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NUFC transfer rumours in the press

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A man further down in the Dutch pecking order than Luuk de Jong


His goal record in Germany isn't seemingly much better either.


Never seen him play, but to be fair, in Germany he's scored 1 goal every 3.4 games vs 1 every 6 games for Luuk De Jong.

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The Bas Dost link goes way back, so maybe true, as we follow people for ages.


Seems he was injured early on and late on last season, which partly explains the lack of goals, and perhaps playing time.


Looks very mobile for a 6 ft 4 striker on youtube.

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They (the board) have probably decided that they have enough for their aim of mid table finish. They'll hope Rivière weighs in with enough goals, that they get lucky with "Chucky" getting a few and the likes of Gouffran, De Jong, Cabella etc grab the rest.


If they wanted to push for 6th, 7th they'd need to spend proper money on a striker which they won't because they're not interested.

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IMO we are woefully short of a goal scorer and leader of the line up front. I can't see any of our strikers getting enough goals. If Pardew keeps on with hoofing it up to the front the ball will simply come back our way.


Remy's a money grabbing twat but I'd be confident of goals. Id rather have Darren Bent as an option than signing strikers who appear much of a muchness.


With a bit luck Pardew will be gone by mid October.

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Ah, okay. Well we don't really have that kind of option for Pardew ball, so if true it could be useful. Looks faster and more mobile than what I remember of Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink though.

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