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Demba Ba (now retired)


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Guest andrew

He's off isnt he?


Fuck sake :spit:


No surprise that that article about maybe getting a striker actually went round, we're having an early peek at replacements

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Expect this to be blown up all out of proportion in our press the next couple of days. Quote on RMC...



"PSG have a surreal recruitment drive ahead. Could you join the club?"


- Yes, why not. It's possible. I have always supported PSG. Also, it's an attractive club. However, it will be difficult in January. I feel good at Newcastle, the fans like me. Also, the transfer window will be closed when I come back from the ACoN, so I'm not focussing on it. My first aim is the ACoN and to do well there. I will then continue to play well for Newcastle. We undertook something, and I'd like to go on to the end."


:frantic: :lol: Nice.


But nothing to worry about really.

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