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Aston Villa vs Newcastle - 29/01/13 @ 7:45pm - Not on TV


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Guest reefatoon

I'm so nervous for this, please just win.


Exactly!  I am hoping I can watch Football first on Sky sports tonight for the first time this season.

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Good to see the feel good factor pissed away this morning isnt it? You would think people would wait to see what team he picks before talking themselves into needless doom and gloom but nope its the same old whinge first find out later attitude from some  :(




Some laughably moronic posts today.

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Guest icemanblue

It's just been the same craic for the last ten days. Seemingly, signing four more players does nothing to change the mood of a fair few.


I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. Regardsless of which new recruits we get to see, there should be an improvement in the morale and energy of the side. I really hope we dick them.

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Guest Roger Kint

Anybody know any good away friendly pubs around the ground?


Cap and Gown was an away pub last time I was there, albeit that was 7 years ago now.


Same for me(5 years ago) but not sure 'good' is a fitting word for it :lol:

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It's just nerves and people protecting themselves if the worst happens, nothing wrong with that.


You'd think regulars would understand this place by now.  :lol:


:lol: Aye, definite excess of PMT (pre-match tension) in here today - there's a few people maybe need to go for a walk or something.

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I do understand in some respects that because of the influx of new signings (and Colo staying) that several might have gotten a bit carried away into thinking we're nailed on to win tonight, and those who are of a more pessimistic nature have been falling over themselves to remind them that we could still lose. :lol:


I'm fairly confident, but still have that thought in the back of my mind that we could lose.


FWIW there's no point in being really, really negative unless at quarter to seven we see the lineup and it's Cisse on the right with Shola up top.

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It's just been the same craic for the last ten days. Seemingly, signing four more players does nothing to change the mood of a fair few.


I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. Regardsless of which new recruits we get to see, there should be an improvement in the morale and energy of the side. I really hope we dick them.


We probably have near enough a good enough squad depth to actually be competing now along with a lot of quality players, I think for most though the faith in Pardew has been dwindling as the season has gone by.


I'm of the belief that you can have a team of cracking players but if the manager isn't up to the task the team will still struggle.


Having said that though I havent looked forward to a game so much in a long time and I cannot wait to see Sissoko in particular tonight. Hoping they hit the ground running and we get out of this mess ASAP.

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It's just nerves and people protecting themselves if the worst happens, nothing wrong with that.


You'd think regulars would understand this place by now.  :lol:


:lol: Aye, definite excess of PMT (pre-match tension) in here today - there's a few people maybe need to go for a walk or something.


I'm the most negative bastard, but today im looking at this one in a positive light (but can fully understand people shitting themselves) New signings, feel good factor amongst a big part of the fans (away lot will be buzzing) players lifted, manager visibly lifted while Villa are the exact opposite, if Brummie is anything to go by (usually very positive) then they are down already.


Worried about Benteke, but think we've enough to cope with him while threaten at the other end. Cisse for the love of god bring your shooting boots today, if so its a comfortable win.



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Genuinely no idea how it will go tonight, it's a big ask for us to magically just start playing brilliantly having not done so all season but at the same time they're probably even worse and will have a nervous/ready to pounce crowd on their backs. I only hope for an improved performance, one for 90mins would be a pleasant change and commitment from all & hopefully this should be enough.

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Guest icemanblue

Absolutely criminal if Shola starts this, although I'm mentally preparing for Shola and Jonas both starting :anguish:. Williamson starting would cause an all time meltdown. :lol:


For example...

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Absolutely criminal if Shola starts this, although I'm mentally preparing for Shola and Jonas both starting :anguish:. Williamson starting would cause an all time meltdown. :lol:


For example...




Maybe he's excited and looking forward to this game, but still worried about some players starting, nothing wrong with this.

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