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He's a great player occaisionally. If he turns up absolutely must be in the team, most the time will look dangerous occaisionally then fluff his lines.


Ox no idea really as hasn't played enough but seems to have range of passing to at least keep ball going. Personally though I'd stick Ox on left Walcot on right and young and carroll up front and be done with it.

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Walcott's main problem is that he's so inconsistent. That's what holding him back from being a really top player and that's also the reason why he's not rated so highly.

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whatever happens. Downing must not play! really disappointed he was picked ahead of adam johnson who i know doesn't play much for city but when he does he's always good for a goal or assist. None of which downing has contributed this year

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To me, Walcott just doesn't cut at International level as much as when he first burst onto the scene as a youngster.


I just don't rate him that much at this level. Think his decision making is poor and other than pace, he offers very little to general play for England.

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Is Cleverley any good btw? Saw quite a few people raving about him but whenever I've watched him he doesn't exactly look top class if you know what I mean.

Not convinced. Don't think he is anywhere near as good as he is made out to be. Next season will be make or break with him at Manure.


I'm in the yet to be fully convinced brigade too. Looked alreet but I remain to be fully convinced.


That's what I'm saying. Looked alright but I wouldn't exactly say he looked a class act, not compared to when I've seen Chamberlain and Wilshere anyway.

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Lescott had a brilliant season, should definitely be starting at the euros.


All true but like Ronaldo pointed out Cahill has a better partnership with Terry and Lescott plays the same position as Terry.


I would personally play Lescott and Cahill from the names but Terry will play and i think Hodgson will pick Cahill alongside him because of the fact they play together for Chelsea.


Dont think i agree with it but i reckon thats what he will do.

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I think centre half is one of the last areas we've got to worry about. It's going forward we seem to lack talent, ability, cohesion & skill.


Yep, our midfield, in particular, is shocking. All of our main/natural central midfielders (Lampard, Parker and Gerrard) are all over 30.

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Only just realised Rooney has just had his best ever goalscoring season. I hope he is massive for us and that we get past the first 2 games unscathed.


It's an odd one because he hasn't quite seemed to be having an amazing season. It seems mainly because the burden of scoring has fallen on him mainly rather than spread more evenly, with Hernandez being injured and Fergie refusing to use Berbatov, but it's symptomatic of their season, scarily efficient, oddly unimpressive

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I think Cahill's better. He's a far better partner for Terry anyway.


The latter is why I'd play him ahead of Lescott, continuity and understanding means a lot at this level.

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Only just realised Rooney has just had his best ever goalscoring season. I hope he is massive for us and that we get past the first 2 games unscathed.


Such a player. We should set up to get the very best out of him and Lampard, and we'll do well.

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If Hodgson picks the team according to the way he's given out the numbers 1 - 11, then it'll be -



Johnson Terry Cahill Cole

Walcott Gerrard Lampard Young

Rooney Carroll


It's a fairly predictable first team apart from Gerrard and Lampard in CM.


Haven't Chelsea tried Lampard in a holding role for parts of games recently? I'm not sure it'd work, but I'd actually like to see us give it a try against Belgium.

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Gerrard being captain puts the England side in a straight jacket. That means he is going to play despite going into the tournament in the poorest form in his career.


Lampard I can handle, if the team is built around his ability to find a goal.


As much as I don't like Terry, having a Chelsea trio in the back four makes total sense, especially with their heroics in the champions league.

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