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Id say taking Spurs from bottom of the league to title/top 4 challengers is a damn good achievement. As for bankrupting Pompey, I'd be pretty sure Redknapp had little to do with the clubs internal finances and was only spending money he was allocated in charge. Managed to build a good side there too.


Aye, he's not gods gift to management like the press like to claim and aye, he's a bit of a cunt but to write him off as a total fraud is a biased and unfair view tbh.



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As I said, utterly pointless.


What did Kevin Keegan win? What has Pardew won? Roy Hodgson even?


Redknapp isn't the greatest manager on this planet, far from it, but he would have been a far better appointment than Hodgson.


Err. Roy's won quite a lot..

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Id say taking Spurs from bottom of the league to title/top 4 challengers is a damn good achievement. As for bankrupting Pompey, I'd be pretty sure Redknapp had little to do with the clubs internal finances and was only spending money he was allocated in charge. Managed to build a good side there too.


Aye, he's not gods gift to management like the press like to claim and aye, he's a bit of a cunt but to write him off as a total fraud is a biased and unfair view tbh.


That Spurs side had been built up for many years beforehand, with Jol doing an excellent job. They twice finished marginally 5th before a bad appointment with Ramos.


All he did was do what Jol did except that Liverpool had a disasterous season so instead of finishing 5th they took 4th. To say he took a relegation side to 4th is the kind of fraudulent bollocks that his reputation is built on.

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Id say taking Spurs from bottom of the league to title/top 4 challengers is a damn good achievement. As for bankrupting Pompey, I'd be pretty sure Redknapp had little to do with the clubs internal finances and was only spending money he was allocated in charge. Managed to build a good side there too.


Aye, he's not gods gift to management like the press like to claim and aye, he's a bit of a cunt but to write him off as a total fraud is a biased and unfair view tbh.




He took charge of Spurs before the January transfer window, though. I remember him playing against us end of December, where we won with Duff scoring that late late goal.


He needed the transfer window. With the same players they had after that surely Juande Ramos would have done better, too.

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Roy Hodgeson has won absolutely nothing of note.



List his "8 league titles" then? I'm guessing they were won in top leagues such as the Bundesliga, Serie A (Maybe he won a few when he was at Inter?) or La Liga? He didn't win the Premiership did he?
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Roy Hodgeson has won absolutely nothing of note.



List his "8 league titles" then? I'm guessing they were won in top leagues such as the Bundesliga, Seria A (Maybe he won a few when he was at Inter?) or La Liga? He didn't win the Premiership did he?


So you've gone from 'He never won anything' to 'The things he's won don't count'. How very adult

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Roy Hodgeson has won absolutely nothing of note.



List his "8 league titles" then? I'm guessing they were won in top leagues such as the Bundesliga, Seria A (Maybe he won a few when he was at Inter?) or La Liga? He didn't win the Premiership did he?


So you've gone from 'He never won anything' to 'The things he's won don't count'. How very adult

I was obviously using perspective like.
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Redknapp is a dopey little Englander, just like the press over here. There's no way he'd be able to be a success managing in different countries, learning different languages and cultures, helping build entire national set-ups from the ground up like he did in Switzerland.


Half of Spurs' fanbase wants rid of Redknapp and every single set of supporters of his previous clubs despise him. He's a chancer with basic coaching credentials and a history of being tactically inept when it matters. Roy's coaching history and respect in the game completely outstrips him, but of course it didn't happen on these shores so it didn't happen full stop.

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Winning 8 league titles in impressive, regardless of where (except Scotland, but he didn't win it there). Besides, he's by far a better choice because if nothing else he's going to take a much keener interest in the grassroots side, i.e. St George's Park than Redknapp ever would have. We're shite at the moment, no manager will win us anything without gallons of luck, period. Better someone like Roy who has experience winning a lot in different places and will take a real interest in our development for the future (the only way we will ever catch up imo) than someone like Cuntknapp who has won fuck all and will at best maybe give a temporary boost to some of our cunt players who want one of da boyz in charge.

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I think it's churlish to suggest Redknapp hasn't done a good job at Spurs, sure they've got good players and a decent budget but we've seen with clubs like Spurs, Newcastle and Villa in the past 20 years that this isn't necessarily a surefire way to lead a club to finishes of 4th, 5th and 4th like he has.  He's implemented an attractive style of play and turned them into a serious opposition when there's been times over the years that they've been a bit of a joke.


