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The other games today - 2011/12


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(Picture on the back of the Metro today, taken in the build up to the match.  Looks like he's absolutely falling apart. :lol: )


Teeth! :lol:

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refusing to play.... when he is the only striker on sub.. your team already down also... blimey!... i can't imagine people can be that selfish. :lol:


That doesn't make a blind bit of difference. He's refused to do his job. The usual outcome in that situation for 'normal' people is a very swift firing.

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I pay a few quid a week to play Sunday league and I'm devastated if I'm on the bench. Then there's Tevez getting paid over £200k a week and he's refusing to even come on in the fucking Champions League. Wanker.

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I was thinking earlier today that I can't remember a top side before like Man City, where the second team is so close in standard to the first team. Trouble is, you're then liable to have some big name players and big egos who aren't going to be happy with that situation, and one or two may feel powerful enough to make waves.


Someone once said that football management is about keeping 11 players happy - the reserve team. The others are already happy because they're in the first team.

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I was thinking earlier today that I can't remember a top side before like Man City, where the second team is so close in standard to the first team. Trouble is, you're then liable to have some big name players and big egos who aren't going to be happy with that situation, and one or two may feel powerful enough to make waves.


Someone once said that football management is about keeping 11 players happy - the reserve team. The others are already happy because they're in the first team.


Chelsea's squad under Mourinho was probably better like.

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Surely it's a breach of contract? ???


Rip his £200k a week contract up and throw it in his face.


His lawyers would surely just advise him to say he didn't feel well/fit etc


Back injury. O0


Did it picking up his wallet, the immense cunt.

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He hates it here, he's made that obvious not just by refusing to learn language. Mind you he's been a disruptive want away his entire career, right back to Corinthians.

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Mancini is f***ing useless. Either that or he gets orders from above. Shambolic manager throughout his time there. City can spend whatever they want, they'll win nowt with him...


...apart from the FA Cup they won last season. :thup:


:lol: Aye, in my eagerness to have a go I discarded that. Seriously though, he's a right fucking pleb. He has no control or authority over his players, the majority obviously can't communicate with each other, his subs are horrific, Aguero blatantly needs a rest yet he subs Dzecko, there is no obvious leader on the pitch, no plan or tactic, no fucking idea.

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dunno if its been mentioned but apparently McLaren had a bit of a meltdown at half time, after being 4-0 down to burnley. took his players back onto the pitch 5 mins into the HT break and sat in the dugout by himself for 10 minutes while the assistant manager gave the team talk. phil brown would be proud.

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dunno if its been mentioned but apparently McLaren had a bit of a meltdown at half time, after being 4-0 down to burnley. took his players back onto the pitch 5 mins into the HT break and sat in the dugout by himself for 10 minutes while the assistant manager gave the team talk. phil brown would be proud.


He's surely going to get the sack like. Can't see him lasting any longer.

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re tevez. it would be nice if, with citeh not excactly needing the cash, they just said to him "fuck you, you're not playing again till your contract expires". as it is if they sack him someone will pick him up again and players will think they can do whatever they want.

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