos no doubt, fuck off you prick. If the club had rejected the bids, he would of stayed.

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How many times has the 'official line' been proven to be absolutely false, though? Ask yourself that, and then ask yourself how everyone involved in this whole transfer saga comes out smelling like roses to the people they want to smell like roses to, and surely you have to be somewhat suspicious. If you're not, like I said, you're incredibly naive.


I'll ask again, why would Carroll go along with it? Or is that too naive of a question for you to answer?


I've answered that question about ten times in this thread. £££, and the feeling of not being wanted, saying fuck you to Ashley, confidence in his own abilities etc. These are all things that would affect him more than 'oh noes, I'm going to alienate some people who I never interact with in my daily life, oh my life is going to end!'. Like I said, he can afford to come back to Newcastle. He'll have a house to stay in, he'll have friends to spend time with. If he was jeopardising that, then he'd probably not go. He just might have to avoid partying in Newcastle for a bit, until this whole thing calms down. I bet if he actually comes back a few times and is seen out in the town, people will get used to it and the fuss will die down.

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Don't care what anyone says, it is completely f***ing obvious to me that Ashely was always wanting to sell him. 35m pissed against the wall in one of his casinos no doubt, f*** off you prick. If the club had rejected the bids, he would of stayed.

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People blaming Carroll are just stupid and ignorant there are no other words to describe them. Well actually there are.......


If Ashley didn't want to sell him he wouldn't have. Atletico Madrid didn't want to sell Aguero so they didn't despite the Spuds rumoured 38M offer. If NUFC weren't prepared to sell Carroll I don't believe for one minute he would have left or wanted to leave.



No player shouldn't be kept here against their will! It's a huge fee indeed and it's way much more than any player is really worth in our current squad


£35m may seem a lot. But...


Likelihood is we'll be panicked into shelling out 6-7m on someone like Carlton Cole (which in reality will be more like 10m when you add in singing on and agent's fees).


So that's the extra £10m or so we get for selling him now rather than in the summer down the shitter straight away, on a player who has every chance of ending up a surplus to requirements drain on the wage bill.


Then we've got £25m to spend. On what? Proven, top quality players and the best youngsters (like Carroll) just wouldn't sign for us due to our lack of ambition, status our wage structure and geographical location. So we're left with either second rate or unproven players, most of who have every chance of ending up a surplus to requirements drain on the wage bill.


So we'll have swapped Carroll for maybe the equivalent of Carlton Cole, Gutiérrez, Xisco and, if we get lucky, maybe a Tioté and a significantly higher wage bill. Does that represent good economic sense? That's not even factoring in what happens if we get relegated!


If a player like Carroll falls into the lap of a club like Newcastle we must do everything we can to keep him and build a team around him, because there is no way we can replace him, his equivalent just wouldn't come here. I don't believe we have. Transfer request or not, he's a Geordie, he's not going to go on strike if we say 'you're not going anywhere' or even wait until the summer.

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What are the conspiracy theorists going to do if Carroll doesn't come out and contradict the club's claim that he handed in a transfer request? As surely if he hasn't, he'd want to set that straight.


Also, can they please make their minds up about whether Ashley's an idiot or an evil genius, he' can't be both, you know.


Finally, for those talking about lack of ambition. If we're lacking ambition, then what the fuck does that say about Liverpool who are getting rid of Fernando fucking Torres!!! :o and replacing him with Andy fucking Carroll!  :cheesy:

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Can't blame ashley or the club for this, they rejected everything thrown at them, and then andy throws in a transfer request.


I'm really gutted but £35m plus addons will be pretty handy at least, just scared how they'll spend it..




Not this.


They did not reject the transfer

They did.


How ?


Before the muppet handed in his request.


They didnt reject a transfer, they held out for a higher price


That is you fitting things into your conspiracy theory.


That is basic common sense ffs. If someone has a massive amount of money coming in & is desperate for something you own, you dont accept the first offer they give you. Dont be simple.


They were silent all day & made no attempt to come out to state he wasnt for sale atall. They kept inviting offers, explain how they didnt.


They rejected a transfer, Carroll clearly tapped up by Liverpool put's in transfer request forcing Ashley's hand.  NUFC then accept the next bid, as they want to try to get replacement in ASAP.


You are Ashley's favourite fan. He must wish every Geordie was as naive as you are.


Aye, and I bet your one the people that believe ashley has made money while at NUFC.


Fact is Ashley showed some ambition by signing Ben Arfa this month when he didn't have to.


How much?


I'll transfer £100 to the server account right away if you can find proof. If you can't, you do it.


Well he bought the club for £125M.


Has take on £100M worth of debt and Loans.


Has put in £20M for each for the last 3 seasons.


What the fuck are you on about? Are you drunk?


£100 for you to find proof that I'm 'one of those people who believe that Ashley has made money at NUFC'.


Yes or no? If you can't, transfer £100 into the server account.


Is he drunk?  You're asking if he's drunk??

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Guest sombrero

Joey Barton's crosses made Carroll.

I agree. it was more of a barton caroll package.


Sky sports rekon he could get  up to 80 grand a week now at lfc.

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