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The Liverpool Thread


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Guest neesy111

John Aldridge:


"To have picked up just eight points out of 36 since the turn of the year is shambolic - that's relegation form. The fact that this is the worst run in the league since 1954 speaks volumes. We're becoming a laughing stock. At the moment being a Liverpool fan is just embarrassing and that's something I haven't had to say before."
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Is there a more difficult job in football management, than turning around a once successful club whose form has dipped? The pressure to succeed and succeed quickly is immense, and it comes from the media as well as the fans. The result is often a series of big money signings who it is hoped will bridge the immediate gap between the club and whoever has taken over their mantle. Usually that gap still remains or widens. Man U suffered that way for many years while Liverpool were on top, and in recent years the tables are turned.


Before Man U's current domination, Fergie took them to their lowest league position since the early 70's. The club went through a process of clearing out the dead wood and starting from scratch. It doesn't feel like Liverpool have yet reached that point, although it might be thrust upon them.

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Dagliesh hasn't so much cleared out the deadwood as bought a load of deadwood.


This, I hope he gets a big transfer budget this summer window. Can't wait to see him bring in the likes of Colback, Bent and Mclean.

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Is there a more difficult job in football management, than turning around a once successful club whose form has dipped? The pressure to succeed and succeed quickly is immense, and it comes from the media as well as the fans. The result is often a series of big money signings who it is hoped will bridge the immediate gap between the club and whoever has taken over their mantle. Usually that gap still remains or widens. Man U suffered that way for many years while Liverpool were on top, and in recent years the tables are turned.


Before Man U's current domination, Fergie took them to their lowest league position since the early 70's. The club went through a process of clearing out the dead wood and starting from scratch. It doesn't feel like Liverpool have yet reached that point, although it might be thrust upon them.


Dalglish was one of the very few people who would have been given the time (by the fans at least) to try and rebuild the team with talented youngsters with potential to improve - instead he bought a load of average premier league players and looked for a quick fix

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Is there a more difficult job in football management, than turning around a once successful club whose form has dipped? The pressure to succeed and succeed quickly is immense, and it comes from the media as well as the fans. The result is often a series of big money signings who it is hoped will bridge the immediate gap between the club and whoever has taken over their mantle. Usually that gap still remains or widens. Man U suffered that way for many years while Liverpool were on top, and in recent years the tables are turned.


Before Man U's current domination, Fergie took them to their lowest league position since the early 70's. The club went through a process of clearing out the dead wood and starting from scratch. It doesn't feel like Liverpool have yet reached that point, although it might be thrust upon them.


Generally in that scenario you're looking at a 5 year ovehaul and rebuild where one manager has to be given total faith and so on...

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

The Scouse taxi driver yesterday was decent. Good chat about Liverpool and he was generally just fed up of it all. Didn't criticise Dalglish as such but thought in hindsight it was probably wrong to have given him the job and should have continued with his Development Role upstairs (would prefer to have him back upstairs).


To be fair he did point out that they were missing their only guy in midfield who can tackle (Lucas). However, he did seem pretty disappointed with how Henderson has developed. Not sure if he was a RM or a CM. Reckoned Spearing has hit his heights as a player, if not playing above his ability trying to fill in the role of Lucas (lots of running and chasing not much more).

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Shameful waste of money on all his signings apart from Jose and Bellamy (free). Any other club he would be out the door as his senior players like Gerrard and Carragher bar a couple of rare good performances are finished ,Adam is a hod carrier at best and the rest have of the signings have never been given a chance to play regular football together so how can they develop .All in all very happy atm as the futures gloomy for them  :laugh:

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