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Crystal Palace manager


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Tbf, I think Ashley is more to blame than Pardew is (although they both obviously have their faults). But if I was Pardew I would probably do the same. Newcastle United is just a job to him, if Ashley was stupid enough to give him a ridiculous contract why should Pardew walk away, whether he feels he can change things or not. In all honesty he probably thinks he owes nothing more to Mike Ashley as he has taken the brunt of the blame for Ashley's inadequate running of a football club and will bleed every penny he can out of him.


Not this s*** again.  Ashley is a crap owner but he doesn't pick the team, dictate tactics or run training sessions.  Ashley hasn't consistently picked inferior players (Smith, Perch, Gosling, Ameobi) when other options have been available to the detriment of the team and club as a whole.  Ashley isn't the one who has shoehorned players into the team out of their natural positions, destroying their confidence and nullifying any threat they might have once offered.


Ashley and Pardew are a good match for each other, they each cover the other's inadequacies but it has gone beyond the point now where Pardew is only holding back the club with his own shitness.  Pardew is now the root cause of most of the team's issues and has to go.  You ask why he should simply walk away since he has a contract? Because it's got the point where the crowd detest him, the players no longer give a f*** and even the media have started to wake up to his inabilities.  If he walks away now he might still get another job in the Premiership or top end of the Championship, the longer he allows it to continue the more questions will be raised about his skills and fewer clubs will think him a potential asset.  Walk away now and let the media run with the stories that it was Ashley's way of running the club that harmed the team, or carry on and let everyone know it was Pardew himself who couldn't organise a gangbang in a brothel.  Mark Hughes or David O'Leary, pick a career path.


I'm not saying that Pardew is innocent either, I just feel that Ashley is more to blame. Yes Pardew picks the team, but how much of a say does he have in the players at his disposal? He has shown in the past that he can get results when he has the right players. He is no scout, I doubt he even knows who half of the players we signed this summer actually are but we finished 5th with Pardew as a manager and a very average side tbh. But when Ashley decides he wants to sell our best player (by far) because he is far more interested in lining his own pockets than the fortunes of the football club. That is why, imo, Ashley is more to blame.


He has no say at all in our recruitment (outside of maybe some frees like Obertan and Colback) and we're f***ing lucky he doesn't as well or god knows what we'd be signing.  He already has far too much say in the players at his disposal in that he can ignore them and ruin them or get them sent off to Hull on loan when we need them most.


The only time he gets results is when he has a few special players to win him matches with individual brilliance like Cabaye, Ba, Ben Arfa ect.  Otherwise he's got no chance because he can't train a side to play as a team to save his life and he's so tactically inept that he really doesn't even know what a tactic is outside of everyone behind the ball and hope for something special from 'Atam'.  Is that good enough in your opinion?  That our manager relies completely on individuals?


Selling Cabaye didn't force the c*** to play Dan f***ing Gosling every game while infinitely more talented players languished on the bench.  It didn't force him to go into every game like he was scared of his shadow despite the fact we were already basically mathematically safe.  Its an excuse and a bad one at that.


No, of course it's not good enough. We want to be challenging in the top 7/8 and Pardew is not going to get us there. I just feel that whilst Ashley is still here, neither is anyone else.

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Tbf, I think Ashley is more to blame than Pardew is (although they both obviously have their faults). But if I was Pardew I would probably do the same. Newcastle United is just a job to him, if Ashley was stupid enough to give him a ridiculous contract why should Pardew walk away, whether he feels he can change things or not. In all honesty he probably thinks he owes nothing more to Mike Ashley as he has taken the brunt of the blame for Ashley's inadequate running of a football club and will bleed every penny he can out of him.


Ashley deserving blame doesn't mean Pardew gets absolved of blame. If turdface intends to hang on to his job, then we have every right to abuse the living daylights out of the asslicker.


I'm not saying that Pardew is innocent either, I just feel that Ashley is more to blame. Yes Pardew picks the team, but how much of a say does he have in the players at his disposal? He has shown in the past that he can get results when he has the right players. He is no scout, I doubt he even knows who half of the players we signed this summer actually are but we finished 5th with Pardew as a manager and a very average side tbh. But when Ashley decides he wants to sell our best player (by far) because he is far more interested in lining his own pockets than the fortunes of the football club. That is why, imo, Ashley is more to blame.


