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Steve Bruce's post match interview was hilarious, apparently Sunderland are hard to beat and haven't conceded many goals. 4 defeats and 12 goals conceded, aye righto Brucey.


He looked and sounded like a person teetering on insanity in that interview, it was like Chemicl Ali.

It's little wonder they're a laughing stock with him in charge of the club.




shhh, we want him there.

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I don't blame them, I've got a mosque round the corner from my place and often I've been woken up around 4am with them walking past the window chatting as they make their way to and from prayer.


It's not so bad now but in the summer when you have the windows open it's a pain.


You say that as if their the only one's who would walk past your window!


You don't get many groups of people walking around chatting at that time of the morning.

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What's this talk of Villa fans "attacking" Sunderland fans after the 2nd goal? Or was that my Mackem friend completely exaggerating events?

when villa scored their second it looked as if some of their fans ran over to the mackems. not sure how bad it was though.

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Anyone who says Tiote is a bad player is clearly f***ing retarded. It's not even like his qualities are hard to spot either.


Aye, was speaking to a Blackburn fan earlier today. He made a point of saying 'that Tiote lad, he's a fucking all-round beast', always nice to hear that!

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never mind all that, they think they'd poach Graham Carr?!  :lol:  The only way would be offering him silly money, far more than you'd usually pay a scout.  Its not like convincing a player to join you where you can add in all sorts of bonuses!


If you took off your black and white glasses for a while you would realise class carries a lot of weight these days. Carr would obviously give up all his links that go back many, many years to the club and crawl over broken glass just to be associated with Sunderland.

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