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Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking piss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).


That whole thing, really, I don't get it. It's all a bit 'big deal', surely?


The time to get annoyed is when you go down and nobody bats an eyelid - like Albion or Sunderland, for example.


Anyway, you've got the perfect chance to take the piss back coming up pretty soon. I fully expect you to take it and will be amazed if you don't.


Schadenfreude, it is one of the building blocks of football, surely?

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Guest chopey

Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking p*ss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).


That whole thing, really, I don't get it. It's all a bit 'big deal', surely?


The time to get annoyed is when you go down and nobody bats an eyelid - like Albion or Sunderland, for example.


Anyway, you've got the perfect chance to take the p*ss back coming up pretty soon. I fully expect you to take it and will be amazed if you don't.


Schadenfreude, it is one of the building blocks of football, surely?


Are Villa closing a full stand next season Brummie ?

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Never had a good experience with Villa fans or Birmingham fans. When I had a season ticket I saw some Birmingham fans trying to figure out where they needed to go, I offered help but I just got told to fuck off. On holiday one time there was a few lads from Birmingham (both Villa and Birmingham fans), mouthy pieces of shit, trying to give it the big I am. I played football with them once and this fucking giant gangly thing (I honestly thought it was Peter Crouch) went over the top to shoulder barge me right into the 5 aside fencing, later in the match I shoulder barged him and and he was asking what the hell I was doing like a fanny who can dish it out and can't take it.

People from Birmingham have a chip on their shoulder, maybe it's because they come from a city thats full of concrete monstrosities and have a depressing voice that makes them sound as though they need either a box of Prozac, or some fucking razor blades.


You're basing that on:


1. Some Small Heath knuckledraggers swore at you.

2. Some Brummies annoyed you on holiday.

3. Someone shoulder barged you during a match.


I'm from Birmingham, and I not only do not have a regional accent, I don't have a chip on my shoulder, either.


Your post is a bit like people seeing that photo of the Newcastle fan twatting that horse and saying "Fuck me, Geordies, they're all insane, I saw one twat a horse once. Well, it was in the paper, like. They're all horsetwatters, honestly"


Seriously, what rubbish.


I was coming out of a Newcastle - Villa match at your place in the late 80s, there was a bit of trouble, and one of your fans stuck a house brick in my mate's sister's face from point blank range.


Did I spend years blathering on about how Geordies brick girls? No, I didn't, because I realised it was about one fucking twat, and fucking twats are fucking twats, wherever they're from. And they're everywhere.

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Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking p*ss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).


That whole thing, really, I don't get it. It's all a bit 'big deal', surely?


The time to get annoyed is when you go down and nobody bats an eyelid - like Albion or Sunderland, for example.


Anyway, you've got the perfect chance to take the p*ss back coming up pretty soon. I fully expect you to take it and will be amazed if you don't.


Schadenfreude, it is one of the building blocks of football, surely?


Are Villa closing a full stand next season Brummie ?


No, they're closing the upper of three tiers of the Trinity Road stand. Holds 3,500.


We're absolutely embracing the descent into the championship and taking every opportunity to be small time.


Lerner has fucking lost it.


He's gone Kin Jong Un / Il on us.


Properly, properly out of control.

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Never had a good experience with Villa fans or Birmingham fans. When I had a season ticket I saw some Birmingham fans trying to figure out where they needed to go, I offered help but I just got told to fuck off. On holiday one time there was a few lads from Birmingham (both Villa and Birmingham fans), mouthy pieces of shit, trying to give it the big I am. I played football with them once and this fucking giant gangly thing (I honestly thought it was Peter Crouch) went over the top to shoulder barge me right into the 5 aside fencing, later in the match I shoulder barged him and and he was asking what the hell I was doing like a fanny who can dish it out and can't take it.

People from Birmingham have a chip on their shoulder, maybe it's because they come from a city thats full of concrete monstrosities and have a depressing voice that makes them sound as though they need either a box of Prozac, or some fucking razor blades.


