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..and he's not happy?  Nah, I refuse to believe it.

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Interview with the British Consultant in Bilbao, Derek Doyle (Scottish bloke and Newcastle fan)


"to the south of Newcastle there's a small town, Sunderland..."


Can't even be arsed to read the rest of the line, that was enough for me. :smug:


Google translates that article so strangely




BILBAO. "The Athletic-Manchester, you say? I know little football. I'm an English exception, exception that proves the rule, I mean. But if you insist ...". Thus closed the meeting by phone with a man who has traveled the thousand and one football field of Biscay, who knew the old Saint James Park, where he played as an amateur of Newcastle in his youth, "when there was still business offices to close inside the stadium "and still trembles when he hears the word hooligan . "The English were the first to encircle the hobbies and the first to remove the fences. We see that we learn quickly."


What does a Scotsman as British consul in Bilbao?


I was born in Glasgow, it is true. But my three years old my parents discovered that they would not find any treasure in Scotland and moved to Newcastle.


God save the flight of the 'Magpies' on Saint James Park!


I'm in Bilbao since 1973, so I have no very clear about my people. Yes, in my youth was a follower of Newcastle and regular at Saint James Park, where magpies.


Whence comes the nickname?


Since I'm not but I hope it's black and white of the shirt and not the thief who has the reputation of the bird that, ha, ha, ha.


Athletic fought there one of the most beautiful European battles ...


For the past few years in England, and especially in Newcastle ... - is remembered in a special way the magnificent atmosphere of the two parties, with two twin hobbies. There are other ties.


Release them, release them!


South of Newcastle is a small town, Sunderland. Its football team plays in red and white. And you know the history of T Athletic, a Basque businessman bought there because there was another site. You see, the North East of England has much in common with Athletic.


¿Latitude of Manchester?


Right in the northwest, ha, ha, ha. But they have also been impressed with the party's Athletic.


Manchester United is one of the greats. Do you grow with another club any rivalry?


I have a colleague in the Foreign Office to that seen for years. After Thursday's game sent me an email: I've enjoyed your Athletic! I'm from Liverpool. Does that answer your question ...?


Yes Do you have your heart broken?


I am a diplomat, the best man win.


What is the best ...?


I'm not quite place but the leg seemed fabulous. In the 92nd minute was a shame ... Sorry, a clear penalty! What did he do that Athletic player with the hand up? See where the wind blew. I want you to see a game better.


And what ends?


1-2 in favor of Manchester.


Diplomacy Live!


Do you think the result would have liked to Sir Alex ...? Luckily I have no crystal ball!


There will be sung, then the victory of David.


At Old Trafford was that they were not David against Goliath. Manchester is an institution, of course. And Europe has a long history. But the Athletic also very tradition and a philosophy that allows for easy identification of the people. The United come enraged by what happened in the first leg. They are not in good shape, you know ...


Although not frequent, ¿'The Cathedral' has ever taken the English countryside?


San Mamés remains today the spirit of the English countryside of my childhood. Today, there are stages within rooms and business centers. It is not the same.


Would it have been a good father of a player?




Let's talk about Kevin Doyle ...


It is one of my three children. It is true that he played for Athletic. With him and with another of my children my better half and I have traveled a thousand and one field of Biscay. I do not like those parents who do not invite their children to enjoy rather than to win.


Kevin Doyle! Farewell to Philosophy


I remember at the Brunette Tournament Lobo Carrasco made ​​a comment: Kevin Doyle, Athletic breaks his philosophy. In the rest of Athletic-Real Madrid, was interviewed. Athletic lost 1-0 and my son was assumed they would win. Then the Wolf said. His name is Kevin Doyle, yes. But Durango is pure accent. Ha, ha, ha.


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Steve Brenner ‏ @SunSteveBrenner

O'Neill admitted today Sessegnon is having problems settling. Known for a while there have been difficulties.Will prob be off in summer.

10:50 PM - 16 Mar 12


Oops. :lol:


Well, that's a surprise :lol:


See ya Stephane! Seriously though, without Sessegnon, the mackems could very well struggle next season. O'Neill won't sign another player like him, the man will probably sign an overrated English/British based player.

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Steve Brenner ‏ @SunSteveBrenner

O'Neill admitted today Sessegnon is having problems settling. Known for a while there have been difficulties.Will prob be off in summer.

10:50 PM - 16 Mar 12


Oops. :lol:


Well, that's a surprise :lol:


See ya Stephane! Seriously though, without Sessegnon, the mackems could very well struggle next season. O'Neill won't sign another player like him, the man will probably sign an overrated English/British based player.


Who needs Sessegnon when you can have Shaun Maloney, Aiden McGeady or Steve Sidwell? Maybe N'Zogbia will finally sign!

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Steve Brenner ‏ @SunSteveBrenner

O'Neill admitted today Sessegnon is having problems settling. Known for a while there have been difficulties.Will prob be off in summer.

10:50 PM - 16 Mar 12


Oops. :lol:


Well, that's a surprise :lol:


See ya Stephane! Seriously though, without Sessegnon, the mackems could very well struggle next season. O'Neill won't sign another player like him, the man will probably sign an overrated English/British based player.


Who needs Sessegnon when you can have Shaun Maloney, Aiden McGeady or Steve Sidwell? Maybe N'Zogbia will finally sign!


Oh my, ready-made replacements right there - those players would comfortably get the mackems into the Champions League! FTM.

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The footballing genius of some mackems is astounding, if ever you tar a mackem with the same 'inbred retrard' brush then think again after reading this on facebook today:


"away at everton is never an easy game but if we don't concede the least we can get is a replay"

"more chance of sunderland winning the FA cup this season than newcastle"







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Just had this texted from a mate going to Everton - they're a classy bunch........................


<Why post it?>


Why post it? Eh? This thread contains links to things that them lot come out with it, doesn't it? All I was doing was just highlighting that. Jesus Christ. I was raging about it too. Do links to other such vulgar stuff by them lot get edited too?

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Guest Craig-NUFC

Mackem mate

Everton away in this minibus :/ doubt it will still have wheels and windows after the game haha





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