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Players Morale

Crumpy Gunt

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Hmmm let me think....do these players need mollycoddling and a Glen Roeder jellfish spine approach, or would I prefer strict rules and Shearer sticking a large boot up their under-achieving well paid arses?


What a dilemma.


I suppose I agree with you, but it's not as simple as just doing what is 'morally right', you have to always think pragmatically and go for what will help you get results. Not saying Shearer is wrong here, but the iron fist approach isn't always the best one.

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Hmmm let me think....do these players need mollycoddling and a Glen Roeder jellfish spine approach, or would I prefer strict rules and Shearer sticking a large boot up their under-achieving well paid arses?


What a dilemma.


I suppose I agree with you, but it's not as simple as just doing what is 'morally right', you have to always think pragmatically and go for what will help you get results. Not saying Shearer is wrong here, but the iron fist approach isn't always the best one.


No it isn't, which is why I think Shearer was a bit more conciliatory towards Martins after his indiscretion. Martins apologised and made his peace. Barton seems to have have got into a war of words with Shearer and consideriing that he is no furher use in our relegation struggle and his past record, he can't afford to do that.


The fact is, if most of these players had been performing well, Shearer wouldn't have been brought in with 8 games to go. It isn't down to his management that they aren't producing more.

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For fucks sake what are they (allegedly) complaining about? So you have to get to work on time... well whoop de doo don't we all. Why should these so called footballers be any different?


Yes i know some might think fining them might be excessive, but don't forget these are on thousands a week to play FOOTBALL!!!


I'm sure if i was offered their money, i could go to training (for half a day) on time then fuck off home and relax.


They've had far too easy for far too long, and that's part of the reason we're in the shite we're in. This might not provide instant results, but in the long term having a much more professional attitude off the pitch might reflect on a more professional one on it.

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“The players want to get Newcastle out of relegation trouble and want a good team spirit but don’t think this is particularly helpful.


“It is true some have been late on occasions but there are a couple of serial offenders. Some are never late and it looks like they are all being tarred with the same brush.”

A) Your performances would suggest otherwise (to the first comment).

B) Rules like this are usually enforced to weedle out the serial offenders. Good staff know it doesnt affect them so wont be bothered by them at all.


If this is true then I would suggest that this cunt is one of the people Shearer is targeting. May he fuck his knee in training and never play again (the player/source that is, not Shearer).



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Crumpy Gunt I cannot see where you're coming from at all on this one.


In fact it's quite worrying - it's about time these overpaid wankers got a kick up the arse and shown a bit of discipline. Half the bastards couldn't give a shit and it's that lack of discipline that is seriously effecting the morale, not Shearers alleged spat with Joey fucking Barton.


How anyone can blame Shearer in this instance is beyond me...

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Probably as low as its been in fuck knows how long.


So, how do folk think Alan Shearer's public slaughter of Joey Barton will be recieved by the squad? Why didn't Shearer just say that he borrowed Wengers eyes and would view it later? I doubt a public slaughtering of a team mate would do morale any good at all and would only have a negative effect on the squad.


Saying what he did has given the press another fucking field day in even more negative shite about to come the Clubs way. My worry with Shearer is that he would be more of a Souness than a SBR or Keegan/Dalglish. It should have been kept in house with no statement whatsoever.


Given that they're not going to try any less hard, I would say this is a fairly moot point.

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Michael Walker: Shearer has more than one bad apple to deal with


Wednesday, 6 May 2009


"You are not going to take the piss out of this football club and you are not going to take the piss out of this city." With these words Alan Shearer addressed a small gathering of malingering Newcastle United players one morning last week at the club's Benton training ground.



When he accepted the job at St James' Park 36 days ago, Shearer did not merely inherit a team that had won one of its previous 12 games, he took on a culture of a club that was undisciplined, unstructured and unfocused. The malaise extends beyond Joey Barton. There was a lot of drama around Barton as always yesterday, but that Shearer has been confronted with a regime where players decided when they would report for training, and where they would walk off the training ground when they thought they had done enough, is the real story at Newcastle.


Shearer is challenging that. It is a draining business when concentration should be elsewhere. But so frayed had the day-to-day culture become that Shearer is having to expend energy and time ensuring that the basics of time-keeping, fitness and mutual respect are in place.


So Shearer emerges as a disciplinarian, but is it zealous to request players arrive for work on time? Is that request not a reflection of lapsed standards of the sort that would not be tolerated at amateur level, never mind at Arsenal or Manchester United?


Shearer has taken on the challenge of turning round a club in eight games. In truth it may take three seasons. There has been no upward spike in Newcastle's results in five games so far. And Shearer will know that he has not got every selection, substitution and tactical switch right – there has been one goal scored in five matches.


