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Gary Neville "Liverpool need to take that confidence into the games that they should be winning. Your Norwichs, Sunderlands and Swanseas" :lol:


AKA s*** clubs


Well, no; 3 clubs they've failed to beat at home this season in addition to Manchester Utd.

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So the fabricated 'Mag at work' stories have evolved into 'Mag I had a fight with'


What a load of BS, that thread is fucking tragic.  It's like every story is trying to out do the other, proper playground shit, they're all toppers.


"Oh yeah, that was like the time when I was on holiday in Iceland, but there was 30 of the mag kernts, I jumped on a nearby walrus and slapped them all owa."  "Strange that they always give it the big un but never back it up and want to be friends." 


That place is so pathetic, yet hilarious at the same time, can't get enough of it  :lol:

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There made up/exagerated stories are f***ing gay like :lol:



An indictment of how bad things are at Sunderland when their internet fans are happily reminiscing about the 5-1 derby defeat (yes the FIVE ONE DERBY DEFEAT) because they chased a couple of Geordies and roughed up a gay bar.

Sad tw@ts.

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They outnumbered us, we were scared of them, but when we realised there was no way out and we squared up to them they were begging for us to be 'all NE together'.


I don't get it.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=645991&page=2#ixzz1eRHFLNcm



go for the lot, the mag, he knew he was a mag cos he works with him as a journalist was on a horse in magaluf.........magediamateonahorseinmagaluf, have i missed any out ?
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Some of them try to hide the real reason there crowds dropped, its not cause they are all skint cause you can get in for nowt ffs, its cause one day I was walking past the stadium of light with toon top on as I do when I've had a few Newcy Browns and 10000 sunderland fans squared up to me, I was outnumbered 10000 to 1 but I chinned them all and now they are too scared to revisit the area they met me in.  Then I shagged all their lasses and their mams.

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Some of them try to hide the real reason there crowds dropped, its not cause they are all skint cause you can get in for nowt ffs, its cause one day I was walking past the stadium of light with toon top on as I do when I've had a few Newcy Browns and 10000 sunderland fans squared up to me, I was outnumbered 10000 to 1 but I chinned them all and now they are too scared to revisit the area they met me in.  Then I shagged all their lasses and their mams.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Funnily enough there was a thread about a drop in attendances around the country, but they still get good crowds and it's keeping Bruce in a job  :lol:


There was also one about teams outside the top 7 being unhappy with their managers, but they don't have the money to spend etc.  How much did the mackems spunk on utter shite this summer again?

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Some of them probably are true, just disgustingly exagerated.


I mean I was down Leeds for the promotion and there was 2 mackems singing outside some club, I jokingly shouted "fucking shite", to which they replied "who you support like". I told them Newcastle, we had a bit banter and went our seperate ways.


On RTG though this obviosly turns into, "I was down Leeds for the promotion and there was 5 mackem mongs singing anti-NUFC songs and just acting like nobs outside of some club, everyone else was spot on, I shouted "I'll fucking knock your fathas out you cunts", to which the sweat drenched, BO smelling crettins nervously replied "errr... who you support like mate?". I told them I was a mag and they fucking bricked it, started crying and then shot off behind the bouncers to ring there mothers. Soft as shit."

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Some of them probably are true, just disgustingly exagerated.






Ive never been to Sol, been to roker 5, maybe 6 times. Strolled around, been in pubs, stood and took the piss out of mackems to thier faces outside the fulwell end. Ive never been twatted , and ive seen plenty of them run away when we come out the ground. guess its a case of where you are, when. :dontknow:

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Guest Geordiesned

I was at The Vaccines gig at the Academy last night and headed for the toilets when the support act finished. There was a queue and once I'd emptied my bladder and turned to head for the door I heard a Mackem voice in the queue.


He loudly proclaimed, "There's people looking at people's penises in here"


Written down and spoken in anything other than a Mackem twang it wouldn't have raised much if an eyebrow other than people thinking who's this comedian.


Now say it in a Mackem accent and it turns into comedy gold! :lol:



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The Dog and Duck - 31st of October 2010


Bruce Lee - Nunchaku Bone Breaking Fight - Way of the Dragon


'Ah went in the local bewzer cuz ah wa proper fewmin after the game. Course theres ahl these mags laughin at iz and callin us a puff and that. I tewk that shite for ages but after me 25th pint ah'd decided ah wasn't gonna take any mew-re. Ah tells em to fuck off and remind them aboot the 9-1. Well, they start giving it the big-un and one of the mag kernts of pulls this gun on iz. Proper fat and lewked like Andy Fordham with a mullet and BO.


They tewk me out the back to dee us over and that's when I though 'Wey fuck you magsinanalleyway, I'm ganna gan Brewce Lee on ye' and ah wuz lucky a had me spare nun-chewks in me back pocket (ah wuz a yellow stripe in wing chun after all like) They came at iz with knives and ahl manner and they ahl piled oot the pub and slotted ahl 20 of the kernts 1 be 1 cuz they tewk it in turns like a bunch of poofs. Ah even chucked the gun and 1 of me nun-chewks to make it a fair fight but the mag bastards still couldn't do iz in. Course all ye heard about was 5-1 the next day. Fuckin Magedia man.'

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The Dog and Duck - 31st of October 2010


Bruce Lee - Nunchaku Bone Breaking Fight - Way of the Dragon


'Ah went in the local bewzer cuz ah wa proper fewmin after the game. Course theres ahl these mags laughin at iz and callin us a puff and that. I tewk that shite for ages but after me 25th pint ah'd decided ah wasn't gonna take any mew-re. Ah tells em to fuck off and remind them aboot the 9-1. Well, they start giving it the big-un and one of the mag kernts of pulls this gun on iz. Proper fat and lewked like Andy Fordham with a mullet and BO.


They tewk me out the back to dee us over and that's when I though 'Wey fuck you magsinanalleyway, I'm ganna gan Brewce Lee on ye' and ah wuz lucky a had me spare nun-chewks in me back pocket (ah wuz a yellow stripe in wing chun after all like) They came at iz with knives and ahl manner and they ahl piled oot the pub and slotted ahl 20 of the kernts 1 be 1 cuz they tewk it in turns like a bunch of poofs. Ah even chucked the gun and 1 of me nun-chewks to make it a fair fight but the mag bastards still couldn't do iz in. Course all ye heard about was 5-1 the next day. Fuckin Magedia man.'



fuking class :lol:

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