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The England Thread


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I have a question, since we badly need a decent right back, why not call up Micah Richards instead?

Guy on ITV seemed to think the only other options were Jones/Smalling, but I don't rate either at right back.


Also, have no idea why Liverpool's Nile Ranger has also got a call up. What's he done in the last year?

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Isn't Adrian Chiles half Croatian? That comment wasn't racist in the slightest but anyone who thinks it was would have to be pretty naive to think a descendent of an immigrant was being racist towards immigrants :lol:

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Worth sacking for his annoying face, grating voice, shit craic, bad presenting, boring personality and now shit your pants walk. The only thing his joke has in common with racism is its about as funny as it, but fuck me if it gets the horrible dour cunt sacked then please for the love of god every fucker ring up and be morally outraged.

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Someone who was either a blind deaf or a virulent liar must have told this man he was funny years ago and he has managed to take this and start a career. How can someone with no charisma or playing history and only a rudimentary knowledge of the game be so prominent in the presentation of it?

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Someone who was either a blind deaf or a virulent liar must have told this man he was funny years ago and he has managed to take this and start a career. How can someone with no charisma or playing history and only a rudimentary knowledge of the game be so prominent in the presentation of it?


Because itv thought they were stealing the next best thing to launch their new morning show only for it to fall flat on its arse and rather than have him twiddling his thumbs for £2m a year they let him host the football till the contract is done.


Bit like when the stole Ross kemp again from the bbc without realising he's a one trick pony, he's grant Mitchell in whatever he does.

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It is going to be almost like a home game in a way for them. We can't ignore the number of Poles in the UK just in case it offends somebody. The building work comment could cause offence but howay.

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Guest Roger Kint

Cant believe we have given them 18000 tickets tomorrow. What a stupid sack of twats the FA are, bad enough Owl face doing his best to scupper our qualification never mind them getting 20% of the ground.

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Apparently England to play Australia at Wembley next month, provided England are qualified for the World Cup. Will be good to get the confidence up like France did, we are fucking shit. May get a response from the new manager whoever it may be, but well still get beat convincingly.

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I don't see the Poles getting 20% seating as a big deal, personally. Would much rather they were seats occupied by our fans, but I can't see it having a large bearing on the result.

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I don't see the Poles getting 20% seating as a big deal, personally. Would much rather they were seats occupied by our fans, but I can't see it having a large bearing on the result.


They would have just bought home tickets anyway I guess, so it seems sensible.

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