A side with a free scoring Papiss Cisse, with Demba Ba, Hatem Ben Arfa, Yohan Cabaye, and Tiote/Colo/Krul/Perch/Best (wait, can't remember if he was still there) all in form is a very average side? Is that the first Newcastle side you've ever seen? because that was easily the best squad we've had since Sir Bobby's days.


Our side has been average at best since SBR left, imo. From the side you mentioned we had either Ba OR Cisse scoring. Ben Arfa and Cabaye was great. Thats 3 good player. The rest were average.


Tbf, I think Ashley is more to blame than Pardew is (although they both obviously have their faults). But if I was Pardew I would probably do the same. Newcastle United is just a job to him, if Ashley was stupid enough to give him a ridiculous contract why should Pardew walk away, whether he feels he can change things or not. In all honesty he probably thinks he owes nothing more to Mike Ashley as he has taken the brunt of the blame for Ashley's inadequate running of a football club and will bleed every penny he can out of him.


Not this s*** again.  Ashley is a crap owner but he doesn't pick the team, dictate tactics or run training sessions.  Ashley hasn't consistently picked inferior players (Smith, Perch, Gosling, Ameobi) when other options have been available to the detriment of the team and club as a whole.  Ashley isn't the one who has shoehorned players into the team out of their natural positions, destroying their confidence and nullifying any threat they might have once offered.


Ashley and Pardew are a good match for each other, they each cover the other's inadequacies but it has gone beyond the point now where Pardew is only holding back the club with his own shitness.  Pardew is now the root cause of most of the team's issues and has to go.  You ask why he should simply walk away since he has a contract? Because it's got the point where the crowd detest him, the players no longer give a f*** and even the media have started to wake up to his inabilities.  If he walks away now he might still get another job in the Premiership or top end of the Championship, the longer he allows it to continue the more questions will be raised about his skills and fewer clubs will think him a potential asset.  Walk away now and let the media run with the stories that it was Ashley's way of running the club that harmed the team, or carry on and let everyone know it was Pardew himself who couldn't organise a gangbang in a brothel.  Mark Hughes or David O'Leary, pick a career path.


I'm not saying that Pardew is innocent either, I just feel that Ashley is more to blame. Yes Pardew picks the team, but how much of a say does he have in the players at his disposal? He has shown in the past that he can get results when he has the right players. He is no scout, I doubt he even knows who half of the players we signed this summer actually are but we finished 5th with Pardew as a manager and a very average side tbh. But when Ashley decides he wants to sell our best player (by far) because he is far more interested in lining his own pockets than the fortunes of the football club. That is why, imo, Ashley is more to blame.


What does it matter when he can't get anything close to the best out of players that he is given?  This is a manager who thought that Hayden f***ing Mullins was a better choice than Javier Mascherano.  When he's been given players that he's wanted they've hardly been spectacular successes, or have you not noticed Obertan?


Again, I'm not saying Pardew is great, he has insane flaws in his ability to manage. But if he goes, what do you think is going to happen? You think Ashley is gonna dig deep to get a top young European manager to take us forward? Is he f***! Nice cheap option. Steve Clarke? Neil Lennon? Remember this is a guy who employed JFK... Twice.


Oh, and of course I've noticed Obertan, he has a ridiculously shaped head and he's f***ing s***!


Sorry but are you blind or just totally clueless because you're certainly one or the other


I apologise if my opinion is not the same as yours.


Again, I'm not saying Pardew is great, he has insane flaws in his ability to manage. But if he goes, what do you think is going to happen? You think Ashley is gonna dig deep to get a top young European manager to take us forward? Is he f***! Nice cheap option. Steve Clarke? Neil Lennon? Remember this is a guy who employed JFK... Twice.


Oh, and of course I've noticed Obertan, he has a ridiculously shaped head and he's f***ing s***!


Keep the man who makes most of us not even want to watch the match anymore out of fear of who will replace him?  You're running the gammit of excuses here man:


Its Ashley's fault


Not enough control over transfers

But what if his replacement is worse


I take it you were one of the ones who voted to keep the c***?


I'd take any manager over him and I mean anyone.  The uncertainty of whether or not our manager is s*** is far better than the certainty that he is.  I go into every game knowing what drivel I'm going to see, knowing that the man in charge will make my next 90 minutes both mind numbing and tortuous.  The only way I can even bring myself to watch anymore is the hope that we'll get smashed to pieces which might end this f***ing nightmare.  How could I possibly fear what will come next?


