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John Carver

Guest neesy111

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Until the summer? yeah right he's got it full time..


Could very well be that they're holding out for the likes of Tuchel, Garde, or Galtier, all of whom have reservations about taking charge now.

Reservations ... how about they grow a pair and start working. Mollycoddled pansies.

Err Galtier should leave his CL/Title chasing side in the middle of the season for a relegation battle :lol:


I can understand being p*ssed at the club but the potential managers?  You're aiming your anger in the wrong direction.

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Guest reefatoon

The annoying thing is, the club will make zero effort in trying to tie down a new manager for the summer.  They will sit on their hands and see how this useless c*** fares and if we aren't relegated then he will be given the job, or if he is s***, we will then scramble around in the summer looking for someone to come in for free.  We won't tie anyone down to start in the summer now, we have stopped looking already.

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There has to be an announcement that someone else is signed up to take over in the summer, at any normal club you would think that at least, but this is not a normal club. Soul destroying news this and a huge gamble by the club, I don't think they really know, how bad Carver can be.

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Until the summer? yeah right he's got it full time..


Could very well be that they're holding out for the likes of Tuchel, Garde, or Galtier, all of whom have reservations about taking charge now.


Yeah Galtier should leave his CL/Title chasing side in the middle of the season for a relegation battle :lol:


I can understand being p*ssed at the club but the potential managers?  You're aiming your anger in the wrong direction.

Reservations ... how about they grow a pair and start working. Mollycoddled pansies.


Stop putting words in my mouth! I never said that nonsense!

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If he is the manager in August, I'll be vexed. Right now, I honestly do not care. I don't think relegation is happening, and if it isn't a threat, the season is over for all intents and purposes, anyway.


If you spent money to watch the team, I'm guessing you would care. It's a farce.


It's these same season ticket holders who were shouting down the sackpardew.com protesters. They love having Ashley shit on them.

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The annoying thing is, the club will make zero effort in trying to tie down a new manager for the summer.  They will sit on their hands and see how this useless c*** fares and if we aren't relegated then he will be given the job, or if he is s***, we will then scramble around in the summer looking for someone to come in for free.  We won't tie anyone down to start in the summer now, we have stopped looking already.



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Obvious thing is obvious! Unequivocal proof Ashley only cares about the money, rather than reinvest the £3.5m we got for Pardew and add a little extra from massive NUFC bank balance on getting in a decent manager and kicking on we'd rather save a few pennies and write off a season half way through, AGAIN!


Well how about supporters write off remaining balance on their ST and the rest of the games be free to watch as we've basically given up? Even if Carver had the ability to drive the team forward if imagine this will have a huge negative effect on team moral or more pertinently why should the players give a fuck?


Good job Fatman and Baldylocks you've fucked it up again, hate this fucking regime man.

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If he is the manager in August, I'll be vexed. Right now, I honestly do not care. I don't think relegation is happening, and if it isn't a threat, the season is over for all intents and purposes, anyway.


Bullshit. A couple more bad results in the upcoming weeks and we are right in the relegation fight. Have you seen our fixture list for March and April? I can see us sitting in the bottom three with 5 games to go.


Anyway, this decision will likely cost Ashley millions in TV revenue even if we don't get relegated. It's a completely idiotic decision anyway you look at it.

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I'm assuming they've known this for quite some time then. I guess getting back into bed with the Chronicle and their pro Carver campaign always pointed to this happening. I'm repeating what everyone else has said but I hope we're still in the Premier League by the time we've a new manager.

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