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Maybe things will be better after the business in this window. From the afterword of Micheal Lewis' Moneyball:


Toronto was closer to a pure case study. Ricciardi, the new GM, had done what every enlightened GM will eventually do: fire a lot of scouts, hire someone comfortable with statistical analysis (Keith Law from baseballprospectus - a Web site, for cryin' out loud), and begin to trade for value, ruthlessly. He dumped as many high-priced players as he could and replaced them with a lot of lower-priced ones-and began winning more games. His biggest problem was finding teams willing to take bloated stars off his hands. (His best day all year, he told me, was when George Stein-brenner watched a Yankee right fielder drop a fly ball, blew a fuse, and demanded the Yankees buy Raul Mondesi off the Jays.) He slashed the Jays' payroll from $90 million to $55 million. In an efficient market, if you cut your payroll by 40 percent, you would expect to lose a lot more games. That's not what happened, of course. What happened was that the Jays went, overnight, from being a depressing group of highly paid underachievers to an exciting team. They were younger, cheaper, and better.


Very interesting. I think what people forget is that sport isn't an "efficient market" in any way. The amount of spending does have a correlation to success, but the link is much stronger at the top of the market (i.e. the top 4 or 5 clubs in the Prem) than in the middle.


In the middle, it's better to be smart than to overspend. I'm not entirely convinced we are smart, but some of the deals we've done suggest we might be.


It is a hard tactic for football fans to get behind though, especially ours, because we're so used to solving our problems with big-money signings.


On the face of it some of our signings do seem smart, but any goodwill goes out of the window withn a lack of a striker which was obvious to all that we were desperate for. Surely Ashley is smart enough to see this? Which makes me think he's taking the piss.


Yeah, but I think it's more that he sticks ruthlessly to his idea of not being overcharged by a club or a player, and that overrides everything else. The club probably knew how much we needed another striker, but Ashley wouldn't change his policy because of that.

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Just for Mick...This season so far....


Enrique - 3 games, 0 goals, 0 assists, 2 goals conceded.

R.Taylor - 3 games, 1 goal, 0 assists, 1 goal conceded.


Barton - 2 games, 0 goals, 0 assists.

Cabaye - 3 games, 0 goals, 1 assist.


Carroll - 3 games, 0 goals, 0 assists.

Best - 1 game, 2 goals, 0 assists.

Ba - 2 games, 0 goals, 1 assist.


f*** you all.  :yeah:


Mint, so Taylor and Best are better than Enrique and Carroll? Sorted.


Carroll from August to December was similar to Ba January to May last year, has Ba been any worse than Carroll this year?


The Enrique one was being pedantic for the whole "where's these goals coming from" thing.

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Sometimes I wonder just how old some of the posters on here really are.  We dont sign a striker so every fucker whos said anything negative about the club in the past is automatically right.  I mean fucking hell thats the logic of a child :lol:


We've fucked up by not getting a second striker no doubt about it.  Its not good enough and had a quality striker been brough in this window would have bee a very good one IMO.  As it is its been ok, we have a better side now than when the window opened.  But it should bave been better.

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After three games, that is a really bollocks stat twisted to your own agenda. They only have 4 points between them because we got a result against them.


We are good enough for midtable, but nethertheless £35m of broken promises and incompetence from Derek Llambias once more.


The three teams that we have played have not won a game between them, they've drawn 4 and lost 5.  They haven't just played Newcastle, 2 thirds of the games they've played haven't been against us. :lol:


Jesus fucking Christ.

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Guest bimpy474

Anyone who isn't directing vile abuse towards Mike Ashley needs to sort there craic out.


:lol: and who isn't?


This is the point, just because we dont believe everything those players reckoned doesn't mean we dont hate Ashley, i certainly do.


It's not even that mate. I believe the players more than I'd believe the fans or journos, as they actually worked for the club, and knew more about the way it was run than anyone else did!! I just don't see the point in bringing it up. Instead of posting quotes from Keegan and Enrique on a message board, protest with your feet! You can sit here pining for King Kev and lapping up everything he says all you want. It won't change the fact that Ashley owns this club. I'd much rather be part of a concerted and organized effort to force the c*** out of the club.


Protesting wont work, the people who say protest are as thick as mince (joke not meant to offend) if they cant see that he doesn't care what you say about him.


Put aside the hate for him, he couldn't careless if you hate him anyway, comments about, only thing he cares about is money, boycott he'll understand that, a hit to his pocket, he has so much money that this club is just a drop in his empires pond, he isn't going to bankroll the club but he isn't going to let it go under either, if we vote with our feet he will only reduce player numbers/wages to cover it anyway.


