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Haven't we been training at St James' Park recently? Maybe Sissoko just turned up at the wrong place :lol:


they went back to training at benton because pardew complained about the SJP pitch


Add this to the list of excuses, quick.


"We was a bit disappointed with the pitch, I think we lost focus and shape and that's not what the fans want to see, they're intelligent enough to know that. So that's something I'll try and address and maybe change for next week. 100%, for sure."

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Guest Geordiesned

Excellent piece by Mark Jenson in response to that tosser Edward's hatchet job:


When In Doubt, Blame The French


1 hour ago by Mark Jensen


In adversity, whether it is in football or in your everyday life, the biggest factor in pulling yourself out of a bad situation is being able to stick together and help each other.


What goes on at St.James’ Park is as always a mystery to most of us and while the rumour mill on Tyneside hasn’t turned as quickly in recent times as it once did, it is now showing signs of picking up momentum once again.


With United spectacularly falling apart on the pitch compared to last season, there was always going to be a blame game at the end of the season, however it is really kicking off now with three matches to go to ensure Premier League safety.


This is what the Telegraph have had to say today;


‘The tension is believed to be down to the fact some individuals have been more interested in complaining about tactics and worrying about their own personal agendas rather than helping the club to survive in the Premier League.


Telegraph Sport understands there is concern than the large French contingent on Tyneside do not care as much about the team’s demise and have failed to grasp what is needed to succeed in English football.’


This is pretty strong stuff, claiming professional footballers ‘do not care as much about the team’s demise’ as some of their teammates. The biog weakness of these claims is that the ‘information’ could only have come from one or more inside the club. I’m not much of a Bible reader but even I know that you shouldn’t go throwing stones/blame around unless you are blameless yourself – and who inside St.James’ Park could claim that?!!


So the French who were claimed to be our saviours/liberators are now supposed to be the ones we have to blame?


Well obviously when they arrived in January they’ve gone about ruining what was a great season up until then…


The dismal defeat to Reading in the middle of January showed exactly how far we’d sunk.


Without the likes of Sissoko, Gouffran and others, we would never have picked up the wins against the likes of Villa, Chelsea, Southampton and others.


Newcastle United would have already been down by now if the players hadn’t arrived in January.


Is it the fault of the French that our younger players were so woeful when getting their chance?


Is it the fault of the French that our Argentine captain (and top earner) wanted to jump ship mid-season during a relegation fight?


Is it the fault of the French that Tiote and Jonas don’t score any goals or create any chances?


Is it the fault of the French that the defence (without a single Frenchman!) let in 39 goals by the first week in January?


Is it the fault of the French that Alan Pardew sent out such a negative formation against Liverpool?


Is it the fault of the French that Newcastle have only one goal scorer at the club?


My intention isn’t to find other scapegoats, it is simply to say that those of us who care about Newcastle United have to stick together.


Do any of the players care as much as the fans?


What I do know is that stories of unrest in the dressing room at Newcastle United are like gold dust to journalists because as we all know, bad news at St.James’ Park sells.


As I said earlier, nobody is blameless at Newcastle United for the mess the club is in, having some of the guilty denouncing others at this critical stage is beyond contempt.

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