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Hatem Ben Arfa


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I've not once thought he was too fat ever since people started saying it. No idea where this has come from. He looks more bulked in terms of musculature but fat, no.

As a  man that is carrying some impressive muscle mass. I'd say most of HBA's weight gain is fat. You can see it in his face. He hasn't developed the back or chest that suggests weights being the primary cause.




Arent you like 11 stone?  :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

The College Dropout, oblivious to his branding.



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Guest firetotheworks

Someone needs to change The College Dropout to "I can't believe it's not Ronaldo"


:lol: Or one of the p*ss-take ones.




What, not Ronaldo!


What, not butter? Was my favourite and Iceland fucking changed it to Just like Butter. Dicks.

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"These people, their lives are humdrum, their jobs make them humdrum. They don't have much money in their pockets but they like a pint and they want to talk football. So it's your job on a Saturday afternoon to give these hard working people enough conversation for the whole week. You've got 90 mins every week to do it. It's your job to get on that field and have as many shots on goal as possible, to create as much excitement in the opposition penalty area as you possibly can. Every time you get on the ball you've got to give them something to remember, something for their weekly conversation in the pubs."


"Above all, don't let coaches talk you into anything other than what you've been bought for, that is to score goals. Every time you get the ball, you must think "how can I score a goal?". You've got to do your damnedest to stick it in the net. Remember, the opposing half is your stage. There are 10 others in the team to look after everything in the other half and 11 being there isn't going to make that much difference."


"There is one thing you must ensure. It is that during the game, you must maintain enough fitness, strength and stamina to be a threat right till the end. In the last minute, when the ball is booted out of defence, you've got to fight tooth and nail to get it, control it and the be able to run with it from the halfway line. You are going to have people kicking at you, pulling you and doing everything in their power to stop you, but you've got to have the strength to see them off. Then, when you've got to the opposition penalty area, you've still got to have the stamina to compose yourself and beat the goalkeeper. All this, because you are the match winner. Let nobody talk you into being anything else."


That's what Jackie Milburn said to Malcolm Macdonald when he signed for us. Contrasts nicely with the "Defend or your dropped" approach favoured by our beloved.


So according to Supermac, Jackie Milburn advised him to play in exactly the way that he would have wanted anyway.




So fucking what. :lol: It's probably how a few of our current lot want to play, but they're not allowed.


I'm suggesting that MM may be indulging in a bit of poetic licence here.


They didn't call him Supermouth for nothing.

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Roy Pattinson ‏@sugarpatto

Ben Arfa looking a tired boy this morning at Newcastle airport. It can't be from playing footy anyway! #benched pic.twitter.com/PQbb1lNGHp




Can this be put into the site logo somehow?

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Guest hatem garrincha

Sidney Govou, French international, who played with Hatem at Lyon.

Could someone translate the Hatem's part of his interview ? Please  :lol:



Among all your old team-mates who was the best?


"For pure talent level, it was Hatem  (Ben Arfa, Ed) . I do not know a player who could do what he did. It was impressive. He has something that others do not."




And he played with Zidane, Viera, Juninho etc...


Yep, he cited them (and others) but ended by saying he was the player who impressed him the most.

He also said that HBA was the best without forcing  his talent. Finally and between the lines, he's saying Ben Arfa didn't have the career he should have had because it was (football) so easy for him that he didn't care...

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