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Crystal Palace manager


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I don't even think it's ego per se with him. I just think he's a downtrodden, insecure gimp try trying to con himself into delusions of success.


from the stories you hear he's got a massive ego problem though no?


if not for that i'd tend to agree, to me he has the air of a man who has no special ability as a manager and knows it, thus he has no real convictions in terms of how his team plays so we've not developed a style over the 4 years


if he'd managed to develop a george graham defensive machine 0-0'ing and 1-0'ing games then fair enough but we're miles away from that


he's out of his depth, he knows it, but he's going to cling on to the end because he'll never get another job like this

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Van Gaal has a huge ego. To have an ego you actually have to be good at stuff, and then damned arrogant about that fact.


Pardew sees the likes of Van Gaal and Mourinho, and then tries to mimic these types. He thinks you can just act that way, and it'll mean your awesome. He's an absolute embarrassment of a human, and has no real confidence or certainty in himself.


Difference being though Van Gaal and Mourinho can back it up with trophies galore and medals not just the occaisonal manager of the month award

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To have an ego you actually have to be good at stuff, and then damned arrogant about that fact.


nah, i meet useless, arrogant, full-of-themselves know nothings everyday and have done all my life tbh


talent and ego are not linked in that way at all


I know, I guess the point I was trying to make is that these types are just faking an ego. They can't back it up though, and in reality are just insecure people that are trying to big themselves up through these fake personas.

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Van Gaal has a huge ego. To have an ego you actually have to be good at stuff, and then damned arrogant about that fact.


Pardew sees the likes of Van Gaal and Mourinho, and then tries to mimic these types. He thinks you can just act that way, and it'll mean your awesome. He's an absolute embarrassment of a human, and has no real confidence or certainty in himself.


Difference being though Van Gaal and Mourinho can back it up with trophies galore and medals not just the occaisonal manager of the month award


Yeah, that's what I was getting at in my first sentence. They actually have ability, which is why I would term it an ego.


In my eyes I guess, you can't be crap at something, and have an ego. Maybe my understanding is off. If you're great at something, and are arrogant about it that's an ego. If you're crap, and act arrogant anyway, that makes you delusional.



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I don't even think it's ego per se with him. I just think he's a downtrodden, insecure gimp try trying to con himself into delusions of success.


from the stories you hear he's got a massive ego problem though no?



I think it's just him acting as if. There's no ego big enough on the planet to withstand getting sacked from Championship and League One clubs and still come out with the rubbish he does. It's pretence and self-delusion.

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I don't even think it's ego per se with him. I just think he's a downtrodden, insecure gimp try trying to con himself into delusions of success.


from the stories you hear he's got a massive ego problem though no?



I think it's just him acting as if. There's no ego big enough on the planet to withstand getting sacked from Championship and League One clubs and still come out with the rubbish he does. It's pretence and self-delusion.


Does what he wants because he knows he's near bulletproof.

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I don't even think it's ego per se with him. I just think he's a downtrodden, insecure gimp try trying to con himself into delusions of success.


from the stories you hear he's got a massive ego problem though no?


if not for that i'd tend to agree, to me he has the air of a man who has no special ability as a manager and knows it, thus he has no real convictions in terms of how his team plays so we've not developed a style over the 4 years


if he'd managed to develop a george graham defensive machine 0-0'ing and 1-0'ing games then fair enough but we're miles away from that


he's out of his depth, he knows it, but he's going to cling on to the end because he'll never get another job like this


He's got an ego, but I don't think it's football related. He has no conviction in his own coaching ability, that much is clear when he keeps changing formations and style after every defeat. He's a long ball merchant at heart but Ashley won't buy those sort of players because they won't increase in value.

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He has a massive ego and thinks he's special - simple as that imo. He's in an exclusive job that millions of people in this country alone would love to have yet would never be eligible for/considered, he's a multimillionaire in a position that (in theory, and in his presence anyway) inherently commands respect from some players, staff, media outlets, fans, etc, he's relatively famous and has a newspaper column, he almost certainly has some hot women throwing themselves at him and is probably the center of attention in his personal life  - of course he thinks he's good at what he does because his position in life reflects that of a highly successful individual in the greater scheme of things.


