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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)   

186 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you / do you intend to pledge to the 1892 Pledge scheme orchestrated by the NUST?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We recently wrote to you regarding the NUST annual election process that invited members to express interest in standing for one of four (4) available positions on the board of NUST for a period of three years.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank NUST members who expressed an interest in applying for a position on the Board.

Following the first stage in the election process (Registrations of Interest: 25th Nov – 2nd Dec) we can now confirm that there were three (3) candidates, and as a result we do not need to proceed to next stages as outlined in our election process.

Therefore, we can confirm that the following Members have applied for, and have been successful in securing a place on the Board of NUST:

Michael Martin

Alex Hurst

Paul Karter

The nomination statements submitted by Michael, Alex and Paul can be found HERE.

The Board wish to thank outgoing board members Marc Corby, Michael Mannion and Peter Maughan for their contributions to the Board and wish them all the best for the future.

The appointment of new Board members will be confirmed at the NUST Annual AGM on 12th January 2023, and the newly constituted Board will meet shortly afterwards.

We will be writing out to members with further details of the AGM in the near future and hope members are available to attend and chat to our Board about our plans for the future.

The club is in a transitional period following a change of ownership, and we are looking forward to a brighter future both on and off the field, and what is clear is that supporters (via fan engagement) should play a central role in shaping the future of Newcastle United.

The Board is happy to confirm that early engagement with recently appointed club officials suggest that NUST will have an important contribution to make.

Please join us in welcoming Michael, Alex and Paul to the Board.

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9 minutes ago, christ said:

Did the nomination statements from the usual crowd in here get lost in the post or something?


Michael Martin



In my lifetime supporting Newcastle United (from the early 1970s and a season ticket for 35 years) there has not been a better time to support The Mags.


The club is bursting with ambition and professionalism at last. It seems a day doesn’t go by without a key appointment being made who will transform the club for the better.


It looks like United is getting everything right and there’s no question the ownership has the full backing of supporters, and we are all pulling in the same direction.


In recent years, supporters have witnessed the power of collective action in delivering tangible benefits for our club and the people who support it.


Outside St James’ Park on every match-day we see the brilliant work of the Newcastle United Fans Foodbank who have raised extraordinary funds to help disadvantaged people in our Geordie communities. Money is raised from the generosity of supporters.


Inside St James’ Park, the displays organised by Wor Flags, funded by supporters have transformed the match-day atmosphere and as Eddie Howe and his players confirm, provided extra support to the team and created an environment for a winning culture.


I was recently at an NUST organised night where the £200K+ raised from the Pledge 1892 scheme (which I had contributed to) was donated to local charities amongst them the Alan Shearer Foundation, Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, Newcastle United Fans Foodbank and the Newcastle United Foundation.


These are examples of supporters working selflessly and together to deliver real benefits for those across the Northeast. Co-operation for the common good. This spirit in action is the cornerstone of supporter activism which we can build upon.


I would love to see NUST increase its engagement with these good causes and act as a bridge between them and fans.


I am a firm believer in collective action. I’ve been a Labour Party member and Trade Unionist all my working life and in 2009 when editor of the TRUE FAITH fanzine, with others established the Newcastle United Supporters Trust. I would later serve as a board member and representative of the Football Supporters Association national council.


My fan activism stretches further back. In the late 1980s, I played an informal part in the fan-backed moves to remove the old board led by Gordon McKeag, later campaigned with Sunderland fans against the away fan ticket ban for derby matches in 1996 (something I’d later return to in the 2000s as Police attempted to impose bubble trips upon supporters).


As an FSA Council and NUST board member I was in the delegation that met Richard Scudamore (PL Chief Executive) to campaign successfully for cheaper tickets for supporters under the 20’s Plenty.


In the unhappy Ashley era, I was active in organising protests and campaigned for the sale of Newcastle United. As editor of TRUE FAITH, I led the publication of several articles detailing Ashley’s appalling stewardship simultaneously informing fans and challenging the national media narrative.


In later years with several others, I formed Gallowgate Flags (fore-runner of Wor Flags) and played a key role organising early fund-raising of those first displays.


As with everything good at NUFC, this is a huge team effort with everyone pulling in the same direction. I am thrilled how it has flourished.


I work in the public sector and hold a demanding, high-level post in a sensitive national area of policy and delivery. My work takes me into challenging negotiations with politicians and senior public sector officers across central and local government.