If protesting was to work we would end up with maybe him gone but a team in league one. I'd rather have him in charge and finish mid-table than hound him out and be left in the lower leagues, shitty deal but i'm hoping if Pardew can do a good job with what he's got then someone might look at us and want to buy us from Ashley.


I wont do anything and i mean anything to damage the club i love, i hate the bloke but i love this club more, we cant get rid of him unless he decides he wants to go, thats horrible but a reality no matter what we do, to think otherwise imo is flogging a dead horse, i'm getting behind Pardew and the players, if they do well great, maybe a new owner may come in or the fat idiot might put more funds in, i doubt the latter so i'm hoping for option one.


But this club is my love, and i'm not Geordie, and i have only a inkling of what it means to a Geordie, but if the little i've gleamed from following this club my whole life, then it means more than most people could ever appreciate, i just wont damage it.




Top post apart from your opening line.


Two sides of the argument which I think everyone needs to appreciate. Instead of us all saying those who are happy to sit back and wait are thick, and the ones who are protesting are thick, can we all not at least show some understanding that different people want to show their anger different ways? We should all support one another regardless of our differences. Ultimately, we want rid of the t*** and should applaud anyone who is willing to try and make him f*** off. I agree that people need to actively protest, and they will be taken notice of, that's not to say I'll definitely be out there doing it.


Try telling about 1,500 L7 season ticket holders that Ashley doesn't listen to them. It's the only reason he moved us.


He moved you but not him, thats a point about protesting to him right there, if i knew protesting would work i would do it too, but it just wont work, he is amazing at being able to just ignore the stuff rightly thrown at him.


We all agree he has to go, he is a cancer in our club but it'll be on his terms not ours, i hate to think and say that but imo its the reality of it, i want him out, sure chant at him let him know we hate him and want him gone, but when the lads are out there then i cheer them and leave his boos for him when it doesn't affect the team.

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Sometimes I wonder just how old some of the posters on here really are.  We dont sign a striker so every f***er whos said anything negative about the club in the past is automatically right.  I mean f***ing hell thats the logic of a child :lol:


To be fair they've openly admitted to lying to us before, haven't they? Besides...plenty of their actions speak far louder than their words. They don't give a fuck about us.

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Maybe things will be better after the business in this window. From the afterword of Micheal Lewis' Moneyball:


Toronto was closer to a pure case study. Ricciardi, the new GM, had done what every enlightened GM will eventually do: fire a lot of scouts, hire someone comfortable with statistical analysis (Keith Law from baseballprospectus - a Web site, for cryin' out loud), and begin to trade for value, ruthlessly. He dumped as many high-priced players as he could and replaced them with a lot of lower-priced ones-and began winning more games. His biggest problem was finding teams willing to take bloated stars off his hands. (His best day all year, he told me, was when George Stein-brenner watched a Yankee right fielder drop a fly ball, blew a fuse, and demanded the Yankees buy Raul Mondesi off the Jays.) He slashed the Jays' payroll from $90 million to $55 million. In an efficient market, if you cut your payroll by 40 percent, you would expect to lose a lot more games. That's not what happened, of course. What happened was that the Jays went, overnight, from being a depressing group of highly paid underachievers to an exciting team. They were younger, cheaper, and better.


Very interesting. I think what people forget is that sport isn't an "efficient market" in any way. The amount of spending does have a correlation to success, but the link is much stronger at the top of the market (i.e. the top 4 or 5 clubs in the Prem) than in the middle.


In the middle, it's better to be smart than to overspend. I'm not entirely convinced we are smart, but some of the deals we've done suggest we might be.


It is a hard tactic for football fans to get behind though, especially ours, because we're so used to solving our problems with big-money signings.


On the face of it some of our signings do seem smart, but any goodwill goes out of the window withn a lack of a striker which was obvious to all that we were desperate for. Surely Ashley is smart enough to see this? Which makes me think he's taking the p*ss.


Yeah, but I think it's more that he sticks ruthlessly to his idea of not being overcharged by a club or a player, and that overrides everything else. The club probably knew how much we needed another striker, but Ashley wouldn't change his policy because of that.


Probably right. How far do you take it though. On the face of it, it does seem sensible, especially when clubs know that you've made very good money in the transfer market, but there is being a tough negotiatior and being a twat and it looks like our board are being twats. Its hard to believe that a man who has made good money and done very well in buisness can't see paying slightly over the odds for a player may in the long run make us more money.

