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Looks like Shay is on his way


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Guest TheKingOfNewcastle

What Kinnear says is irrelevant.


Yep, if you ignore everything Kinnear says, you won't miss much truth.

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So as I asked earlier, why hasn't Shay denied this himself today if it's all bollocks?


What Kinnear says is irrelevant.


It's a fair question. :nods:


He's aware of the shitstorm the remarks have made and he's said nothing to confirm or deny them. He needs to come out and either stand by the club or formally ask for a transfer imo. 

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Shay going would have a huge impact in the dressing room, and in a negative way. The club need to sit him down and talk to him and listen to him and sort this s*** out because he won't be the last to jump ship.

That is why the he might want to leave after the club talked to him and didnt like what he heard.
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Guest Howaythetoon

So as I asked earlier, why hasn't Shay denied this himself today if it's all bollocks?


What Kinnear says is irrelevant.


I'm hoping he's trying to stir a reaction from the owner to get his arse into gear and sort this shit out, a kind of threat. If he leaves I could see a repeat of the scenes against Hull, who ironically we're playing tomorrow. I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu with all this I must say.

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Either way its another PR disaster for the club and once again fans are left feeling WTF is going on. You have the manager saying f*** is all wrong, player is fine, loves it here, going nowhere and a day latter the player himself via his representitive contradicts all that which gets a nothing is wrong, player is fine, going nowhere response from the manager as if he's f***ing deaf to all this. WTF is going on indeed. This is a shambles no two ways about it. What must it be like behind the scenes? No wonder we can't win football matches. :(


You cant really argue with this. Yet again.


He is as good as gone and City would be were I would see him ending up, if its city bidding 10m is cheap at the price.

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Surely we can get more than that out of Citeh!?!


They're paying £12m for Bridge who is distinctly average and I reckon Shay's worth more than £10m to most normal clubs, so those fuckers should be prepared to pay double. Money's no object to them, so why would we accept a sensible price?

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one bad game for England and Bridge becomes distinctly average  :nope:


Never really rated him that highly actually. So no, lots of distinctly average games for all sorts of people and Bridge becomes and then remains distinctly average.

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one bad game for England and Bridge becomes distinctly average  :nope:


Whatever you think of his ability, £12m for a player who's played about twenty matches in the last two seasons and is coming from the only other club with anything like the same disposable income is bonkers.

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Never realised that £12m was their offer for Bridge. I reckon any other club would have got him for about £6m.


I'd ask City for about £18m in that case. Seriously. Every player has his price and if they're throwing stupid money around...

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Why are people bothering with that pathetic excuse for a newspaper? They're also linking Fabiano with Chelsea on the same day that Scolari made it very clear that he wasn't going to be bringing anyone into Chelsea. I wouldn't pay any attention to what they've got to say, can't stand them.

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From that other article:



After having the accuracy of this message disputed by Newcastle's manager, Kennedy last night reiterated it, stressing: "I stand by every word I said."

Yeah I noticed that. So he hasnt had a bollicking from Shay and been told to retract the comments


And therefore despite what conversations Kinnear may have had with him (yeah, okay), the sentiment remains that Shay doesn't see his future here.

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Shay Given - great goalkeeper but nowhere near as good as the media hype. 

His best displays have been in games where we were hammered and the flow of the game was towards him, like the great shot stopper he is it was no surprise the Liverpool defeat again showed him at his best. He does not however command an area like a great goalkeeper would.

Last season was the only one I can recall where Steve Harper played enough games to make any sort of comparison and on the basis of that, Harper's record was MUCH better than Given's in terms of points gained and goals conceded.

So maybe the repacement is already there (most fans felt Harper should have started this season as first choice) and with two very able young keepers coming through eventually they are going to need to see some way to progress otherwhise we will lose them.

Shay's been a great servant - although he did spit the dummy out when he didn't get his own way, but at his age and with the cover we have in that position I'd take Man City's hand off if a stupid bid is put on the table.

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Shay Given - great goalkeeper but nowhere near as good as the media hype. 

His best displays have been in games where we were hammered and the flow of the game was towards him, like the great shot stopper he is it was no surprise the Liverpool defeat again showed him at his best. He does not however command an area like a great goalkeeper would.

Last season was the only one I can recall where Steve Harper played enough games to make any sort of comparison and on the basis of that, Harper's record was MUCH better than Given's in terms of points gained and goals conceded.

So maybe the repacement is already there (most fans felt Harper should have started this season as first choice) and with two very able young keepers coming through eventually they are going to need to see some way to progress otherwhise we will lose them.

Shay's been a great servant - although he did spit the dummy out when he didn't get his own way, but at his age and with the cover we have in that position I'd take Man City's hand off if a stupid bid is put on the table.


good post

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