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Clément Grenier


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The money stuff I get if we offering substandard wages.  However if this guy is turning down a move to us because he does not want to be seen as "Cabaye's replacement", then is that really the guy you want to bring in mentality wise?  Seeing as Cabaye made this team tick (more or less).  Just saying you would want someone up for the challenge, all other factors being the same.

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What's his agent on about? Most ridiculous reasoning I've ever heard for a player not wanting to come here. (Not that he was ever in a position to actually come here.)


Really? Seems pretty obvious to me. We've clearly offered too little for him, both in terms of fee and wages.


Am I getting this wrong but I got the impression he means he doesn't want the pressure of succeeding cabaye? Surely a fee is between two clubs and shouldn't affect a players ego! Might be wrong but I got feeling he bottled it. Mind club should've known all about this before Christmas let alone cabaye bid coming in.

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I'm no expert on European football, but, would I be right in saying that there is more than one midfielder for sale across the continent ?

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Way I read it, he turned us down for financial reasons as he doesnt feel we value him as much as Cabaye. Not sure whether we can turn this one around tho. Looks like the bridge has been burnt down.

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What's his agent on about? Most ridiculous reasoning I've ever heard for a player not wanting to come here. (Not that he was ever in a position to actually come here.)


Really? Seems pretty obvious to me. We've clearly offered too little for him, both in terms of fee and wages.


Am I getting this wrong but I got the impression he means he doesn't want the pressure of succeeding cabaye? Surely a fee is between two clubs and shouldn't affect a players ego! Might be wrong but I got feeling he bottled it. Mind club should've known all about this before Christmas let alone cabaye bid coming in.


It sounds like the player just wants to see what his options are at the end of the season. Whether Lyon are back on the up or whether a CL club comes sniffing around. That's understandable.


If it was Chelsea or Man U in for him I'm quite sure he wouldn't be bothered about the transfer fee or who he was replacing.

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Guest bimpy474

Clement #Grenier has rejected a move to #Newcastle. Playmaker insulted at #NUFC’s offer, his agent has told Le 10 Sport. (via @RBairner)


:lol: You wonder how fucking shit it must have been


And some still deny we put in bids just to say we tried....:lol:

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As soon as caulkin sent that tweet about pardew being 'subdued' you knew it was over with. Im not his biggest fan and aye, he knew what he was getting into etc but fucking hell, Ashley doesnt half fuck him over time after time mind.


And yet he's quite happy to peddle shit to he press about how we should all thank Big Mike.  If he cared about the fans at all, he'd be better keeping his trap shut and not bring our cunt of an owner in as a victim.


They're all in on this shit man.

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Forget the AP sympathy, he's as involved with the decisions as the rest. Believe me, he's got an incentive to ensure value is delivered, why else would he stand for their shite?


As for Grenier, we certainly would've offered him a significant pay rise, perhaps he just feels he can get more from someone else if he moves this summer?

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