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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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What was the consensus on why he perseveres with such bullshit? My theory is that he's always worried about the counter attack and in his mind a floated ball to the back post is less likely to end up rebounding  to the opposition high up the pitch than a fast, whipped in ball. As if he believes in defence being the best form of attack, rather than the more popular and more correct, opposite version.


He's useless and hasn't got a clue how to attack or break against other teams so he can't get something through to the players that he doesn't understand himself.  It's a bit like me trying to tell my wife how to use the oven, the dish washer, the washing machine, the kettle.  I don't know how to use them so I couldn't tell her how to use them either.  I just tell her to wash the dishes and make meals etc. without going in to detail, he will do the same.


This analogy is absolutely perfect imho, spot on.


We're a shadow of a football team, a poor copy, it's like something on FM where you're putting 11 players on the pitch but don't bother doing the tactics or training bit beyond choosing a basic option in order to be able to press the start button to kick off.

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Surely this will be the season that when we collapse as per usual people will realise Pardew is the problem as at least everyone seems to be under the delusional that we've spent some money.


I wouldn't bank on it - the intellect of quite a number of younger NUFC fans these days is seriously questionable. The very fact that people swallow all the rubbishy propaganda that the club emits on a regular basis tells you that, but another factor is that many fans don't want to face the truth because to do so would mean they have to face the fact that they are being conned and nobody likes to be shown to be a fool.

Its easier to blame Ashley for starving Pardew of money(partly true, but even if he didn't, you wouldn't trust this clown to spend it wisely or be able to organize the side and get the best out of each player) than to admit that the manager who you regularly ask to 'Giz a wave' is actually the Emperor wearing his supposed 'new clothes'.


It would take a run of around 6 successive home hammerings to get anything LIKE a major crowd revolt against Pardew and the team is packed with midfielders aimed at preventing such events happening.

People will still accept narrow defeats or draws at SJP until Christmas - wait and see. There are very few goals in this team.

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Guest diddimz

Start of a rant, but im sick of seeing the line that Pardew has "done well with the resources hes got" on that facebook page, in the last few years he's had a dutch international keeper, a centre back with over 35 caps for argentina, a young fullback with caps for Italy whose stagnated under him, no shortage of international players in the squad from france. A striker who destroyed the german league and looked amazing when he started with us. a defensive midfielder who has justifiably been rated at 20mil in the past. In Hatem Ben Arfa, we have one of the most talented players ever to pull on our shirt and we've brought in talented youth from abroad with the promise to develop them into premier league standard players (why else would  they come here of course!). And still he's managed to almost relegate us with this squad, and then to break all sorts of records that we never wanted to see broken. He's dragged our name through the dirt on multiple occassions, head butting a player is one of the most unprofessional things i think i have ever seen in any sport.


To say that he's done well with the resources he's got is a fucking joke. [\rant]

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Guest Dontooner

Pardew is part of the problem, but not buying players to a particular game plan is the other half of it. The longer we keep buying value or players for any position cause their contracts are running out, the team will never feel like a team as there is clearly little aforethought.


Look at today.


We didn't have a proper striker (finisher) on the park, no wingers (I see Cabella as a loose forward can play either side)...a rookie left back and one proper CD. The mf holding players Anita and Collback are too similar and Sissoko (I still have no idea what his best positon is)...If he's meant to be supporting the striker he doesn't do it, he can't play on the wing as he can't cross etc...


Gouff who should be a bit part player in any PL season has become a regular and I have no idea where he was meant to be playing. He might be that rare bird that defends, mops up everywhere and is on hand to fluff one chance a game.. :aww:


Yours confused.



Gouff is the new Jonas nothing has changed.

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After Gillingham 3 of our next 5 are away from home...lose all 3 of them and fail to get 6 points from Hull and Palace at home will see him gone before the Leicester game I reckon.


Good riddance n all. The players we have are good but its clear to see they'll not realise their potential under him. We can sign all the decent players we want but as long as Pardew is the manager it'll matter not one jot.


Ba and Cisse saved him 2 seasons ago, Remy saved him last season, he hasnt got anyone to save him now.

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he's shortly about to get another thread, how depressing is that




Phwoar ... FIT!



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Start of a rant, but im sick of seeing the line that Pardew has "done well with the resources hes got" on that facebook page, in the last few years he's had a dutch international keeper, a centre back with over 35 caps for argentina, a young fullback with caps for Italy whose stagnated under him, no shortage of international players in the squad from france. A striker who destroyed the german league and looked amazing when he started with us. a defensive midfielder who has justifiably been rated at 20mil in the past. In Hatem Ben Arfa, we have one of the most talented players ever to pull on our shirt and we've brought in talented youth from abroad with the promise to develop them into premier league standard players (why else would  they come here of course!). And still he's managed to almost relegate us with this squad, and then to break all sorts of records that we never wanted to see broken. He's dragged our name through the dirt on multiple occassions, head butting a player is one of the most unprofessional things i think i have ever seen in any sport.


To say that he's done well with the resources he's got is a f***ing joke. [\rant]


It suits the media to have us where we are... a better manager might improve things and that would never do....

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06-Dec-14 H Chelsea

13-Dec-14 A Arsenal

20-Dec-14 H Sunderland

26-Dec-14 A Manchester United

28-Dec-14 H Everton

01-Jan-15 H Burnley

10-Jan-15 A Chelsea


This is the run that will finish him imo.

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06-Dec-14 H Chelsea

13-Dec-14 A Arsenal

20-Dec-14 H Sunderland

26-Dec-14 A Manchester United

28-Dec-14 H Everton

01-Jan-15 H Burnley

10-Jan-15 A Chelsea


This is the run that will finish him imo.


I'd take him going after the Chelsea game.


I think he'll get another contract personally though.

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