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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.


Well, it appears we couldn't disagree more.


The correct comparison would be if Pardew had refused to do what he was paid to do before, and left the squad of players he is supposed to manage to their own devices for no other reason than personal interest.

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.


Well, it appears we couldn't disagree more.


The correct comparison would be if Pardew had refused to do what he was paid to do before, and left the squad of players he is supposed to manage to their own devices for no other reason than personal interest.


That isn't the correct comparison.

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By "personal interest" I'm guessing you mean Pardew's family randomly moving to Argentina?


I don't know the full circumstances of his family life, and I don't think they're particularly relevant. He gets paid to be a player at NUFC. If he can't play because he's injured, he works with the medicall staff to get fit as soon as possible. Only exception I can see where I would let a player temporarily leave the club is for surgery or treatment that can be better done elsewhere, or for grave personal grievances, such as a death in the family. I don't think either of those scenarios apply to this specific case, but if they do, I'm more than wiling to concede that I understand his and the club's decision. From what we know it appears however he is injured and still wants away from the club and the city as soon as the opportunity presents itself, rather than offering advice and support to his team mates. I think that is very poor form for a club captain.

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.


Well, it appears we couldn't disagree more.


The correct comparison would be if Pardew had refused to do what he was paid to do before, and left the squad of players he is supposed to manage to their own devices for no other reason than personal interest.


You mean like Cabaye at the start of the season? Yet I'll wager you'll be happy enough for him to be starting against Sunderland this weekend despite refusing to play while perfectly fit.

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We're not paying him minimum wage on a zero hour contract here, he's getting paid a fine wage to be captain of this football club. Disappointing once again from our club captain.


He's out for a couple of months, plenty time to return home after the game. Though why our medical staff aren't seen as good enough compared to whatever the fuck he'll be upto in Argentina, I have no idea.

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.


Well, it appears we couldn't disagree more.


The correct comparison would be if Pardew had refused to do what he was paid to do before, and left the squad of players he is supposed to manage to their own devices for no other reason than personal interest.

When has Coloccini ever simply refused to play for our team? He wanted to leave last January, but it never happened and he played through it until he was injured against Southampton. Fabricio isn't the manager and won't ever be despite what some people here seem to think. When he has been judged fit, the guy has genuinely played (and done well) for the five years that he's been here. This is all his contract requires.

More cracking insight from the poster who thinks players have the right to dive. No increased responsibility ffs.

I forgot that he will go and exchange the flag if we ever become a sovereign nation and play international football. There is no rule in football (unlike rugby) that gives captains more responsibility. There is no change to his contract that requires him to do anything different besides play football and avoid drug addiction.  All the things people say he isn't providing (leadership, supporting the team while he's injured, having passion for the club, yelling at Santon) are intangible things most fans can't actually know about or things that are done to keep appearances.

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Leading the team on and off the pitch is a huge part of being a captain. It might not be a part of his contract but it's a part of wearing the armband. Flying to Argentina before a derby isn't showing leadership.


I like Colo, I think he's been a great player for us despite him now being on the decline, but this just doesn't sit well with me.

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.


Well, it appears we couldn't disagree more.


The correct comparison would be if Pardew had refused to do what he was paid to do before, and left the squad of players he is supposed to manage to their own devices for no other reason than personal interest.


You mean like Cabaye at the start of the season? Yet I'll wager you'll be happy enough for him to be starting against Sunderland this weekend despite refusing to play while perfectly fit.


I have no idea what you're on about. I haven't suggested I don't want to see Colo in our shirt again, quite the opposite. Quite how that purpose is served by him fucking off to the other side of the globe in the build up to playing our fiercest rivals I will never know, but maybe you can enlighten me.

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His injury isn't going to miraculously heal by him staying here, let him him be with his family and he will return when he heals


We don't need a cheerleader, the players should automatically be up for it and if not then it is Pardew that has that responsibility not Coloccini

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Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:


I would be ecstatic if Pardew failed to turn up and I would hope that we'd seen the last of him, not that it has anything to do with an injured player going home while injured.

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.


Well, it appears we couldn't disagree more.


The correct comparison would be if Pardew had refused to do what he was paid to do before, and left the squad of players he is supposed to manage to their own devices for no other reason than personal interest.


You mean like Cabaye at the start of the season? Yet I'll wager you'll be happy enough for him to be starting against Sunderland this weekend despite refusing to play while perfectly fit.


I have no idea what you're on about. I haven't suggested I don't want to see Colo in our shirt again, quite the opposite. Quite how that purpose is served by him fucking off to the other side of the globe in the build up to playing our fiercest rivals I will never know, but maybe you can enlighten me.


He's injured. He's foreign and homesick. I'd love to hear how you would have handled it better.

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Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:


I would be ecstatic if Pardew failed to turn up and I would hope that we'd seen the last of him, not that it has anything to do with an injured player going home while injured.


You're right of course. I just found it hugely ironic that you of all people would complain about people being overly critical :lol:

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The criticism of Coloccini is way over the top.


Imagine what you had to say if Pardew decided he couldn't be bothered to turn up for the most important fixture of the season. Mind, you'd probably be ecstatic and think we'd be better off with the players managing themselves.. :lol:

The correct comparison would be if Pardew had suffered some sort of temporary serious brain injury and was unable to impart any of his tactical and motivational knowledge upon the players. There would be no requirement for him to turn up in this case. Coloccini is paid to football. Right now, he cannot football.


Even most of this nonsense about him fulfilling some captain role is strange to me. There is not one tangible increased responsibility that comes with the armband.


Well, it appears we couldn't disagree more.


The correct comparison would be if Pardew had refused to do what he was paid to do before, and left the squad of players he is supposed to manage to their own devices for no other reason than personal interest.


You mean like Cabaye at the start of the season? Yet I'll wager you'll be happy enough for him to be starting against Sunderland this weekend despite refusing to play while perfectly fit.


I have no idea what you're on about. I haven't suggested I don't want to see Colo in our shirt again, quite the opposite. Quite how that purpose is served by him f***ing off to the other side of the globe in the build up to playing our fiercest rivals I will never know, but maybe you can enlighten me.


He's injured. He's foreign and homesick. I'd love to hear how you would have handled it better.


It's not about how the club handled the situation, it's about the fact that Colo, as a senior member of this squad, and the club captain no less, would rather go home than to stay at the club to work on his comeback and offer encouragement and  advice to his team mates. After what happened last January it just reeks of lack of commitment to the cause again.


Oh, and disregarding the captain angle, how often do foreign players who are injured get to spend a couple of weeks in their home country rather than at the club that employs them? I may be mistaken, but I don't think it's that common.

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Ben Arfa went to France loads.


For specific treatment at Clairefontaine if memory serves, and he was not the club captain. Any others?


:lol: Right you said "disregarding the club captain angle" and then bring it back up?

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If he's in Argentina until Christmas, that's a problem. If club medical staff confirmed he can't start rehab immediately and he asks the club if he can go home and spend a little more time with his family while resting, that's not the end of the bloody world ffs.


IMO we have a squad of professional adults, not U-13's who need big brother Colo on the sidelines encouraging and cheering them on. I think that aspect is being massively overhyped in order to moan.

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