I hold an MA in Social Sciences and other qualifications in politics, public administration and economics.


In my younger years I served as a union official, was a delegate to national conference with responsibility for supporting members and campaigning for improved terms and conditions.


I am in my late 50s, live with my partner and have one adult child of whom I am extraordinarily proud. It’s an ambition of mine to learn a foreign language and become competent playing a musical instrument. That’s for my retirement now on the horizon.


In 1999 I established the TRUE FAITH, Newcastle United fanzine, credited as one of the most successful and respected publications of its type. It has subsequently grown to deliver high quality supporter-led coverage across multiple platforms with an aspiration to be intelligent, balanced and respectful of other supporter opinions.


If elected to the NUST board, my ambition will be to deliver for fellow supporters on bread and butter issues of ticketing, safety, safe-standing, merchandising and match day experience for home and away fans.


I believe the developing era at Newcastle United will bring new challenges and we should be prepared for them.


Stadium safety has improved greatly since my younger days but as Liverpool fans experienced in Paris at the CL Final in May they have not been cured completely and policing remains an issue fans’ representatives have to be concerned with.


We have an opportunity with new PL standards on fan engagement, the Crouch review and an expressed sentiment within Newcastle United to build a club as an exemplar in reaching to all areas of the community.


It may be seem obvious but if I am honoured to be elected, I will be determined to represent the wishes of NUST members and respect democratic decisions and be accountable for the board’s actions.


My intention is to work with my fellow board members and NUFC to support it become the club we wish whilst ensuring supporters are at front and centre of all decision making.


I see my strengths in developing strategy, policy, problem-solving and straight talking. I believe I am a good judge of character and will represent members as the occasion demands it.


I am aware of my need to listen and understand the aspirations of our members.


My commitment to do that and act accordingly is absolute.

Alex Hurst


I am standing for the Board of the Newcastle United Supporters Trust to finish the job I started in 2019 when we relaunched this organisation. The Trust must now establish itself as the foremost supporter institution with Newcastle United. That is the job that lies ahead of the Trust and I keen to make it a reality so that the voices of supporters are heard as the club enters a transformative era on and off the pitch.


Since October 2021 this club has excelled. Fans, owners, players, and club staff working together has delivered what Newcastle United supporters always knew was possible. While investment in the first team has been significant, the results have been spectacular and are the product of a football club delivering more than the sum of its parts.


Newcastle United have nice problems to have. The stadium is too small to cope with demand. I’m not sure those outside of the region understand how difficult it is to get tickets. We’re fortunate the team is absolutely class but lots of teams have been very good for a long time and haven’t experienced demand like this. Questions about extending or leaving St James’ Park need fan input at the club as ultimately those decisions affect supporters. It is essential the trust is leading the way in canvassing members and delivering important feedback and engagement to the club on this matter.


Tickets for away games are ever more in demand and the subject of an ever-increasing debate between those fans who see loyalty as the most important factor in allocating ticket and those who feel like watching Newcastle United away from home is an impossible dream. It is essential the club continue to engage with the Trust on this matter and it is vital Trust members present views so they can be put to the club.


The Trust is more important than ever in its capacity to be able to give fans a voice through Newcastle United’s fan engagement programme which I’m pleased to say I’ve witnessed begin to develop. The club are hiring key supporter engagement staff. All of this is positive and unthinkable just two years ago.


When I was lucky enough to meet with club shareholders Amanda Staveley and Merhdad Ghodoussi in April their message was clear. They insist that they want Newcastle United to be the best at everything on and off the pitch. I admire their vision. I think that Newcastle United should have the best supporter dialogue process in the Premier League. This can only happen with a strong Supporters Trust with an engaged, growing membership.


For much of the last two years I dedicated a significant amount of my time to the 1892 Pledge Scheme. Our goal was to be ready with some sort of significant fund should the club fall through the leagues, something that was almost a certainty before we were saved by the takeover. We convinced 7,000 people to raise over £200,000 in six months. I don’t believe any other fanbase could have done this. Fortunately, the Pledge Scheme wasn’t required, and we were able to donate the money to four worthy local causes.


The Pledge Scheme is over, and I now have more time to finish the job of building this Trust into what it needs to become for the good of our support and football club. I was fortunate to be elected in 2019 by Trust members and I hope the subsequent achievements in my three-year stint validated your decision to elect me.


