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Newcastle United 3 - 0 Wigan - 03/12/12 - post-match reaction from page 41


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Well I'm very happy with that. Lady luck got us on our way, but it was a good passing movement by us that brought us that penalty incident. Good brace from Ba and a lovely strike by Bigi.


Still think we gave them a bit too much respect and space at times, but they never did score or really dominate us consistently.


Just wish Cisse scored but he had a few half chances tonight, probably should have got one with his ability.

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Thank god for Anita/Marveaux because our ability to keep the ball is diabolical otherwise. So frustrating seeing them lay the ball off to Sammeobi who can barely keep it under control.


Relieved that we've won and with a decent scoreline.


Hope Ba isn't badly injured.

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How was that Cissé's fault, man? :lol:


Both of them are to blame tbf, Cisse's run was s**** and Ba should have carried it forward more and make sure Cisse was behind the ball.


Ba's not responsible for where Cisse is ffs. :lol:


You don't pass to someone who's clearly offside, you keep going and wait until they get themselves back onside



Ba would have got to The Trent by the time Cisse got himself back onside :lol:


clearly not going to convince people so let's just leave it at I wholeheartedly disagree :lol:


Cisse was sprinting at almost full pelt man. How do you expect Ba to get ahead of him of Cisse does not move to get back onside?

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It's unbelievably obvious how much more comfortable Cisse is up there on his own, or at least not anywhere near Ba.


Is it? Or has he just lost form completely?


It is to me man, every time I see it I see a different Cisse, fuck knows why but it is the case imo.

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Listening to TalkSport for the first time ever today. I can't believe these guys get paid for this s***.  Especially the Irish idiot.

Try and catch Adrian Durham one day :lol:

The worst is Richard Keys IMHO

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Good result and performance.  Credit to Pardew for changing it up tonight :)


Thought Marveaux looked really good and Anita is impressing too.  I think he's much better in that role than in the Tiote role he has been pushed into.


Imperative now that we don't go back to that rigid setup we have been playing this season.

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Only downside (injuries apart if there long ones) was Jonas, he was awful. Really out of form.


He's not out of form, he's just a average player. Alan smith but with some and can dribble.


Provides Colo with a pal though.

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