But privately and publicly the vast majority of the squad state the benefit of Shearer's arrival and the injection of professionalism he has implemented. Defender Habib Beye was the latest to say so yesterday, and to plead with Shearer to stay beyond this month.


In dropping Michael Owen at Liverpool on Sunday, a decision that must have been troubling due to their friendship, Shearer has also demonstrated managerial strength. But it has not just been about orders. He has tried inclusivity, and to a degree that has worked, morale has improved. In the case of Barton, moreover, there was appeasement before aggression.


Barton should have tried things in that order too perhaps. But Newcastle need Alan Shearer more than ever.



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The way I see this is that we have a bunch of players who are not here to play for the club, but only for the money. It's as easy as that.


Never mind relegation or surviving, what this club needs is a massive clear out due to overpaid players and bad culture.

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The way I see this is that we have a bunch of players who are not here to play for the club, but only for the money. It's as easy as that.


Never mind relegation or surviving, what this club needs is a massive clear out due to overpaid players and bad culture.


When Allardyce did it we actually managed to replace said overpaid players with even worse ones, so is that really what we need?


Granted there are a few players so far over the hill they need to be replaced regardless, but I think we'll be better off building on the resources we already have.

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The way I see this is that we have a bunch of players who are not here to play for the club, but only for the money. It's as easy as that.


Never mind relegation or surviving, what this club needs is a massive clear out due to overpaid players and bad culture.


When Allardyce did it we actually managed to replace said overpaid players with even worse ones, so is that really what we need?


Granted there are a few players so far over the hill they need to be replaced regardless, but I think we'll be better off building on the resources we already have.


That is true, but then you can ask whether a £40,000++ salary is justified when NUFC ain't competing for anything. We haven't done that for years now. I'd rather prefer we went for less known and demanding players,and focused on those willing to put in an effort toward achieving something. It's extremly difficult to build a culture like the one man utd have, but that should be our goal. Dietmar Hamann did very well for us , and although you could argue that he, and a handful of others like woodgate and so on, left due to personal ambitions.. atleast they put in an effort and played an important role.

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The transfer policies of Wigan recently/currently ('youngish' talent with the hunger to prove themselves) and Portsmouth under Redknapp (athletic/big players with decent ability) would be pretty good ones to adopt, with the bonus being that if things work out, we'd be in a position to hold onto any gems we do uncover.


There's no reason why we couldn't adopt policies like those. Adopting an intelligent policy like those of the two examples given would probably see us land more Bassongs and Jonas' as opposed to the numerous slow, talentless, weak or expensive flops that we've filled the squad with.

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If we go down you could make a case that Shearer should have tread more lightly with some players egos....although it wouldn't be much of a case considering we were in freefall before he arrived. Personally I think as long as he is prepared to stay on next season relegation is a pill I am prepared to swallow. It's a long road back but at least some standards are being set.

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The transfer policies of Wigan recently/currently ('youngish' talent with the hunger to prove themselves) and Portsmouth under Redknapp (athletic/big players with decent ability) would be pretty good ones to adopt, with the bonus being that if things work out, we'd be in a position to hold onto any gems we do uncover.


There's no reason why we couldn't adopt policies like those. Adopting an intelligent policy like those of the two examples given would probably see us land more Bassongs and Jonas' as opposed to the numerous slow, talentless, weak or expensive flops that we've filled the squad with.


Portsmouth's policy under Redknapp has pretty much bankrupted them though.

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The transfer policies of Wigan recently/currently ('youngish' talent with the hunger to prove themselves) and Portsmouth under Redknapp (athletic/big players with decent ability) would be pretty good ones to adopt, with the bonus being that if things work out, we'd be in a position to hold onto any gems we do uncover.


There's no reason why we couldn't adopt policies like those. Adopting an intelligent policy like those of the two examples given would probably see us land more Bassongs and Jonas' as opposed to the numerous slow, talentless, weak or expensive flops that we've filled the squad with.


Portsmouth's policy under Redknapp has pretty much bankrupted them though.



Isn't Everton a better example?

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I would have thought that player's morale is helped when there are a set of rules that apply to everyone so that the so called "stars" of the squad can't take the piss out of the club and their team mates by turning up for "work" when they feel like it, for example. That type of indiscipline can only foster resentment amongst the players which will be reflected in results.


Going back to CG's original post, I'm all for Barton being hung out to dry because that sends out the clearest of messages, both inside the club and to the wider football world, that the club aren't going to be taken for mugs in the future by players who only want to come here for the easy money. I know we will lose millions on Barton as an asset, but I think it's worth it if it's the start of a new era of professionalism led by Alan Shearer.