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Just for Mick...This season so far....


Enrique - 3 games, 0 goals, 0 assists, 2 goals conceded.

R.Taylor - 3 games, 1 goal, 0 assists, 1 goal conceded.


Barton - 2 games, 0 goals, 0 assists.

Cabaye - 3 games, 0 goals, 1 assist.


Carroll - 3 games, 0 goals, 0 assists.

Best - 1 game, 2 goals, 0 assists.

Ba - 2 games, 0 goals, 1 assist.


f*** you all.  :yeah:


Excellent, we'll be fine.

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Sometimes I wonder just how old some of the posters on here really are.  We dont sign a striker so every fucker whos said anything negative about the club in the past is automatically right.  I mean fucking hell thats the logic of a child :lol:


That's what I was trying to say about this thread, but I couldn't quite get my feelings into a decent post.

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I completely agree they are a bunch of lying cunts, however you won't ever convince me that these players haven't taken advantage of the situation to go to other clubs on huge contracts whilst also tricking some fans into thinking it was because they cared about the club or concerned about the way things were going.


Jose is the only one who comes out with any respect and even he did what he accused the club of doing (lying) to make his life easier for a while.


We have been fucked over by all parties involved. The only one I have sympathy for is Keegan.

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Nice to see MA and DL come through with their promise to reinvest AC money, 59m net profit from transfers in last 5 seasons.....ambition???

oh joey you thick fuck, do you think money only comes from transfers, if the club you professed to love made a 1mill profit on transfers while losing 10mill elsewhere you's still only see the 1mill profit wouldn't you ?
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The OP is spot on. :thup: People (myself included) are just fed up of the constant stream of lies and half-truths that come from the club (of which Pardew is complicit too) Due to the moving fans business, he now has us fighting amongst ourselves and whilst that happens it deflects away from his asset stripping of the club. I can't wait to see the accounts when they are due and I'd wager he will be worrying about that now, which is why he has probably raked in as much as he could get away with. Tell the truth for christ's sake - is it too much to ask?


I would also like the local media to ask some serious questions of what has not happened, but that's not gonna happen. They are content to tow the club line and string fans along to sell more copy. Pack of c**ts the lot.

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Anyone who isn't directing vile abuse towards Mike Ashley needs to sort there craic out.


:lol: and who isn't?


This is the point, just because we dont believe everything those players reckoned doesn't mean we dont hate Ashley, i certainly do.


It's not even that mate. I believe the players more than I'd believe the fans or journos, as they actually worked for the club, and knew more about the way it was run than anyone else did!! I just don't see the point in bringing it up. Instead of posting quotes from Keegan and Enrique on a message board, protest with your feet! You can sit here pining for King Kev and lapping up everything he says all you want. It won't change the fact that Ashley owns this club. I'd much rather be part of a concerted and organized effort to force the c*** out of the club.


Protesting wont work, the people who say protest are as thick as mince (joke not meant to offend) if they cant see that he doesn't care what you say about him.


Put aside the hate for him, he couldn't careless if you hate him anyway, comments about, only thing he cares about is money, boycott he'll understand that, a hit to his pocket, he has so much money that this club is just a drop in his empires pond, he isn't going to bankroll the club but he isn't going to let it go under either, if we vote with our feet he will only reduce player numbers/wages to cover it anyway.


If protesting was to work we would end up with maybe him gone but a team in league one. I'd rather have him in charge and finish mid-table than hound him out and be left in the lower leagues, shitty deal but i'm hoping if Pardew can do a good job with what he's got then someone might look at us and want to buy us from Ashley.


I wont do anything and i mean anything to damage the club i love, i hate the bloke but i love this club more, we cant get rid of him unless he decides he wants to go, thats horrible but a reality no matter what we do, to think otherwise imo is flogging a dead horse, i'm getting behind Pardew and the players, if they do well great, maybe a new owner may come in or the fat idiot might put more funds in, i doubt the latter so i'm hoping for option one.


But this club is my love, and i'm not Geordie, and i have only a inkling of what it means to a Geordie, but if the little i've gleamed from following this club my whole life, then it means more than most people could ever appreciate, i just wont damage it.




Top post apart from your opening line.


Two sides of the argument which I think everyone needs to appreciate. Instead of us all saying those who are happy to sit back and wait are thick, and the ones who are protesting are thick, can we all not at least show some understanding that different people want to show their anger different ways? We should all support one another regardless of our differences. Ultimately, we want rid of the t*** and should applaud anyone who is willing to try and make him f*** off. I agree that people need to actively protest, and they will be taken notice of, that's not to say I'll definitely be out there doing it.