You're basing that on:


1. Some Small Heath knuckledraggers swore at you.

2. Some Brummies annoyed you on holiday.

3. Someone shoulder barged you during a match.


I'm from Birmingham, and I not only do not have a regional accent, I don't have a chip on my shoulder, either.


Your post is a bit like people seeing that photo of the Newcastle fan twatting that horse and saying "Fuck me, Geordies, they're all insane, I saw one twat a horse once. Well, it was in the paper, like. They're all horsetwatters, honestly"


Seriously, what rubbish.


I was coming out of a Newcastle - Villa match at your place in the late 80s, there was a bit of trouble, and one of your fans stuck a house brick in my mate's sister's face from point blank range.


Did I spend years blathering on about how Geordies brick girls? No, I didn't, because I realised it was about one fucking twat, and fucking twats are fucking twats, wherever they're from. And they're everywhere.

Here here :clap:

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Never had a good experience with Villa fans or Birmingham fans. When I had a season ticket I saw some Birmingham fans trying to figure out where they needed to go, I offered help but I just got told to fuck off. On holiday one time there was a few lads from Birmingham (both Villa and Birmingham fans), mouthy pieces of shit, trying to give it the big I am. I played football with them once and this fucking giant gangly thing (I honestly thought it was Peter Crouch) went over the top to shoulder barge me right into the 5 aside fencing, later in the match I shoulder barged him and and he was asking what the hell I was doing like a fanny who can dish it out and can't take it.

People from Birmingham have a chip on their shoulder, maybe it's because they come from a city thats full of concrete monstrosities and have a depressing voice that makes them sound as though they need either a box of Prozac, or some fucking razor blades.


You're basing that on:


1. Some Small Heath knuckledraggers swore at you.

2. Some Brummies annoyed you on holiday.

3. Someone shoulder barged you during a match.


I'm from Birmingham, and I not only do not have a regional accent, I don't have a chip on my shoulder, either.


Your post is a bit like people seeing that photo of the Newcastle fan twatting that horse and saying "Fuck me, Geordies, they're all insane, I saw one twat a horse once. Well, it was in the paper, like. They're all horsetwatters, honestly"


Seriously, what rubbish.


I was coming out of a Newcastle - Villa match at your place in the late 80s, there was a bit of trouble, and one of your fans stuck a house brick in my mate's sister's face from point blank range.


Did I spend years blathering on about how Geordies brick girls? No, I didn't, because I realised it was about one fucking twat, and fucking twats are fucking twats, wherever they're from. And they're everywhere.

Aye, I get that it's only a few people, all I can report on is what I have experienced. As it happens there is a guy who comes into my work who is from Birmingham and is a Villa fan, one of the nicest people you can meet. He used to work at the uni, always asks me how well my uni is going, told me not to worry about starting it late in life and that he never went to uni until he was 30 and such.
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Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking p*ss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).


That whole thing, really, I don't get it. It's all a bit 'big deal', surely?


The time to get annoyed is when you go down and nobody bats an eyelid - like Albion or Sunderland, for example.


Anyway, you've got the perfect chance to take the p*ss back coming up pretty soon. I fully expect you to take it and will be amazed if you don't.


Schadenfreude, it is one of the building blocks of football, surely?


Are Villa closing a full stand next season Brummie ?


No, they're closing the upper of three tiers of the Trinity Road stand. Holds 3,500.


We're absolutely embracing the descent into the championship and taking every opportunity to be small time.


Lerner has fucking lost it.


He's gone Kin Jong Un / Il on us.


Properly, properly out of control.

On SSN the other day it said that Lerner was in advanced negotiations to sell the club, any word on that down there?
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Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking p*ss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).


That whole thing, really, I don't get it. It's all a bit 'big deal', surely?


The time to get annoyed is when you go down and nobody bats an eyelid - like Albion or Sunderland, for example.


Anyway, you've got the perfect chance to take the p*ss back coming up pretty soon. I fully expect you to take it and will be amazed if you don't.


Schadenfreude, it is one of the building blocks of football, surely?


