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Dogawful Officiating


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26 minutes ago, Thomson Mouse said:


Title? :lol: 


champions league, they’ll get nowhere near the title 




I actually think they'll very much be in a title race


It took a last minute own goal to beat them even though they had 9 men 


I can't stand them but they have firepower in attacking positions and they have a resilience that will mean they will be close come the end of the season

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2 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:


I actually think they'll very much be in a title race


It took a last minute own goal to beat them even though they had 9 men 


I can't stand them but they have firepower in attacking positions and they have a resilience that will mean they will be close come the end of the season

Kinda depends on the refs and VAR... ?

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Did none of the 5 people in the VAR room notice that the linesman had put up his flag? Or is it just the guy that communicated with the ref that fucked up?


Strange rules that you cant go back 5 seconds after the ball is in play. And "check complete" must be the most stupid thing ive ever heard, who could ever imagine it getting misunderstood at one point?

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9 minutes ago, Displayname said:

Did none of the 5 people in the VAR room notice that the linesman had put up his flag? Or is it just the guy that communicated with the ref that fucked up?


Strange rules that you cant go back 5 seconds after the ball is in play. And "check complete" must be the most stupid thing ive ever heard, who could ever imagine it getting misunderstood at one point?


5 people?


Theres only a VAR and AVAR.  The only person there would be a video operative but presumably they csnt get involved in anything other than showing the different angles and making them available for the on field referee. 

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9 minutes ago, NUFC said:


5 people?


Theres only a VAR and AVAR.  The only person there would be a video operative but presumably they csnt get involved in anything other than showing the different angles and making them available for the on field referee. 

Must have read it wrong somewhere then. Doesnt really matter if its 2 or 5 though. Still find it impossible to believe that both fucked up that big at the same time. You had both the reactions of the players and the zoom in on the linesman. 


So only benign explanation for me is that the guy who communicated with the ref fucked up. 

But then its weird that the other guy didnt react that they didnt draw up the lines, which they ofcourse must do when they overturn a decision.



Edited by Displayname

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4 hours ago, Unbelievable said:

Only an idiot would come up with the phrase “check complete” to relay the decision of a review. I mean, how difficult could it be to come up with a few possible outcomes like “goal stands”, “goal disallowed”, “red card”, etc. “Check complete” ffs, that’s a process status remark not an outcome.




Football version of this:



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At least this is once again exposing Liverpool fans as the entitled fucks that they are. I haven't heard one Liverpool fan not use some version of the "haven't you seen how much the refs screw us" line like they're not the team that has benefited most from refs over the years along with Man U. Bunch of entitled crybabies.

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8 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

Incompetence, not conspiracy, is at the heart of what goes wrong with this.  It wasn't anti-Liverpool bias which disallowed that goal.


No it wasn't, I agree. Not every bad decision is because of bias, but the system is open to abuse if the occasion might call for it.

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VAR isnt the problem, it just exposes the incompentency if you wanna call it that.

The people in charge of refereeing in PL needs replacing. And the new ones coming in also needs to be held to account if they fuck up. Enough of this overprotecting the referees, if they cant handle the heat they can look for a less media-exposed job.

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So all other teams that have been wronged by VAR, that have had apologies from PGMOL for glaring errors have just had to get on with it… but Liverpool, after Fabinho somehow stayed on the pitch repeatedly last year, get one shitter, and suddenly they’re ‘exploring all options’ and ‘escalating’. And they wonder why people fucking hate them

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Honestly I’ve been consistent in my position that the whole thing should go in the bin, with the exception of goal line tech. 


People want to eliminate human error and fallibility which isn’t possible. Also the chaos is all part of the fun of the game. They ‘fix’ whatever they are trying to fix they’ll move onto something else by the following day. 

Was great on Wednesday not to have to worry about fucking VAR spoiling shit. 

Shit calls happen, just got to get on with it.

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We need to keep VAR and we need much more competent people using it and running the show. I saw a post on Instagram of the list of PGMOL apologies since early 2022 and fuck me, they've said "Sorry" more times than Ronnie Corbett.


Years and years of watching us on the wrong end of shit decisions that everyone in the stadium and at home could see were wrong other than the three useless tossers on the pitch was awful and I wouldn't want that back.


Surely you have a dedicated VAR team who all day and all night utilise the VAR technology and are regularly and constantly subjected to both written and practical examinations around the correct usage of the system and application of the games laws, rather than the same idiots with the whistle on rotation; one week bungling things on the pitch and the next in the comfy chair making an arse of the video side.


You also improve transparency of the live decision-making process much like cricket or dare I say it rugby. The only thing that's good about rugby is the transparency of the on-field and video refereeing.


Next, you make the sanctions (and rewards tbf) for these VAR officials much greater. Never mind a paid week off if they make a huge bungle like the Diaz one, they should be fined or banned for a longer period, re-educated and made to apologise publically themselves rather than hiding behind a PGMOL statement. Similarly they should be compensated via bonuses for correct and good application of the law over nominated time periods.


Sadly, the only way we'll ever seen any real progress or reform in this area is when damage is done to "the product" of the Premier League. I've said it more times than I care to remember but until a manager walks his team off the pitch in the event of the next aberration and refuses to continue a match, we'll see no discernible change and more posturing from that limp dick Webb on Sky Sports etc when Neville and Carra etc go in for a cosy chat. That or PL managers all refuse to do interviews for TV until there's a proper review or something. It'll need to be drastic, unfortunately.


We need to embrace technology and move with the developments but a massive review of the personnel utilising and managing the thing needs to happen sooner rather than later.

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