Try telling about 1,500 L7 season ticket holders that Ashley doesn't listen to them. It's the only reason he moved us.


He moved you but not him, thats a point about protesting to him right there, if i knew protesting would work i would do it too, but it just wont work, he is amazing at being able to just ignore the stuff rightly thrown at him.


We all agree he has to go, he is a cancer in our club but it'll be on his terms not ours, i hate to think and say that but imo its the reality of it, i want him out, sure chant at him let him know we hate him and want him gone, but when the lads are out there then i cheer them and leave his boos for him when it doesn't affect the team.


He doesn't just ignore the abuse, he obviously listens hence moving us.


FWIW, I don't want to come across as being argumentative because I see where you're coming from, but if you save your supporting for in the ground (which I am 100% behind), and you don't protest at any point...just when do you give your boos for Ashley?

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Nice to see MA and DL come through with their promise to reinvest AC money, 59m net profit from transfers in last 5 seasons.....ambition???


Too true.


Aye Joey, about as ambitious as joining Queens Park Rangers.


Ambition is relative.

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Maybe things will be better after the business in this window. From the afterword of Micheal Lewis' Moneyball:


Toronto was closer to a pure case study. Ricciardi, the new GM, had done what every enlightened GM will eventually do: fire a lot of scouts, hire someone comfortable with statistical analysis (Keith Law from baseballprospectus - a Web site, for cryin' out loud), and begin to trade for value, ruthlessly. He dumped as many high-priced players as he could and replaced them with a lot of lower-priced ones-and began winning more games. His biggest problem was finding teams willing to take bloated stars off his hands. (His best day all year, he told me, was when George Stein-brenner watched a Yankee right fielder drop a fly ball, blew a fuse, and demanded the Yankees buy Raul Mondesi off the Jays.) He slashed the Jays' payroll from $90 million to $55 million. In an efficient market, if you cut your payroll by 40 percent, you would expect to lose a lot more games. That's not what happened, of course. What happened was that the Jays went, overnight, from being a depressing group of highly paid underachievers to an exciting team. They were younger, cheaper, and better.


Very interesting. I think what people forget is that sport isn't an "efficient market" in any way. The amount of spending does have a correlation to success, but the link is much stronger at the top of the market (i.e. the top 4 or 5 clubs in the Prem) than in the middle.


In the middle, it's better to be smart than to overspend. I'm not entirely convinced we are smart, but some of the deals we've done suggest we might be.


It is a hard tactic for football fans to get behind though, especially ours, because we're so used to solving our problems with big-money signings.


On the face of it some of our signings do seem smart, but any goodwill goes out of the window withn a lack of a striker which was obvious to all that we were desperate for. Surely Ashley is smart enough to see this? Which makes me think he's taking the p*ss.


Yeah, but I think it's more that he sticks ruthlessly to his idea of not being overcharged by a club or a player, and that overrides everything else. The club probably knew how much we needed another striker, but Ashley wouldn't change his policy because of that.


Probably right. How far do you take it though. On the face of it, it does seem sensible, especially when clubs know that you've made very good money in the transfer market, but there is being a tough negotiatior and being a twat and it looks like our board are being twats. Its hard to believe that a man who has made good money and done very well in buisness can't see paying slightly over the odds for a player may in the long run make us more money.


Yeah, they probably do take it too far and miss out on signings because of it. Difficult to know exactly where to draw the line though, as with everything in football it isn't an exact science.

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Nice to see MA and DL come through with their promise to reinvest AC money, 59m net profit from transfers in last 5 seasons.....ambition???


Replacing yourself with a far more gifted footballer and cost £5m more. Cunt.

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Nice to see MA and DL come through with their promise to reinvest AC money, 59m net profit from transfers in last 5 seasons.....ambition???

oh joey you thick fuck, do you think money only comes from transfers, if the club you professed to love made a 1mill profit on transfers while losing 10mill elsewhere you's still only see the 1mill profit wouldn't you ?


It isn't just Joey who doesn't understand that TBF.

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Carroll from August to December was similar to Ba January to May last year, has Ba been any worse than Carroll this year?


The Enrique one was being pedantic for the whole "where's these goals coming from" thing.


I would have thought that if Ba is our Carroll replacement then all that matters is how he plays for us compared to how Carroll played for us.  The same goes for the others that you have mentioned.

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