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Regardless of the outcome of the trial, he has admitted to being a nonce.


Therefore he has opted to be a social pariah who will carry this stigma with him for the rest of his days the world over.


fuck him

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Is this the end of his professional career then? Have there been any instances of convicted paedos returning to the game?


Just had a terrifying thought that he could end up here if he's let off lightly and this all eventually blows over (especially if we're in the Championship). Ashley might see it as another (former) fringe England international available for peanuts (don't imagine he'll be able to demand much in wages if he does return to the game). Not like SD or Wonga aren't used to negative publicity.



Nee chance he'll play in English professional football again imo.



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Is this the end of his professional career then? Have there been any instances of convicted paedos returning to the game?


Just had a terrifying thought that he could end up here if he's let off lightly and this all eventually blows over (especially if we're in the Championship). Ashley might see it as another (former) fringe England international available for peanuts (don't imagine he'll be able to demand much in wages if he does return to the game). Not like SD or Wonga aren't used to negative publicity.



Nee chance he'll play in English professional football again imo.




In late 2013, Thomson is facing police charge after being reported by Midlothian Council officials for working as an unlicensed window cleaner.


:lol: Hopefully that's the life Johnson has to look forward to.

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Graham Rix got 12 months in 1999 for having sex with a 15 year old. Joined Chelsea immediately after his release and was managing Pompey by 2001. Cant see it with Johnson though.

Is this the end of his professional career then? Have there been any instances of convicted paedos returning to the game?


Just had a terrifying thought that he could end up here if he's let off lightly and this all eventually blows over (especially if we're in the Championship). Ashley might see it as another (former) fringe England international available for peanuts (don't imagine he'll be able to demand much in wages if he does return to the game). Not like SD or Wonga aren't used to negative publicity.



There is absolutely no chance that he’ll play professional football again! Look at Ched Evans!


The Rix situation was well before Savile and the rest of the nonce brigade were exposed too!





If you tolerate Rix, your Children will be next.


Great chant

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Graham Rix got 12 months in 1999 for having sex with a 15 year old. Joined Chelsea immediately after his release and was managing Pompey by 2001. Cant see it with Johnson though.

Is this the end of his professional career then? Have there been any instances of convicted paedos returning to the game?


Just had a terrifying thought that he could end up here if he's let off lightly and this all eventually blows over (especially if we're in the Championship). Ashley might see it as another (former) fringe England international available for peanuts (don't imagine he'll be able to demand much in wages if he does return to the game). Not like SD or Wonga aren't used to negative publicity.



There is absolutely no chance that he’ll play professional football again! Look at Ched Evans!


The Rix situation was well before Savile and the rest of the nonce brigade were exposed too!





If you tolerate Rix, your Children will be next.


Great chant


Ha ha ha yeah it was!

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As bad as the Lee Hughes incident was I think it's right he should be allowed back into football like, I'd say the same for most criminals. If you're grooming a 15 year old girl then you're obviously completely f***ed in the head though.


Aye...massive difference between causing a road accident (Albeit a fatal one) & actively pursuing a child with a view to noncing.


The point being that this was a premeditated act rather than a moment of stupidity...against a child

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Conor Wigwam apparently called the police after becoming aware of mentions of it on social media.


I do wonder what his team mates thought about having to play with him, although they did seem to celebrate with him during goals etc.. orders from the top perhaps?

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Conor Wigwam apparently called the police after becoming aware of mentions of it on social media.


I do wonder what his team mates thought about having to play with him, although they did seem to celebrate with him during goals etc.. orders from the top perhaps?


They're footballers, I doubt they give a shit

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The permanently-outraged on Twitter haven't got time to be concerning themselves with dead children.


Any form of sexual abuse trumps any other crime at the moment. I think I've posted about this before, whatever you think of him it's outrageous that Evans can't get a club without threats being made against the owners while other people who've committed (IMO) worse crimes can rejoin without a murmur.


Drink driving's not quite so trendy to "campaign" against on the internet so McCormick's fine to have at your club.

