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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Only 3 years ago this guy was linked with a 20m euro move to Liverpool linky link. The reason the owner quoted 20m was because Nasri went for 16 :yao: His benchmark is fucking Samir Nasri! :lol:


Anyway, you can see one of the comments there saying this...

I'm kinda undecided on him, like pretty much everybody in France. This boy is really a special talent, an amazing dribbler, and I mean really fucking amazing, probably only second to Messi but... but usually what follows this moment of dribbling magic is unfortunately more often than not quite disappointing. It's really incredible as to how someone that skilful can manage to make the wrong decision times and times again. And, unfortunately this is exactly why he won't be going to the euros and has found himself on the Lyon bench towards the end of the season. As Jean Michel Larque who usually comments the french games alongside wenger, would say, it always starts with something like "magnificently done by Ben Arfa" and then always end up with "pourquoi Hatem, pourquoi, pourquoi?".


All right, there is an idiot who also said that he'd prefer Milner over him, but that's just one idiot.


To sum up: time for a collective wank. The Ben Arfa reign has begun.

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Is Pardew fucking retarded or something?


If I recall correctly Robson said something not too dissimilar when discussing Bellamy and/or Robert.


Every player quoted (the latest being Best, after saying he can be a nightmare when he doesn't get to play) has had good words to say about Pardew, including those that have left like Barton. That he talks to players individually, puts an arm round when needed, and is an very good man manager to the first team and the kids breaking through.


Lets just leave the 'fucking retarded' comments out without context or evidence of harm, and while in fact the team and individual players are clearly fighting for him, the club, and each other on the pitch.

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Is Pardew fucking retarded or something?


If I recall correctly Robson said something not too dissimilar when discussing Bellamy and/or Robert.


Every player quoted (the latest being Best, after saying he can be a nightmare when he doesn't get to play) has had good words to say about Pardew, including those that have left like Barton. That he talks to players individually, puts an arm round when needed, and is an very good man manager to the first team and the kids breaking through.


Lets just leave the 'fucking retarded' comments out without context or evidence of harm, and while in fact the team and individual players are clearly fighting for him, the club, and each other on the pitch.

I didn't realy expect that comment to be taken too seriously like.


I'm not questioning his respect amongst the dressing room, and I don't know of the context of which these things have been said, but "Santon would not get in the side at the minute" and "I'm sure (Ben Arfa) is going to fall out with me and my staff and my players and we will with him" are not great soundbites. I doubt they will have any effect on the players like.

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Has he played in any reserve matches?


I thought it would have been better to have a couple under his belt before giving him a run out in the first team proper, after such a lengthy time out?


Exactly. That makes much too much sense though...


Leave him out of the match against Forest entirely. Give him 20/25 minutes against Blackburn.


I'd have him in the match squad for Wolves away (1 Oct), but given their reputation I wouldn't consider bringing him on.


With a few reserve matches (or friendlies) under his belt during International week he would ideally be able to start against Spurs on October 16.

Why do you think you know his fitness levels better than himself and our medical team? He's obviously ready to play a part today, yet you claim it's "ideal" for his first start to come in almost a months time? Remember, he's been back here in full training for two weeks already.

You're almost as tedious with this as James is with his "Both Santon and Jonas are right footed, it can't work :frantic:".

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start the f***er against a struggling team in the division below us, if he runs riot and tears them up it'll do wonders for the lad...if he's knackered take him off


can't see the issue


Which is why I'd start Ba as well, not bloody Lovencrap.

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Massively excited for Hatem but if he doesnt perform miracles this evening, i wont be surprised. I'm sure everyone on this forum will give him plenty of time to find his feet and get back up to speed. Its the old gits at SJP that worry me. See how he does tonight but it could take a while in the league for him to make an impact.


Bonne chance!

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start the f***er against a struggling team in the division below us, if he runs riot and tears them up it'll do wonders for the lad...if he's knackered take him off


can't see the issue


Which is why I'd start Ba as well, not bloody Lovencrap.


I reckon Loven will be replaced by Ben Arfa in the second half, and hopefully Ba will be on the pitch at the same time. I'd love to see those two together, and as I don't think either will start there's a great chance they'll both be on the pitch together at some point.

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