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He knew KK being brought in would increase revenue and he knew it would be the same way if he got Shearer in. The way KK was treat mad eit obviouse the man if an idiot who looks to make a quick buck, he has no long term plans. The furthest he is looking ahead is to selling as many players as he can once we go down then selling the club and moving on leaving us in s*** state. He will also be looking at the option of what he does if we stay up, no way will Al stay to be given no dosh and to see his top players sold. We stay up I reckn JK will be back in no time and we will carry on signing Nolan types while we sell players like Oba,Beye,Jonas,Bassong anyone he can get a decent price for will be sold.


to achieve what exactly?

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Guest Stephen927

He knew KK being brought in would increase revenue and he knew it would be the same way if he got Shearer in. The way KK was treat mad eit obviouse the man if an idiot who looks to make a quick buck, he has no long term plans. The furthest he is looking ahead is to selling as many players as he can once we go down then selling the club and moving on leaving us in s*** state. He will also be looking at the option of what he does if we stay up, no way will Al stay to be given no dosh and to see his top players sold. We stay up I reckn JK will be back in no time and we will carry on signing Nolan types while we sell players like Oba,Beye,Jonas,Bassong anyone he can get a decent price for will be sold.


Who's going to buy a Championship team that needs what will basically be a whole new squad bought?


He could pocket the money from player sales but it'd look a lot less appealing for any buyer.

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No. it would take a lot to start backing him, he would have to do as many good things as possible to try and balance the huge amount of bad things he's done so far. for instance, if we go down i wouldn't back him until we're re-established in the premiership AND have done something extraordinarily good (like winning a cup or qualifying for europe) to balance out the extraordinarily bad experience of relegation. so reasonably it is going to take 3 or 4 years to try and work off the burden of his mistakes if the worst happens.


in the short-term (and assuming we stay up) i'd be less critical if he dumps Kinnear, appoints a good manager and backs him in the transfer market.


atm i'd compare him to someone like George Reynolds, who had made a pile of money providing cheap products in another line of business, undercutting his rivals and making enemies on his way up. he was an arrogant character who thought he could do things his own way, that the normal rules of football, the accepted wisdom of what works and what doesn't, didn't apply to him, and he was single handidly going to reinvent the wheel. it looks like Ashley now accepts this isn't true, but probably too late to keep us up.

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I've voted "No", but by sacking Wise, the club doctor, seemingly giving Shearer free reign of the footballing side of things, there's still a glimmer that things could change in the summer.


I also voted no, and agree.

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I was very critical of his motives in the summer when others were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Conversely though I was not prepared to hang the man after the KK debacle and subsequent stupidity. I did believe that perhaps he's learned a little from the episode and may eventually see that you need to throw the dice sometimes to win the game. However the the permenant contract offer to JFK, the profit in the Jan transfer window and the faith he put in Hughton have dwindled any lingering faith I had in the man. He's just been a complete disaster for NUFC.

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I can still be won over by him, of course. If we somehow escape this mess we're in and then he gets his act together in the summer and starts running us in a competent fashion, then I'll support him again.


Not that he will mind you, the man's clueless.


Basically when it boils down to it we're all fickle cunts.


There's nowt fickle about not wanting to be relegated. :lol:


I'd have much more time for him had he said from the start that the finances were fucked and we weren't going to be spending much until they were sorted out.


Instead you have numpties like Llambias STILL coming out with shit about us challenging for everything when we're knee-deep in a relegation battle. :idiot2:


I can't back this up with direct quotes so I may be wrong, but wasn't it said from very soon after the takeover that the finances were fucked?


Anyway, back to the original question. On the financial side of things I think he does have my support - you can't escape the fact that we were financially fucked. Now we're slightly less fucked. If the unthinkable happens and we do go down, I still believe we will have a club to support and would be favourites to come back up. If we had gone down before Ashley's intervention, knowing what we know now about the finance side of things, I wouldn't be too sure we would come back, or avoid administration.


On the football side of things, I can't see how anyone can sensibly support him. If the 3 year contract for Kinnear was true rather than just a story to give the impression of consistency, then I fear for the future. If however he sticks with Shearer, or replaces him with a competent manager, and looks to appoint a Rick Parry type to do Llambias' job, then he can still salvage my support, and perhaps the majority of fans.


Any support for Ashley is likely to be ridiculed in the current predicament we're in, but I believe the current state we're in is the result of a long decline from 2004, not entirely as a result of 9 months of poor decisions.

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I, like the rest of us, have no idea what goes on. I don't believe we are in any position to comment on issues regarding the running of the club behind the scenes.


However, the whole Keegan thing really shook the place up. To be honest, I was ecstatic with the Keegan appointment like the rest of us. It just backfired horribly and we have suffered as a result. I also think he acted too late on the Shearer appointment, however good a decision it was.

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I, like the rest of us, have no idea what goes on. I don't believe we are in any position to comment on issues regarding the running of the club behind the scenes.


However, the whole Keegan thing really shook the place up. To be honest, I was ecstatic with the Keegan appointment like the rest of us. It just backfired horribly and we have suffered as a result. I also think he acted too late on the Shearer appointment, however good a decision it was.

