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Is he bollocks. :lol:


Uppercuts on a defenceless man, without retaliation after being knocked down, aye he's going to prison.


Same level of violence as Barton's attack.

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The video doesn't prove it was him, and I can safely predict he'll get away with it even if it was.


he admitted that he punched the man.


In self defence I think he said, aye. I worded that badly - it doesn't prove who hit who and why.


Still think he'll get away with it.

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Guest Geordiesned

Seen the video and don't see that he's got much defence. As the prosecution said there was no way that was self defence in 100 years.

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Guest BooBoo

I reckon the worst he'll get is a suspended sentence of 6 months.


However, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he's acquitted.

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Guest Stephen927

PLAY SOME PHIL COLLINS YA b******!!!  :angry:




Fighting over a CD player, obviously thought that cos he is Stevie G he can do what he likes.

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How come it's being classed as affray, rather than as an assault?


The IP probably hasn't got severe enough injuries to justify AOABH and affray is a more serious offence than common assault (the next one down from AOABH).

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Ironic that he is probably held up as a great role model for a modern footballer, he's an utter cunt and has had shady dealings with criminals in the past according to someone. The game is becoming rediculous, just a load of overpaid egotist cunts fannying about and then angling for contracts that would let them feed and house the 3rd world and have enough change to buy the vacuous orange tart they're banging a gucci bag.

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