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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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I don't necessarily disagree with that either, other clubs are making some decent moves. But I do think we're going overboard with how great they are because of the lack of progress we've had ourselves.


I get peoples points. We came 16th and haven't improved at all yet, whereas all the teams that finished above us, and the one below us, are improving their squads. Therefore it's compounding the fact we aren't strengthening. Obviously 2 strong signings would change things a lot for us.


I understand that, but the 16th place was also a result of almost everyone under-performing at the same time. I can't see how we can be that bad again, you would have to expect us to improve even with the same players.

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Not really. Cisse's form is crucial if we don't get at least one other first team striker in capable of hitting the net regularly.


Gouffran looks quite capable in a central role tbf and scored some vital goals last season to keep us up.


Anyway i agree with Neil's post, my point was that the main reason everyone is so concerned is because of the moron in charge.


With a better manager you could use the players we have to be well clear of relegation trouble.


This isn't a squad that should be in relegation troubles despite the lack of forwards, Pardew has dragged us down to this level since we finished 5th we have only really lost Ba and gained many quality players yet some how gone backwards.




Ultimately it was the players out on the pitch who underperformed as well you know? Pardew obviously deserves the majority of the flack, but our players need a long hard look in the mirror as well imho.

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Not really. Cisse's form is crucial if we don't get at least one other first team striker in capable of hitting the net regularly.


Gouffran looks quite capable in a central role tbf and scored some vital goals last season to keep us up.


Anyway i agree with Neil's post, my point was that the main reason everyone is so concerned is because of the moron in charge.


With a better manager you could use the players we have to be well clear of relegation trouble.


This isn't a squad that should be in relegation troubles despite the lack of forwards, Pardew has dragged us down to this level since we finished 5th we have only really lost Ba and gained many quality players yet some how gone backwards.





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Not really. Cisse's form is crucial if we don't get at least one other first team striker in capable of hitting the net regularly.


Gouffran looks quite capable in a central role tbf and scored some vital goals last season to keep us up.


Anyway i agree with Neil's post, my point was that the main reason everyone is so concerned is because of the moron in charge.


With a better manager you could use the players we have to be well clear of relegation trouble.


This isn't a squad that should be in relegation troubles despite the lack of forwards, Pardew has dragged us down to this level since we finished 5th we have only really lost Ba and gained many quality players yet some how gone backwards.




Ultimately it was the players out on the pitch who underperformed as well you know? Pardew obviously deserves the majority of the flack, but our players need a long hard look in the mirror as well imho.


They did and i'm not absolving them of blame but i don't see them playing to their potential under Pardew because he doesn't allow them too.


Thus the concerns, where there really wouldn't be any otherwise. ( not ones of relegation variety anyway)

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Our first team is still quite good IMO, enough to challenge around 10th but it's more the squad that's dire. Bring in Remy and Gomis without losing any big names and we could be challenging 8th.


We'll see, I don't think we'll be finishing 16th though.

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Our first team is better than that, like. We should be aiming for 7th, especially while Martinez settles at Everton. Squad has decent depth too, its just up front and on the wings where we're lacking.

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Great to see the Serie A transfer merry go round back in full swing after a short while out of action.


Just need a random AC & Inter player swap for the full house.

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Guest Alexinho

Hooper goes to Norwich and Guidetti to Swansea...


Roumors on Norwegian telly - anyone we should've been in for?


Among a lot others...

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Why the f*** is Zidane sat on the bench at Madrid? I thought he was just Sporting Director?


Assistant manager.


He's not really Assistant manager but "assistant of the manager" if you know what I mean. Ancelotti has brought Clement with him.


People that I know that have dealt with him tell me he knows quite a bit about this football lark, but that he's an awful, awful communicator. He wants to become a manager but that can easily hinder his success.


I can see him being appointed RM manager in the next 4-5 years, they will be due a Messiah appointment in two managers' time.

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Why the f*** is Zidane sat on the bench at Madrid? I thought he was just Sporting Director?


Assistant manager.


He's not really Assistant manager but "assistant of the manager" if you know what I mean.


Read you loud and clear...



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Hooper goes to Norwich and Guidetti to Swansea...


Roumors on Norwegian telly - anyone we should've been in for?


Among a lot others...


Balls. Would have liked us to be in for Guidetti.

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