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I would have thought that player's morale is helped when there are a set of rules that apply to everyone so that the so called "stars" of the squad can't take the piss out of the club and their team mates by turning up for "work" when they feel like it, for example. That type of indiscipline can only foster resentment amongst the players which will be reflected in results.


Going back to CG's original post, I'm all for Barton being hung out to dry because that sends out the clearest of messages, both inside the club and to the wider football world, that the club aren't going to be taken for mugs in the future by players who only want to come here for the easy money. I know we will lose millions on Barton as an asset, but I think it's worth it if it's the start of a new era of professionalism led by Alan Shearer.




i hope

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Fittest I've Felt Says Toon Ace Duff


By Craig Hope


DAMIEN Duff says that he feels fitter than he has ever done in a black-and-white shirt since the arrival of Alan Shearer and Iain Dowie.


The Irishman, with 28 starts this term, has only Fabricio Coloccini and Nicky Butt ahead of him in the appearances chart.


Duff has figured in every match under new boss Shearer and has won praise from the Geordie gaffer in recent weeks having deputised for the injured Jose Enrique in the left-back berth.


And the former Chelsea ace admits that's he more than happy to do whatever job the manager asks of him.


"It's no problem," he told nufcTV. "Whatever job needs doing for the team then I'll do it.


"I've played left-back a couple of times before and I feel comfortable there."


And Duff says that he is enjoying life under the new regime of Shearer and coach Dowie.


"Since the gaffer's come in he's brought Iain Dowie and the training has been excellent," he added.


"I must say it's the best I've felt since I come to the club.


"I feel fit and sharp.


"You get your match sharpness from training and that's been fantastic so I'm enjoying it."


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I wonder who the piss takers are? I guess we'll find out in the summer when they get shipped out. They may not be fan's favourites but I bet the likes of Butt and Duff are good professionals.


Can't believe anyone would be against the club becoming more professional. Being professional works for the successful teams. Is it any wonder we're not successful?

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Owen all smiles at Chester Races...


As an aside, Phil Brown's also there and has just been interviewed. My morale has taken a huge dent because of this and my TV screen has turned bastard orange. :angry:

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I wonder who the piss takers are? I guess we'll find out in the summer when they get shipped out. They may not be fan's favourites but I bet the likes of Butt and Duff are good professionals.


Can't believe anyone would be against the club becoming more professional. Being professional works for the successful teams. Is it any wonder we're not successful?


Maybe there are some pointers on who the piss takers are on the "Players in Public" thread?

And I think you're right about Butt and Duff.


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I cant imagine there's too many players defending Barton's corner. They know what he's done, and if the reports are true that he said he's the best player at the club etc, surely that woudln't have done him any favours with his teammates?

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I would have thought that player's morale is helped when there are a set of rules that apply to everyone so that the so called "stars" of the squad can't take the piss out of the club and their team mates by turning up for "work" when they feel like it, for example. That type of indiscipline can only foster resentment amongst the players which will be reflected in results.


Going back to CG's original post, I'm all for Barton being hung out to dry because that sends out the clearest of messages, both inside the club and to the wider football world, that the club aren't going to be taken for mugs in the future by players who only want to come here for the easy money. I know we will lose millions on Barton as an asset, but I think it's worth it if it's the start of a new era of professionalism led by Alan Shearer.



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I wonder who the piss takers are? I guess we'll find out in the summer when they get shipped out. They may not be fan's favourites but I bet the likes of Butt and Duff are good professionals.


Can't believe anyone would be against the club becoming more professional. Being professional works for the successful teams. Is it any wonder we're not successful?


Maybe there are some pointers on who the piss takers are on the "Players in Public" thread?

And I think you're right about Butt and Duff.


I would have thought so. Xisco seems to be spotted out drinking a lot and he's done nothing for us yet. Jonas and Martins seem to like to party too.


You can do that when things are going well. When things are going badly you shouldn't be seen out on the piss.

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At the end of the day they are earning in one week what the majority of people are earning in 2 years, maybe even 3 or 4. When these people save up all season for another season ticket to see their team perform once a fortnight I think it is an utter piss take that these are seen at all in the town drinking. They should at least have enough respect for the fans to say - "I have to show some discipline and show that I am determined to help them get their club out this mess." Fair enough going out for a meal with the missus or a few mates or whatever but going on a "night out" is pretty shambolic.


Like previously mentioned - doing it when your performing is fair enough, but when you aren't it is pretty disrespectful.

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