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SSN: Charles N'Zogbia to the mackems off


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So I take it we out of the chase for The Zog


Don't see why we would be.


We have signed a left sided Frenchman already and wih HBA too then Jonas, I know we want Zoggy for the right but still be shocked if we do try and get him.

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So I take it we out of the chase for The Zog


Don't see why we would be.


We have signed a left sided Frenchman already and wih HBA too then Jonas, I know we want Zoggy for the right but still be shocked if we do try and get him.


Chronicle article says Marveaux will provide competition for the left wing. You've kind of alluded to it in your post but we still need somebody to play down the right.

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Wigan have put him prominently in the shop window with their comments but they won't be in a hurry. It's just a case of waiting it out unless we want to pay 3m or so over the odds.


Given Wigan's finances, I'd be amazed if they didn't sell him this window.

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So I take it we out of the chase for The Zog


Don't see why we would be.


We have signed a left sided Frenchman already and wih HBA too then Jonas, I know we want Zoggy for the right but still be shocked if we do try and get him.


Chronicle article says Marveaux will provide competition for the left wing. You've kind of alluded to it in your post but we still need somebody to play down the right.


I hope so I would love us to sign Zoggy for the right wing but not sure its Pards plan.

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Guest Geordiesned

Remember we need to build a squad this summer (something we've been sadly lacking in recent years) and not just a starting XI so I don't see any reason why we won't still be after Zoggy. Who knows, we might even want him as a replacement for Jose at left back!

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It seems pretty clear that we have a policy of trying to spend as least we can on transfer fees. We need another 2 strikers and they aren't likely to come for nowt (has Elmander signed a new contract?). I can't see us spending 9 million on N'Zog with a 5 year contract at say 50k a week. Don't see Ashley thinking that's good value.


He's playing a high risk hand; we could be shit or very exciting. Must keep hold of Barton and Colo though.

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Thinking about it now actually, if the club is happy enough with Marveaux's injury record to take a risk on, then Ashley may think that we don't need N'Zogbia? :undecided: :dontknow:


I don't know like, would still love to see Zoggy back at the club.

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Remember we need to build a squad this summer (something we've been sadly lacking in recent years) and not just a starting XI so I don't see any reason why we won't still be after Zoggy. Who knows, we might even want him as a replacement for Jose at left back!


As it stands it could be argued we have Barton, Jonas, Guthrie and Gosling as backup for Ben Arfa, Marveaux, Tiote and Cabaye. That doesn't look too bad to me. It's half of our first-choice midfield from last season as potential replacements. There's also Ferguson and Vuckic to consider, too, and maybe even Abeid depending on how good he actually is for his age.


If any of the four listed as potential backup are going to leave/do leave (Barton, Jonas or Guthrie realistically - Gosling definitely won't), then yeah I'd like to see us ready to replace them/replace them, but as it stands I think the depth in midfield is good - certainly miles better than last season given that people are currently "fit" (ready for pre-season).


I haven't even considered LuaLua, Routledge, Smith or Ryan Taylor, as it looks like the first two are going and I'd hope the other two would be shot of.


The depth thing is being addressed in this area, as it stands.

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I think we will spend money btw.


Like someone said in another thread, we're just getting the free transfers/contract clauses out of the way before anyone else gets them.

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Would love to be proven wrong like but there's just no way ashley is gonna spunk 10million on any player let alone zog. Be prepared for the asset stripping while we replace them with risky freebies or cheap get out clauses. Wouldn't be the first time we've been "misled".

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Would love to be proven wrong like but there's just no way ashley is gonna spunk 10million on any player let alone zog. Be prepared for the asset stripping while we replace them with risky freebies or cheap get out clauses. Wouldn't be the first time we've been "misled".


People keep saying this and conveniently forgetting we had a bid of £10m+ for Gameiro on the table. He just chose PSG over us.

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Would love to be proven wrong like but there's just no way ashley is gonna spunk 10million on any player let alone zog. Be prepared for the asset stripping while we replace them with risky freebies or cheap get out clauses. Wouldn't be the first time we've been "misled".


People keep saying this and conveniently forgetting we had a bid of £10m+ for Gameiro on the table. He just chose PSG over us.


People keep saying this because they're ultra-negative, sceptical, suicide risks. Boring as owt.

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It's a proper shame how the Ashley regime has made so many people so fucking negative.


this summer will truly define whether the ingrained negativity is justified really, i for one would be happy to end the summer in the knowledge that everything that has passed was down to incompetence and/or negligence and he's finally trying to make it work properly


we'll see, i'm well entrenched in the negative side atm like

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cwarr07 Colin

The Zog will soon be back on the Tyne, bid accepted, permission given to speak to Charlie #nufc




Interesting as N'Zogbia, Marveaux and Ben Arfa do take up similar positions on the pitch...

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cwarr07 Colin

The Zog will soon be back on the Tyne, bid accepted, permission given to speak to Charlie #nufc




Interesting as N'Zogbia, Marveaux and Ben Arfa do take up similar positions on the pitch...



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