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Feel a bit sorry for him. Took one of the poorest teams before we came along, up into the Premier League, give it a good fist of staying up, lost a player who would have been head and shoulders the best in the league this season, and has them around about their real level.


He had a good run but ultimately proved to be shite.

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As much as we don't like to admit it, we need Pardew in our lives.


Every good story needs a villain to hate, he's the ultimate hate figure. It's like removing Cersei from Game of Thrones, you just can't do it.

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As much as we don't like to admit it, we need Pardew in our lives.


Every good story needs a villain to hate, he's the ultimate hate figure. It's like removing Cersei from Game of Thrones, you just can't do it.


More like Kane Dingle from Emmerdale in my case.

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Quite like Norwich. Wishing Pardle on them is unnecessary. They might trump it and get Tactics Tim in anyway.

For whatever reason, I seem to have an irrational hatred of any "yo-yo" team, so Pardew would be perfect for them :lol:

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