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Guest Roger Kint

That mean we lose some of the yanks on here to rtg?


Surely only Scouse Mike is that easily swayed?

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PDC is signing too many players in one window. Can see them easily getting 10 in and almost as many out. Altidore is a good player if he can keep the form of AZ, but the others are simply not very good, like Mannone.

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PDC is signing too many players in one window. Can see them easily getting 10 in and almost as many out. Altidore is a good player if he can keep the form of AZ, but the others are simply not very good, like Mannone.


Reminds me of Perrin at Portsmouth so far.

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Only heard a bit of it last night in the car, but the Sunderland commentator for Radio Newcastle was on Total Sport, and it sounded like he was uncertain and questioning the amount of changes happening at the SoS.


Italian backroom staff and DoF, then all these new players coming in - was saying if it all went wrong, and they ended up sacking PDC, then with all the staff/players he's brought in, its basically 'tear it up and start all over again' for the next manager.


He sounded slightly concerned.... almost unconvinced at whats going on.


Lovely. :)


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PDC is signing too many players in one window. Can see them easily getting 10 in and almost as many out. Altidore is a good player if he can keep the form of AZ, but the others are simply not very good, like Mannone.


Reminds me of Perrin at Portsmouth so far.


Reggie Perrin?

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Always thought Altidore was poor, he's scored plenty in Holland but that doesn't mean to much, his international record is pretty rank.


Sunderland's certainly making loads of signings like, but are any of them any good?  Its easy to sign shit.

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I'm pretty sure it will somehow all blow up in their face next season; it always does. But at least they have an owner who is willing to back his manager and not afraid to change staff when things don't work out. Add to that the just convincingly beat us and yeah, I'm afraid at this point I am a little jealous of Sunderland. At least they seem to be doing something to improve their plight, whereas all we've done is appoint a buffoon as DoF, who has single handedly cancelled a very good incoming free transfer that was all but agreed and we've missed out on some of our priority targets already, whilst being linked to players you'd expect Sunderland to be in under MON. We're going backwards here, and looking at last seasons' table there's not a lot of room to maneuver in that direction.

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He would've been the one good one ;D Although we can hardly laugh right now :(


Benjamin Mendy is supposed to be a promising player. Other than that they appear to have signed a load of lower division forrins marra.



Prediction based on nowt, he'll not make more than 40 Premier League starts for Sunderland. He'll either not make it and go back to France, or he'll be mint and snapped up within 2 seasons.


Looks like it'll be 0 Premier League starts for Sunderland. :yao:



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Always thought Altidore was poor, he's scored plenty in Holland but that doesn't mean to much, his international record is pretty rank.


Sunderland's certainly making loads of signings like, but are any of them any good?  Its easy to sign shit.


He has improved by leaps and bounds since joining AZ two years ago, it's evident in his play for the national team. 4 goals in his last 4 international matches. He's definitely talented, but like many strikers, he needs consistent service to be most effective.


We'll see how he does at Sunderland.

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