The Trust is not perfect and can improve in many areas. Communication to members must improve. What we need from members are views on Newcastle United but then often the Trust doesn’t communicate well enough what happens to those views collected or how they’re communicated to the football club. The Trust needs to tap into Newcastle United’s growing international fan base better and seek to represent those supporters as well as supporters like me who attend home and away games regularly. There is much I want the Trust to improve on.


I’m fortunate some of the projects I’ve worked on or launched have been beneficial to supporters over the years including Gallowgate Flags, relaunching the Trust, and creating the 1892 Pledge Scheme. My involvement in all those projects was nothing compared to thousands of fans mobilising to make them a reality and make them successful. It is for those people I am seeking re-election. This is the best football club in the world with the best supporters in the world. It would be a privilege to do another three years on the Board of your Supporters Trust

Paul Karter



Who am I?


Born and raised in Kenton I’ve lived in Newcastle my entire life, apart from a small sabbatical as a student when I studied in Manchester at the start of the Man United glory years! My last year as a student was when we got so close under King Kev. What a sickener being in Manchester back then!


My Dad took me to my first game back in 1979, and I don’t think he’s been back since. Through the early 80s, my Grandad used to take my cousin and I, obviously leaving the ground 5 minutes early, to “miss the traffic.”


I’ve lived and breathed all things NUFC since I was knee high to a grasshopper and have held a season ticket in the Leazes for over 30 years. From the dark days of Jim Smith, Ossie Ardiles and Joe Kinnear through the nearly years of KK and Sir Bobby Robson; and back down to rank mediocrity, I’ve seen the lot! The Ashley era was one long pit of hell and the 7th of October 2021 changed every toon fan’s life. We are back and hope shines bright on Barrack Road.


I’m an occasional away tripper too, usually managing 3-4 games a season. Gone are the long trips with zero hope. We go away in fine fettle these days.


In recent years, I’ve been a regular contributor to the True Faith podcast, a prominent NUFC fanzine, writing a number of the previews and ad hoc articles. I also enjoy being part of the Ever More You Tube podcast, where we discuss all things NUFC on a weekly basis and engage with our 2000 subscribers.


Why vote for me in the upcoming elections?


Look, I’m not gonna sit here and promise you the earth. I’m not going to change how the already successful Trust is run. I just want to add some value as a long serving fan. I want to have a voice!


The Trust has already done some magnificent work over the past year, none better than raising over £200K for the pledge scheme, headed up by Alex Hurst. Seeing the takeover pass through and this cash going to 4 magnificent causes was amazing to be a small part of.


They’ve been integral in the fan-led review of football and with the new head of communications at NUFC, Sarah Medcalf, the Trust, alongside other fan led organisations have really started to open dialogue with the club.


Having been deprived of any communication under Ashley, I want to help push this communication forward in the following areas:


• Fair ticketing prices and allocation

• Continued diversity and multi-cultural relations with the clubs

• The continued incorporation of the ladies’ team into the club


On top of my agenda is the emotive subject of ticket availability – How do we, as Trust members, continue to look at how the next generation of fans (your sons and daughters, your nieces and nephews, your grandkids) get to see a slice of this magnificent journey that Amanda and the board, alongside Eddie Howe and his team, are taking us all on.


“NUST exists to provide a formal way for supporters of NUFC to have their voices heard. Our focus is to develop strong lines of communication between members and the club. We aim to have significant influence on key supporter issues” – This is the Trust’s Mission Statement. I want to help continue the great work that’s under way.


Communication is key. As a member of the Trust, I want to help, even in small doses, to keep lines of communication open with the club.


Together we are stronger


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Football supporter politics is worse than student politics - it is more delusional and more corrupt, and is of even less importance.  More akin to social club boards than anything.


I do find it hilarious that they think their voices will be listened to, mind, no matter how much arse-licking they do.  They’ll find themselves speaking to PIF even less often than they managed to with Ashley. 

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2 hours ago, nbthree3 said:


Michael Martin


Alex Hurst

Paul Karter



No, not them. I meant the posters who have some very strong views about NUST, what’s wrong with it and how it should operate. God knows we’ve got a few.

It’s very disappointing that none of them appear to have thrown their hat into the ring. I thought we’d at least manage one.

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