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Is this the end of his professional career then? Have there been any instances of convicted paedos returning to the game?


Just had a terrifying thought that he could end up here if he's let off lightly and this all eventually blows over (especially if we're in the Championship). Ashley might see it as another (former) fringe England international available for peanuts (don't imagine he'll be able to demand much in wages if he does return to the game). Not like SD or Wonga aren't used to negative publicity.


There is not a lot this club would do that wouldn't surprise me BUT regardless of sentence there is not a chance Ashley would go for Adam Johnson

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Friend 1 was also questioned by both barristers via live video link. She told jurors that she didn't tell police when interviewed about the girl allegedly performing a sex act on Johnson because she "didn't believe it" and that her friend had asked her not to say.


So.. her friend didnt even believe her

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The permanently-outraged on Twitter haven't got time to be concerning themselves with dead children.


Any form of sexual abuse trumps any other crime at the moment. I think I've posted about this before, whatever you think of him it's outrageous that Evans can't get a club without threats being made against the owners while other people who've committed (IMO) worse crimes can rejoin without a murmur.


Drink driving's not quite so trendy to "campaign" against on the internet so McCormick's fine to have at your club.

The Evans thing is still really hard to believe like.


I still think he'll have it overturned on appeal as well, so that'll be nice for him.

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Let's be honest. 80% of people who drive have done some type of drink driving at least once. Probably not speeding at the same time, most haven't killed anyone but still. It's a wreckless act of stupidity.



But child grooming is... understandably..... another kettle of fish.


I think Ched Evans issue is that he doesn't believe he's guilty. So he's going to have to fight that battle in caught.


But yes... things are much different now. Mike Tyson was convicted of rape which he denies and he's still a Hero in many quarters. He went on to contest in massive box office bouts. If that happened in 2014 i'm not sure that would happen. His 1 man show gets shown on Sky. Neither Ched or Johnson will have that luxury.


Mike Tyson's ace btw.

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How is he (as a person) any different though than if he'd drunk drove and didn't kill any kids, like loads of people do? I'd say McCormick is in a better position than Hughes as I don't think he ran off.


Loads of people don't get tanked up at a wedding then decide to drive home at 90mph down the M6 in a Range Rover. He's a piece of shit.

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The court heard the school friend telling police the 15-year-old wore leggings when she met Johnson. The alleged victim previously told jurors that Johnson “unbuttoned her jeans.”


Eh, didn't one of his texts talk about wanting to get her jeans off?

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The court heard the school friend telling police the 15-year-old wore leggings when she met Johnson. The alleged victim previously told jurors that Johnson “unbuttoned her jeans.”


Eh, didn't one of his texts talk about wanting to get her jeans off?


there was two meetings wasn't there



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A piece of shit who's served his time like, but aye, I'm not defending him. There's just a slight difference in the mindset behind speeding home pissed and sexually abusing an underage girl. One is ridiculous, arsehole behavior, the other is sexually abusing an underage girl.


Johnson should never be offered the chance to play football again imo, as a human being he's proven himself unoquivically to be completely ammoral. I don't think you can say the same for McCormick.

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A piece of shit who's served his time like, but aye, I'm not defending him. There's just a slight difference in the mindset behind speeding home pissed and sexually abusing an underage girl. One is ridiculous, arsehole behavior, the other is sexually abusing an underage girl.


Johnson should never be offered the chance to play football again imo, as a human being he's proven himself unoquivically to be completely ammoral. I don't think you can say the same for McCormick.

The big difference for me is the fact that Johnson's wasn't "just" a quick mistake, but something that he spent a month actively pursuing.

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The court heard the school friend telling police the 15-year-old wore leggings when she met Johnson. The alleged victim previously told jurors that Johnson “unbuttoned her jeans.”


Eh, didn't one of his texts talk about wanting to get her jeans off?


Aye just went back to see and you're right, Johnson himself said jeans. Maybe the friend just forgot/was guessing or something

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