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Not worthy of a thread - 2018 FIFA World Cup edition

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Now cue thousands of disorderly (and possibly drunken) football fans packed in a single city under that heat.


This is going to be a monumental train wreck.

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Now cue thousands of disorderly (and possibly drunken) football fans packed in a single city under that heat.


This is going to be a monumental train wreck.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


fuck off Qatar.

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Hopefully this gets taken away from them. Stupid fucking decision.


Money's slowly consuming the game and Fifa are totally facilitating it.


Facilitating is mild.  FIFA positively encourage and welcome money.  That's what it's about for them.

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I'd take it away from them and give it to Austrailia. Or have an independent revote.


In reality, Qatar will push the man involved onto the sword, claim they've been reborn as a nation/they had no clue and it was all his idea, and FIFA will nod their heads and allow them to keep it.

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Both the Russian and Qatar bids were corrupt.


In the first round of voting England got knocked out, then in the 2nd round the members voted for different nations despite their original choice still being in contention. Russia gained more votes with each round of voting, even from members who voted differently in previous rounds and their original or 2nd choices were still in contention to win.


In other words it was discussed between a select few (or all) members who they would vote for in each round in order for the eventual winners to be Russia.

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To be fair though, Russia has a football culture (albeit a violent and racist football culture :lol:)


Qatar has nothing of the sort and had no reason to get it beyond corruption.

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If Russia had run on merit I wouldn't have minded, but they didn't, it was so obviously bought.


Qatar should never have won, even if they had won on merit it should never be held there because it is a world sport and when the world and their cultures arn't welcome they shouldn't be allowed to host.

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I'd take it away from them and give it to Austrailia. Or have an independent revote.


In reality, Qatar will push the man involved onto the sword, claim they've been reborn as a nation/they had no clue and it was all his idea, and FIFA will nod their heads and allow them to keep it.


will it be that simple?  i imagine if the allegations are proven then the countries that lost out to qatar will at the very least try to force a repeat of the vote

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