Are Villa closing a full stand next season Brummie ?


No, they're closing the upper of three tiers of the Trinity Road stand. Holds 3,500.


We're absolutely embracing the descent into the championship and taking every opportunity to be small time.


Lerner has fucking lost it.


He's gone Kin Jong Un / Il on us.


Properly, properly out of control.

On SSN the other day it said that Lerner was in advanced negotiations to sell the club, any word on that down there?


I reckon that bit was a total bullshit line from them to take our attention away from the meltdown going on.


I've given up on them. It's all gone seriously wrong. We're not coming back until he goes.


He's basically gone rogue.

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Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking p*ss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).


That whole thing, really, I don't get it. It's all a bit 'big deal', surely?


The time to get annoyed is when you go down and nobody bats an eyelid - like Albion or Sunderland, for example.


Anyway, you've got the perfect chance to take the p*ss back coming up pretty soon. I fully expect you to take it and will be amazed if you don't.


Schadenfreude, it is one of the building blocks of football, surely?


Are Villa closing a full stand next season Brummie ?


No, they're closing the upper of three tiers of the Trinity Road stand. Holds 3,500.


We're absolutely embracing the descent into the championship and taking every opportunity to be small time.


Lerner has f***ing lost it.


He's gone Kin Jong Un / Il on us.


Properly, properly out of control.

On SSN the other day it said that Lerner was in advanced negotiations to sell the club, any word on that down there?


I reckon that bit was a total bullshit line from them to take our attention away from the meltdown going on.


I've given up on them. It's all gone seriously wrong. We're not coming back until he goes.


He's basically gone rogue.


I'm not gonna lie, I don't like Villa after when we went down, but as soon as we get our laughs from you this season (so long as we stay up) then I'll draw a line under that.


For the actual footballing side of things though, both our teams deserve relegation as do the SMB's. Hideously ran, and all need a clear out of staff at all / varying levels.

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For the actual footballing side of things though, both our teams deserve relegation as do the SMB's. Hideously ran, and all need a clear out of staff at all / varying levels.


I couldn't agree more.


What a disgrace. Just needed to show the bare minimum of aptitude to avoid getting relegated or sucked into the shit end of the table year after year, totally fail.


All three have shit leadership that trickles down, too.

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For the actual footballing side of things though, both our teams deserve relegation as do the SMB's. Hideously ran, and all need a clear out of staff at all / varying levels.


I couldn't agree more.


What a disgrace. Just needed to show the bare minimum of aptitude to avoid getting relegated or sucked into the s*** end of the table year after year, totally fail.


All three have s*** leadership that trickles down, too.


Aye.  Unfortunately, in any organisation if you can see internal politics and mismanagement the people at the bottom will begin to underperform and want away.

The difference being, in 'normal' walks of life you still have bills to pay so you still have to do your job at the required level. That's what fucks me off most with the players. IMO you have Sky and the money in the game to blame for that but it's the same at all clubs...


Just our owners are the biggest twats.

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Guest chopey

Is Learners money self made or inherited ?




Dad formed MBNA.


Explains a lot, spoilt brat used to getting his own way

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Either Sky Sports have ballsed up on their six a side game or someone is having a laugh!





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking p*ss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).


That whole thing, really, I don't get it. It's all a bit 'big deal', surely?


The time to get annoyed is when you go down and nobody bats an eyelid - like Albion or Sunderland, for example.


Anyway, you've got the perfect chance to take the p*ss back coming up pretty soon. I fully expect you to take it and will be amazed if you don't.


Schadenfreude, it is one of the building blocks of football, surely?


Errr.  Not really.  We could be relegated and all.  We get the chance for a bit of piss taking revenge and we even manage to fuck that up  :undecided:

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Just a way for their chairman to pump more money in isn't? At least he's probably paying for the priviledge. Does Britannia even still exist (as a building soc)?


Oh I thought it was called Britannia after a fan poll and because there is a load of EDL/'Make St George's Day a national holiday' lot.

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