I don't for a second think he's remotely aware of how s*** he is at this job, hence why he comes out with things like "if I was on the touchline I might have prevented that goal". Like Allardyce, the man is delusional as to his abilities as a coach, the type of football that his team plays, and his own importance, and no doubt writes off all of these criticisms aimed at him as coming from people who know far less than himself and who don't appreciate the constraints he's working under. Probably also blames the "system" that hasn't given them a fair crack of the whip (i.e. if they were coaching ManU or Barcelona they'd do alot better) and the foreign managers for taking all the top jobs. "If my name was Pardici....".


He reminds me of the South Park episode "Fish Sticks" when Kenny says to Cartman that his ego is so big that it does whatever it can to protect itself, performing "mental gymnastics" to convince him that he's awesome. Just look at Pardew's attempts to re-write history with his recollection of Javier Mascherano being in the reserves under him (after initially starting games). All the PR stuff he comes out with in the media where he says "X/Y/Z wasn't good enough" followed by "I need to do better in this area", that's where he's lying imo - he probably thinks he did nothing wrong but is having to placate angry fans by accepting some of the responsibility of the failure caused by his players to not jump high enough and not run fast enough.

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Guest reefatoon

It's dick head fans like that which make me so glad I don't bother anymore.  They really are on a different planet when it comes to how football should be. Absolutely clueless and deserving of the s**** they get served.  Daft c***.

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Is Pardew a multimillionaire?


Unless he's thrown money away with a gambling addiction, he must be. Professional/Premiership footballer, manager, numerous sackings and compensation, TV pundit, newspaper column, the 8 year contract was supposedly worth £20m+ according to a few of the rags (no doubt performance related but I can imagine him getting a couple of million per season for keeping us in the Premiership).

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Guest reefatoon

That Graeme Bailey guy (who seemed to have some good info on transfers over the summer) has tweeted that Pardew is one heavy defeat away from the sack.



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He has a massive ego and thinks he's special - simple as that imo. He's in an exclusive job that millions of people in this country alone would love to have yet would never be eligible for/considered, he's a multimillionaire in a position that (in theory, and in his presence anyway) inherently commands respect from some players, staff, media outlets, fans, etc, he's relatively famous and has a newspaper column, he almost certainly has some hot women throwing themselves at him and is probably the center of attention in his personal life  - of course he thinks he's good at what he does because his position in life reflects that of a highly successful individual in the greater scheme of things.


I don't for a second think he's remotely aware of how s*** he is at this job, hence why he comes out with things like "if I was on the touchline I might have prevented that goal". Like Allardyce, the man is delusional as to his abilities as a coach, the type of football that his team plays, and his own importance, and no doubt writes off all of these criticisms aimed at him as coming from people who know far less than himself and who don't appreciate the constraints he's working under. Probably also blames the "system" that hasn't given them a fair crack of the whip (i.e. if they were coaching ManU or Barcelona they'd do alot better) and the foreign managers for taking all the top jobs. "If my name was Pardici....".


He reminds me of the South Park episode "Fish Sticks" when Kenny says to Cartman that his ego is so big that it does whatever it can to protect itself, performing "mental gymnastics" to convince him that he's awesome. Just look at Pardew's attempts to re-write history with his recollection of Javier Mascherano being in the reserves under him (after initially starting games). All the PR stuff he comes out with in the media where he says "X/Y/Z wasn't good enough" followed by "I need to do better in this area", that's where he's lying imo - he probably thinks he did nothing wrong but is having to placate angry fans by accepting some of the responsibility of the failure caused by his players to not jump high enough and not run fast enough.


Yes, a lot of what you say is very correct. He would have an ego indeed, but more out of his position and status. Certainly would delude him into thinking he was something special as a manager. He is absolutely disgusting.

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