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She has a bairn with him so she may have been doing it for them and hoping he wasn't a total creep, just a bit of a knob for cheating on her, I doubt she'll be able to look him in the eye after this though.

I'd be surprised if she still wants the bairn as harsh as it is

It's not like the bairn is going to be a mutant half normal, half nonce baby ffs :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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"The crown points to the sexually charged messages sent by the defendant after the encounter. One of them was an image of the girl in a bikini she had posted, and the response by the defendant was 'Yeah, that's what I meant, send one with the bikini off." Also included in that message were wink and smile emojis, the court hears
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Aye I kna but it's just the whole reminder of what was in a way. Not saying it's right but could understand it. Imagine knowing you've slept with a nonce on numerous occasions


Imagine continuing to sleep with a man who is a confirmed nonce.

I wonder if when he's sticking it in he's hoping beyond hope that the undeveloped fetus can somehow muster up the willpower to give his end a rub.
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Be pretty amazed if he manages to get off on any of these charges the way this is going for him.  In fact, pretty surprised every time they show another of these messages he's not tempted to go "OK, no need to show any more of these, I plead guilty to everything"

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Poor lass.

His defence will obviously be going after her I would imagine, got to be the only way he has any sort of chance of getting 'off' with this.....Disgusting.

Not sure if she will have to give evidence in person?

God her parents must be fucking distraught.


I imagine if she has to give evidence, it will be done so via videolink and with her still being a child in the eyes of the law, am sure his defence will have to be very careful.

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I know its going over old ground, but how the f***, given the first days evidence, was he "Unsuspended" & allowed to keep playing?


This is clearly a tad more than a momentary lapse of morals leading to a misunderstanding of sorts, whilst drunk in a dark club somewhere.


I think were all hearing the word.....


The club won't have known the evidence. This is the first time that the evidence has come out.


I assumed the defence lawyers had access to the prosecution's case (& subsequent evidence)



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So does the girl in question have to take the stand?


The texts so far don't expressly state what they got up to, do they? IMO seems that if she comes up and says they only kissed, then he'll get away with it.



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Guest firetotheworks

It's mad like. I remember this lass at my school who had a 19 year old boyfriend when she was 15 and everyone thought it was really fucking weird and a bit sick. 28 though? From our perspective as older people it's obviously horrible, but imagine it from the perspective of a 15 year old. It's beyond comprehension.

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Fucking hell, this is worse than I imagined even after admitting guilt


:The girl later text Johnson to thank him for the shirt. "No problems. You owe me lol," "


Basically a safety smiley at the end there with the lol.

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Guest firetotheworks

Canny hard if she supports the Mackem bastards and idolises Nohnson. She's hardly ganna want to condemn him to prison.


It's already gone to court though. :lol: Seems pointless to take it that far and then lie about it.

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