Since September, our Manager, Vice President (Player Recruitment) and Executive Director (Football) have all left the club. None of us could be far wrong in saying the running of the club behind the scenes has been nothing short of shambolic

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I can't back this up with direct quotes so I may be wrong, but wasn't it said from very soon after the takeover that the finances were fucked?


It was said yeah, but IMO with the clear implication that they were no longer as much a problem due to the takeover. The approach for Modric and various comments about Ashley wanting to enjoy himself backed that up. I don't mind admitting I thought a billionaire coming in and making noises about clearing the debt ('the club doesn't owe a bean to anyone') meant we were consequently in a far more secure financial position to move forwards again. I was obviously wrong, but I believe I was misled.


As I said in that post, they've still been maintaining we're going places even when we're in or just above the relegation zone whilst the fans are watching the club flounder. Bonkers.

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I've voted "No", but by sacking Wise, the club doctor, seemingly giving Shearer free reign of the footballing side of things, there's still a glimmer that things could change in the summer.


Fair enough, I agree with that.

I just dont get the impression that he sits at home or in his office, thinking things through and about what is next in his steps to develop NUFC.

The Shearer appointment smacks of the way it will always be with him - desperate decisions at the last minute because his hand has been forced.


See, I don't think that is his job particularly.

Very few owners are hands on and as Robson stated he doesn't interfere, just sets out that he is willing to invest an extra £20 million over whatever the club can generate every year (not set in stone though to be fair as he has already gone way over that due to the club currently running at a loss) and puts the people in place to run the club and set out the 5, 10, whatever year plans.


His main failing as I see it has been that those people he has put his trust in and appointed have advised badly, appointed badly, and not halted the slide where it mattered, on the pitch. That being the case, and unlike others seeing no genuine malice in any of his actions and thinking he does have a genuine interest in the club as well as an obvious interest in his investment, I see no reason that he can't turn it around if he learns from his mistakes and gets the right people on board and he plows some more money in. So far this has been painfully slow, but at least has shown the willingness to listen and change things and that is positive (small I grant you, but it's something to hold onto at least). The barrier that will always be there though is the fact that he initially underestimated the debts and how much of a money pit the club had become. I simply don't think he has enough money any more to turn the club around in the short term. He was at least quick to realise this and put the call out to local business men to get involved and invest early on last year but it doesn't look like anyone is there to answer the call.


Basically he fucked up in the advisors he appointed and with his dwindling fortune he'll be stretched now to start over and move the club forward. If he cuts and runs, fine fuck off and I hope we get in a new owner who can hit the ground running. But (in the absence of any serious alternatives) if he strikes it lucky with Shearer, keeps learning, and feels he can find the money to cover the losses while also heavily investing in the team, then, yes...


...he has my support.

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I wouldn't brake if I saw him crossing the street. So no.


Thus killing the club at the main source - the coffers.


I can't stand the guy, i think he's fucked up nearly every major decision he's made to date, and i don't have faith in him turning the corner. But he's still the one in control of the purse strings so we're kinda inclined to support him. :undecided: Pretty twisted.

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Just a little experiment, considering we're on the verge of relegation.


Any mention of the old board and/or comparisons between the two sees this thread fucked off.


is this thread a final admittance that I was right ?



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I would love an alternative owner to support but is there one out there?


I haven't voted yet in the hope that there is someone else I can vote for so suggestions would be helpful.

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Just a little experiment, considering we're on the verge of relegation.


Any mention of the old board and/or comparisons between the two sees this thread f***ed off.


is this thread a final admittance that I was right ?



no. its the umpteenth admittance that you are a one trick pony.


btw cinnamon is all right as a take away. not great, it's no brighton grove but if you'd had a drink or twelve and you can't be arsed to go much further it'll do.

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no... this man pretty heartless to football tbh.

clearing the debt my arse.... he just moved the debt into himself.

it let me think his asking price for sold this club also including the interest of the debt. he could be wanting big interest which makes stumbling block to new potential buyer.

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No, not a chance.


Anyone who thinks an owner who inflicts 4 managers on a club in one season (and spends nothing) is a good for that club is a fucking idiot. That is exactly what Ashley has done to us. We're an embarrassement to the stripes.


This is just the tip of the iceberg/a quick skim through of his detrimental actions: Lied to us, hired Dennis Wise, gave Wise power over Keegan, spent next to nothing, lied to us, sold a couple of our best players, lied to us, hired an absolute tw@t of an interim manager (Kinnear), lied to us.....and now we find ourselves 3 games away from potential meltdown.


He has brought us to our knees, people!!!


Just think of the pain inflicted from losing to Sunderland, losing 1-5 to Liverpool, losing to Hull twice at home, seeing Keegan leave, having the nation poke us and laugh, having us below the mackems, the loss to Wigan on boxing day- ALL of that is due to Mike Ashley. ALL of it. He has turned many of us against the club we love and would die for.

Why don't we just call him "The Destroyer" from now on?



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Just a little experiment, considering we're on the verge of relegation.


Any mention of the old board and/or comparisons between the two sees this thread fucked off.


is this thread a final admittance that I was right ?




We'd probably be worse off if Shepherd had still been in charge and got us relegated under Allardyce last season. We could well have been struggling to stay in the Coca Cola following administration and a points deduction. Despite this, I can't wait to see the back of Ashley.

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