He built a good side at Portsmouth with the money that they gave him and winning the FA Cup with them was a good achievement, look at the list of FA Cup winners in the last 20 years if you don't believe me.  Everton-aside they're all 'top clubs', and even Everton are a much bigger club.  And he had them playing good stuff in the league and finishing in the top 8 I think it was.


Besides those 2 stints I agree that his career has been mediocre at best.  I think he's an absolute twat and the press love-in with him is sickening and wrong but the case for him to be England manager was primarily built on him being the top-performing English manager in the league over the last 3 seasons.


I'm happy enough with Hodgson though, just saying it's daft to say Redknapp is a crap manager who didn't deserve to be in the running.

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Redknapp is a dopey little Englander, just like the press over here. There's no way he'd be able to be a success managing in different countries, learning different languages and cultures, helping build entire national set-ups from the ground up like he did in Switzerland.


How on earth is any of this relative?
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Because you're trying to say Hodgson has done nothing of note, when he's a well respected coach across Europe with a track record for improving teams and winning titles while having a reputation for working very well behind the scenes and in terms of grass roots development. Something Redknapp would never dream of doing because he doesn't have to scope, intelligence or interest in doing.


It's an extremely one eyed view to say that Hodgson has achieved nothing of note in his career compared to Redknapp.

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Redknapp is a dopey little Englander, just like the press over here. There's no way he'd be able to be a success managing in different countries, learning different languages and cultures, helping build entire national set-ups from the ground up like he did in Switzerland.


How on earth is any of this relative?

Are you say that the fact Hodgson got Switzerland into 3rd in the world record doesn't matter, and that it didn't play on the FA's mind when makeing the decision. :lol:

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I think it's churlish to suggest Redknapp hasn't done a good job at Spurs, sure they've got good players and a decent budget but we've seen with clubs like Spurs, Newcastle and Villa in the past 20 years that this isn't necessarily a surefire way to lead a club to finishes of 4th, 5th and 4th like he has.  He's implemented an attractive style of play and turned them into a serious opposition when there's been times over the years that they've been a bit of a joke.


He built a good side at Portsmouth with the money that they gave him and winning the FA Cup with them was a good achievement, look at the list of FA Cup winners in the last 20 years if you don't believe me.  Everton-aside they're all 'top clubs', and even Everton are a much bigger club.  And he had them playing good stuff in the league and finishing in the top 8 I think it was.


Besides those 2 stints I agree that his career has been mediocre at best.  I think he's an absolute twat and the press love-in with him is sickening and wrong but the case for him to be England manager was primarily built on him being the top-performing English manager in the league over the last 3 seasons.


I'm happy enough with Hodgson though, just saying it's daft to say Redknapp is a crap manager who didn't deserve to be in the running.



I actually like Roy Hodgeson fwiw. I just don't really see how he can be classed as a better manager than Redknapp.

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It's pretty much impossible to say who is the 'better' manager in most situations, bearing in mind the different budgets, clubs, players etc.


I would much prefer Hodgson as England manager because having Redknapp appear in the media even more than he does would be unbearable.

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Redknapp is a very good manager IMO, ignoring his personality and wobbly face.


I was really looking forward to the media turning on him though, so it would have been win/win for me had he been appointed.

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Redknapp is a dopey little Englander, just like the press over here. There's no way he'd be able to be a success managing in different countries, learning different languages and cultures, helping build entire national set-ups from the ground up like he did in Switzerland.


How on earth is any of this relative?

Are you say that the fact Hodgson got Switzerland into 3rd in the world record doesn't matter, and that it didn't play on the FA's mind when makeing the decision. :lol:

I'm more onabout the fact about Redknapp being a bit of a dodgy English spiv with no culture ect.


But anyway, after checking, his "3rd best side in the world" was knocked out in the last 16 of the only tournament they played in under him. This was also pushing 20 years ago.

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He's got a terrible personality, a wobbly face, is a crook, taps up players in plain view of public, is hated by all previous and current supporters, leaves a trail of financial destruction, next to no trophy success despite 30 years in the game, sides persistently bottles big occasions and will happily proclaim he has no interest in tactics or coaching.


Apart from that he's mint.

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He's got a terrible personality, a wobbly face, is a crook, taps up players in plain view of public, is hated by all previous and current supporters, leaves a trail of financial destruction, next to no trophy success despite 30 years in the game, sides persistently bottles big occasions and will happily proclaim he has no interest in tactics or coaching.


Apart from that he's mint.


I was thinking of a better way to say why I hate him, thanks for saving the bother.

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