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Champions League Final 2012 - pre-match thread

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Chelsea. As much as I sometimes hate some of their players like Drogba, Terry and Lampard - they deserve to win the Champions League in their career imo. It's their turn and they'll do it.

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Does the result make a difference to where we enter the Europa League?


Probably, aye. If Chelsea win, I think we'd go in one stage earlier.


Thought 4th place would get Chelsea's EL spot, not Liverpool as runners up in FA Cup?


http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91469.msg3696301.html#msg3696301 ??


If so: :thup:


I know it's Stifler, so it's got a good chance of being complete bollocks. Here's hoping, though. Liverpool having to start that early and playing in the shitty games would be great.

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Like Spurs a hell of a lot more than Chelsea.  How could anyone want to see scumbags like Terry, Cole and Drogba win the Champions league, man?




"I can't talk about him because he is a Newcastle player. But he is a top, top player, and if he wasn't a Newcastle player I would love to say that he's a top, top, player and I'd love to have him at Tottenham. If he wasn't a Newcastle player."

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It's a really difficult one, I hate Chelsea more than any other club bar Sunderland but they wouldn't suffer that badly from not qualifying IMO, whereas Spurs would.  You have to go with what's good for your own club, so I want Chelsea to win then I suppose.

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Defeatist attitude but anyone else quite releaved we don't have to worry about this now? :lol:


Was going to say. Nice to be able to just relax and enjoy the game.

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Guest bimpy474

Chelsea so candle melted face can go into melt down, rather apt that.


If Chelsea do win it, you just wait for an appeal to UEFA, and lots of how unfair it is from melted face.

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Well I'm not keen on a Chelsea win, but if it screws Spurs over it's a no-brainer for two reasons.


1) Chelsea will spend the same whichever competition they're in, but Spurs might have to get rid of Modric/Bale and they can't replace them with better. So for our CL aspirations, we need Chelsea.


2) Harry Redknapp.

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Chelsea, not only does it screw over spurs and Redknob but surely that would get Di Matteo the job and imho he doesn't have the spine to stand up to the chelsea old boys club and get rid of them so chelsea knackered for another season

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