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Still think 34-35 should be enough, making West Ham, Hull, Norwich and Swansea pretty much safe for me.


Reckon Sunderland will scrape a 1-0 tomorrow, though. Damn Cardiff!


Not playing tomorro marro. Mondo.

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Despite that late Cardiff goal its been an awful day for them with Palace winning. I think they'll get beat on Monday. West Ham will go for the draw playing defensive which the mackems struggle against at home. Definitely got a Nolan or Carroll goal from a set piece written all over it.

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Great result the Palace one, massively makes up for West Brom drawing! Before today West Brom had the easier fixtures than Palace, so its still quite decent.


Allardyce and West Ham will be hard to beat on Monday (as we know from his matches against us) and so I fancy them on the break, mackems are more suited to defending themselves and scoring a fluke goal for the win, bit different when they are expected to do the attacking.


Even if they win on Monday, I wouldn't reckon they will get many points after that for a while and should be safely in the bottom 3 for the foreseeable.

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Despite that late Cardiff goal its been an awful day for them with Palace winning. I think they'll get beat on Monday. West Ham will go for the draw playing defensive which the mackems struggle against at home. Definitely got a Nolan or Carroll goal from a set piece written all over it.



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In other news, quite a coup getting Professor Green to play in sundo....he's clearly thrilled to be there


Quick stop off in the toon now off to Sunderland, then back to quite possibly my favourite city outside of London, Newcastle.




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Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?

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In other news, quite a coup getting Professor Green to play in sundo....he's clearly thrilled to be there


Quick stop off in the toon now off to Sunderland, then back to quite possibly my favourite city outside of London, Newcastle.





That could be the twitter account of every away fan that ever stayed up north after a Sunderland game.


Never heard of someone staying in Sunderland after a match or just in general.

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Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?


Sunderland - like Newcastle are a difficult team to manage. Place & Pulis are a great fit. Palace would be delighted to have 5 consecutive years in the Premiership playing hoofball - despite producing some very talented footballers.


Sunderland on the other hand..... make otherwise decent managers (based on previous jobs and current jobs MON & Bruce are decent) look terrible.

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Yeah, Antiscore just isn't very good. He should definitely go back to the Dutch league.


They'll be relegated and he'll be the scapegoat, despite 75% of their squad just not being PL-quality That doesn't excuse his pitiful performance this season. He should have scored at least a few token goals by this point.


He's not a PL footballer, but he's also not "shit." He's completely zapped of confidence (much of which comes from the fact that he's too thin-skinned for this league, annoyingly so) and playing for a team in which he was always a terrible fit. It's not exactly as if any of their other target forwards have lit up the league this season, which suggests the problem is largely systemic.


He'll go back to the Eredivisie or some other second-tier European league and have a decent little career. He's also a whopping 24 years old, which some are wont to forget. Not like he's entering the twilight years of his career.


Anyway, fuck Sunderland and their trailer park fan base.

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Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?


Sunderland - like Newcastle are a difficult team to manage. Place & Pulis are a great fit. Palace would be delighted to have 5 consecutive years in the Premiership playing hoofball - despite producing some very talented footballers.


Sunderland on the other hand..... make otherwise decent managers (based on previous jobs and current jobs MON & Bruce are decent) look terrible.


MON isn't otherwise decent at all. Villa are still paying for his stint there. Ask brummie about how decent O'Neill is.

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Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?


Sunderland - like Newcastle are a difficult team to manage. Place & Pulis are a great fit. Palace would be delighted to have 5 consecutive years in the Premiership playing hoofball - despite producing some very talented footballers.


Sunderland on the other hand..... make otherwise decent managers (based on previous jobs and current jobs MON & Bruce are decent) look terrible.


Agree with all of that except that Bruce and MoN are good managers. O'Neills Villa were shocking to watch with their one dimensional football, and Bruce's myth is only perpetuated by his media muckers.


We'll get beat off West Ham tomorrow, and that'll be us gone. To be honest I'll be relieved when it's over, then we can start clearing out the utter shite that's been infesting our club for the last 5 years. If we have to suffer more than one season in the Championship, then so be it. 

