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Aston Villa vs Newcastle - 29/01/13 @ 7:45pm - Not on TV


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Honestly, if you lose this one, you're utterly doomed.


You're playing a club which is collapsing from within. The fans have lost faith in the owner, in the team, and have seen their side win a handful of matches in one entire calendar year. It's horrible.


The strongest bond remaining is probably between fans and manager - strangely, considering - but confidence is at an all time low.


I didn't renew my ST this year (finances), and got offered a free ticket for this one, but turned it down. I can't face it. I am not even going to follow on the internet, I am going to turn off my phone and pretend it isn't happening.


I am, in short, broken.

Someone must go to this man's home and ensure his personal safety.


This match is not a decider, but a loser is clearly in trouble.


:lol: Blimey.

I read that in Mr. Eko's voice. :lol:

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Excited for a relegation 6-pointer, what's wrong with me? ;D


The problem is that I'm confident and expecting the win, which never ends well. But the new signings will give us momentum and I think Sissoko will have a Tiote-like debut.

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The prospect of seeing our new crop of Frenchies mercilessly crush Villa and help send their legions of depressing fans en route to relegation is mouth-watering. They're fucking dementors, sucking the joy out of the Premier League.


Obviously we'll get beat, but one can hope.

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Honestly, if you lose this one, you're utterly doomed.


You're playing a club which is collapsing from within. The fans have lost faith in the owner, in the team, and have seen their side win a handful of matches in one entire calendar year. It's horrible.


The strongest bond remaining is probably between fans and manager - strangely, considering - but confidence is at an all time low.


I didn't renew my ST this year (finances), and got offered a free ticket for this one, but turned it down. I can't face it. I am not even going to follow on the internet, I am going to turn off my phone and pretend it isn't happening.


I am, in short, broken.


Despite our excitement at new signings, I can't believe this is the match you've pretty much given up on to the point you're ignoring it existing. As I say, even though we've gotten in some great transfer business (hopefully), there's an insane amount of people that have made it clear they're still scared of Pardew fucking it up. Considering the Reading match, this of all matches should be the one you lads can hope to turn the tide.


Obviously I pray to fuck I'm wrong and this is the point we are the ones to turn the tide, of course. :lol:


The one week in ages my Tuesday day off gets switched ffs. Spurs isn't enough, I want to go to this so bad.

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going by the bibs on pics it looks like


debuchy    mym    Colo    santon



          sissokho      cabaye


gouffran      cisse          marv


although I think staylor had a bib also so maybe a toss up between him n mym

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Villa have scored 8 goals at home all season, and in all comps have failed to keep a clean sheet in their last 12 games. Going into this with a negative mindset would be ridiculous.


Seems a lot like Fulham away - they hadn't scored at all for around 6 matches or something and we turned up to give them 3 points.


Don't forget that Reading were the only team except us without an away win.  A visit to St James' later put that right for them.


We are quite often the team that turn up to buck the trend with ready gift wrapped goals and points for struggling teams.

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Guest hydeous

I'll be surprised if Perch starts. Unless Anita is injured.

Wouldn't put it past Pardew though. He needs a DM there for this defensive stability.

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