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Hatem Ben Arfa


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What exactly has he done to lose their 'trust'?


We don't really know based on that - might have been a proper bellend behind the scenes, can imagine some teammates might not be overly impressed with him being so obviously out of shape for most the season for instance.


I love HBA but I'm sure he's not entirely blameless in whatever's gone on.

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What exactly has he done to lose their 'trust'?


We don't really know based on that - might have been a proper bellend behind the scenes, can imagine some teammates might not be overly impressed with him being so obviously out of shape for most the season for instance.


I love HBA but I'm sure he's not entirely blameless in whatever's gone on.


It'll be his lack of passing if anything. Not that I think there is really anything in this at all beyond Pardew being an absolute fraud of a manager, the arch-bullshit merchant that he is.


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‘Hatem is in a pool of players that you can ask is he going to be a success here.


'If it is, then they stay. If it's not then we'll move them on.


‘In the short term we've given him a fitness programme because in the last few games he played for us he didn't play very well by his own admission.


'His confidence is a little low, and his fitness was a bit low for whatever reason.


‘He missed six days with a family illness so we've got some extra work into him and he looks a little bit more confident. He's not ready to start this game but he will be on the bench. He needs a good finish to the season and he's aware of that for a number of reasons.


‘I don't think I've ever lost patience with any player. I have been accused of that in the past but that's never been truthful.


'I've not lost patience with him but he has to gain the trust of not just me, but of our players and our fans that he's the real deal if he's going to play.


‘The bottom line with Hatem is this - don't confuse that I have a problem with his work-rate. If he's getting assists and goals, then that balances itself out. If he isn't then it isn't balancing up. He needs to get that balance right.’


Silly Hatem hitting the post and stuff.

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Little or no forward movement (from the midfield unit) means the assists will be on the lowish side. And it's difficult for the lad to carve out a wonder goal, carrying it from deep - sometimes from RB.


Catch 22 situation for this lad, due to how Pardoo sets the team up.

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It is understood that a group of senior players at St James' Park have expressed annoyance at Ben Arfa's lack of work-rate and discipline and have made it clear they do not believe he currently merits a starting place in Pardew's first team. While they acknowledge the 27-year-old's ability with the ball at his feet such critics feel he can be a liability when possession is lost.




Wonder if one of the senior players is Debuchy - his form definitely improved once he had Sissoko in front of him.

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It is understood that a group of senior players at St James' Park have expressed annoyance at Ben Arfa's lack of work-rate and discipline and have made it clear they do not believe he currently merits a starting place in Pardew's first team. While they acknowledge the 27-year-old's ability with the ball at his feet such critics feel he can be a liability when possession is lost.




Wonder if one of the senior players is Debuchy - his form definitely improved once he had Sissoko in front of him.

Sissoko and Cisse were hammering HBA at the Cardiff FA Cup game, giving him pelters for not closing down the keeper amongst other things.
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When everyone is being dragged of to Dubai and other places around the world for training camps, then Ben Arfa cba so he stays behind on his own, that can't help with his team bonding.


Personally I think Pardew has had enough of him one way or another, I think it's more off pitch than on it. His excuses for on the pitch related issues are tedious and pathetic. We can only hope this fitness programme had got him back on track and we'll see a better HBA over coming weeks. Pardew has hinted there that he'll play again once fully fit.

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Shame really. From March - October 2012 I genuinely thought he could go on to be one of the best players I'd seen at the club. Got that injury, and while he was on the sidelines he piled on the weight. He's been completely out of shape for most of the last 12 months now and appears to have knocked back about 3 contract offers over that time. There's just over a year on his current deal now. Disappointing, but he clearly can't be arsed.

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Some of you make yourselves look like Hatem Ben Arfa "fanboys". Hear no evil, see no evil when it comes to Hatem Ben Arfa. Senior players at NUFC criticise Hatem Ben Arfa and it's those players who are wrong? Those players who actually know the guy and see him every day. Hatem Ben Arfa has a history of never fitting in at any club. Apparently that's always the fault of the managers at whichever club he's at. Hatem Ben Arfa is an extremely poor man's Ronaldo or Messi.


I'd love him to play his way into the team. Who wouldn't? He needs to perform and he needs to do it consistently.

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I dunno, was easy to blame Pards but if it's true the players also turned on him, as well as he clearly isn't making the effort in training (well documented chubbiness), then he is obviously a significant part of the issue.



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My uncles mate was apparently at some coaching day at the training ground the other day, they watched the 1st team train etc and then at the end had the chance to ask Pardew some questions. Someone asked Pardew about Ben Arfa and some of his answers were:


We have a better win percentage without Ben Arfa

They have watched some tapes of some performances and the players seem to be frustrated with Ben Arfa's work rate (eh??)

When we get beat heavily Ben Arfa is usually in the team (eh???)


So in other words its all Ben Arfa's fault!

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