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I think you're the type of club that needs to come back first time of asking, or it could be a long time before you're back. If we'd fucked up our season down there, I doubt we'd have been back any time soon.

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Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?


Sunderland - like Newcastle are a difficult team to manage. Place & Pulis are a great fit. Palace would be delighted to have 5 consecutive years in the Premiership playing hoofball - despite producing some very talented footballers.


Sunderland on the other hand..... make otherwise decent managers (based on previous jobs and current jobs MON & Bruce are decent) look terrible.


Agree with all of that except that Bruce and MoN are good managers. O'Neills Villa were shocking to watch with their one dimensional football, and Bruce's myth is only perpetuated by his media muckers.


We'll get beat off West Ham tomorrow, and that'll be us gone. To be honest I'll be relieved when it's over, then we can start clearing out the utter shite that's been infesting our club for the last 5 years. If we have to suffer more than one season in the Championship, then so be it. 


You have signed a shit load of players the last two windows haven't you? How many do you think will stay?

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Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?


Sunderland - like Newcastle are a difficult team to manage. Place & Pulis are a great fit. Palace would be delighted to have 5 consecutive years in the Premiership playing hoofball - despite producing some very talented footballers.


Sunderland on the other hand..... make otherwise decent managers (based on previous jobs and current jobs MON & Bruce are decent) look terrible.


Agree with all of that except that Bruce and MoN are good managers. O'Neills Villa were shocking to watch with their one dimensional football, and Bruce's myth is only perpetuated by his media muckers.


We'll get beat off West Ham tomorrow, and that'll be us gone. To be honest I'll be relieved when it's over, then we can start clearing out the utter s**** that's been infesting our club for the last 5 years. If we have to suffer more than one season in the Championship, then so be it. 


You have signed a s*** load of players the last two windows haven't you? How many do you think will stay?


Can they keep Virgini? Please.

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Despite the strange fawning love they always seem to have for managers, chairmen, owners, no matter how bad they are (party with Marty, Paolo's revolution etc, etc) even they must be starting to realise that in their predicament Tony "the charver" Pulis would have been a better choice than the egotistical Gus "the poo" Poyet  ?


Sunderland - like Newcastle are a difficult team to manage. Place & Pulis are a great fit. Palace would be delighted to have 5 consecutive years in the Premiership playing hoofball - despite producing some very talented footballers.


Sunderland on the other hand..... make otherwise decent managers (based on previous jobs and current jobs MON & Bruce are decent) look terrible.


MON isn't otherwise decent at all. Villa are still paying for his stint there. Ask brummie about how decent O'Neill is.

Won trophies with Leicester had them comfortably Midtable. Took Celtic to UEFA Cup final and had some good runs in Europe with them.  Had Villa challenging for top 4. Had some poor signings and wasted money but he had some successful signings.


Prior to Sunderland he was never a manager who get involved in relegation scraps. He had his ceiling in the Premiership but never a bad manager. Until he joined Sunderland.

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I dunno Brummie was quite damning of his Villa days, got the feeling of a manager who'd passed his sell by date. Agree a lot of the problem at Sunderland is players not up to the task but don't think MON can escape the blame entirely. Paolo was always going to be a disaster, I think Gus has at times (especially against us, mind we couldn't have rolled over more for them) made them look solid but is working with terrible players, not sure he's great but I don't think he's done much wrong with them, the players just aren't very good and he's had to inherit them.


Their transfer policy has got them in this mess imo.


Bruce seems to be doing well with Hull tbh, I've liked them when they're playing well, granted they are very inconsistent.


I'm not sure Sunderland would stay down forever even if they don't bounce back up, I suspect they will clear out the deadwood and be ok. I think we would have imploded way worse if we'd stayed down another season.

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(Source: Sports Club Stats)


I like this, not sure how accurate it can be mind, would have thought Norwich would have less chance of going down than WBA. Maybe that's where opinion comes in, mine or theirs.

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