Yes I am, purely because at the moment I don't see what difference it will make. Pardew is shit, Ashley is shit, and 99% of our players are shit. To me, we need to start at the top.

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Challenging in the top 7 or 8 isn't even in my mind though, that's how bad it is.  My focus right now is to be able to get back to enjoying watching our matches, to look forward to them.  That doesn't have to mean winning often either, just trying would be enough, just being able to think "today we might actually play well, we might have a go at a team".  I've supported the club for most of my life and rarely have I not looked forward to a match even if I thought we had little chance of winning.  This cunt makes no hate the thought of our matches wether I think we can win or not.

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f***, I don't even care if we challenge the top 7/8, just a manager who has a smidgen of common sense, and isn't a total f***ing dickhead would do.


How I wish we could have Hughton back.


I'd take Hughton back. His sacking is proof of why I think a new chairman would be more beneficial than a new manager, although I understand this isn't going to happen in the too near future.

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Yes I am, purely because at the moment I don't see what difference it will make. Pardew is shit, Ashley is shit, and 99% of our players are shit. To me, we need to start at the top.


But isn't that basically like saying that if we can't make it all great at once then we should instead keep everything shit?  Ashley being a cunt is shit, Ashley being a cunt and our manager being the worst example of an inept coward going is even more shit.  Its the difference between the club not going anywhere and the club not going anywhere while the matches also make you want to fucking shoot yourself.  Also no 99% of our players are not shit, again its just an excuse for this prick.  Any Footballer who listens to Pardew and can't score regularly from 25 to 30 yards will look shit under him.  Obviously a striker is the exception as he actually allows one of those inside the opposition half, but then it still has to be a striker good enough to score without any teammates near him.


If someone asked me right now which one I'd choose, Pardew being replaced or Ashley being replaced of course I'd choose Ashley.  Because long term he's the biggest problem at the club and I'd be very confident any new owner would then replace Pardew anyway.  But that doesn't mean I don't want Pardew gone as soon as possible.  I mean even from your perspective you have to see that 90% of fans are focusing on Pardew which is taking heat away from Ashley.  With him gone people can then focus their campaigns on him (one of the reasons Pardew is still here no doubt).

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the man must know what he's about to walk into, and he's certainly not staying in it for the professional pride or belief he can turn it around


unless you're on the breadline can you imagine hanging onto a job like this, where 99% of people involved want you gone and are publicly voicing it


his life must be a living purgatory



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All I was trying to say is that they are both shit but if I had to choose, out the two, who I blamed more, it would be Ashley. If they would both leave this club then yeah great but the fact is that none of them are going anywhere soon.


I think everyone knows that first sentence to be true. The second one, remains to be seen.

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No, of course it's not good enough. We want to be challenging in the top 7/8 and Pardew is not going to get us there. I just feel that whilst Ashley is still here, neither is anyone else.


So we stick with a manager guiding us to 20th position because a different manager might not get us to 7th?


Even if the replacement is no better than Pardew tactically at least he won't be Alan Fucking Pardew and go around lying to and blaming supporters, calling people cunts, shoving people, nutting people, falling out with promising players and not playing them because he wants to play his mates instead.

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Or if he does at least we'll have a small window of time where we aren't sure he'll do all that and we can actually dream that our manager might not be a sub human piece of shit.


All I was trying to say is that they are both shit but if I had to choose, out the two, who I blamed more, it would be Ashley. If they would both leave this club then yeah great but the fact is that none of them are going anywhere soon.


But why does it have to be both or neither?

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Someone is regurgitating Pardew propaganda here, all that 5th bollocks (wing-and-a-prayer football, signs were there), who can we get (better the devil you know), Pardew doesn't choose players (Obertan, Bent, Mullins anyone?), has his best players sold (Losing Cabaye shouldn't make an entire team implode, bad management regardless). These are all over used, poor excuses.


Pardew plays internationals out of position, stifles their natural game in favour of defence and chooses the team/set up/tactics(snigger) for the match. He's fucking less than useless, he makes players who play well for their country look like league 1 players at best. His favourite substitute, no matter the score/opposition is left-back for left-back, great way to turn a game Pardew.


Ashley is a curse, but excusing Pardew for anything Ashley does is shameful, Pardew knows the score, laps it up and tells us all what a great boss he is. So fuck him, he's the target, he's fully responsible for where he finds himself.

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Just On sky sports news looks like he's going to burst into tears,said he had lengthy discussion with Ashley on Sunday about the performance but not about his position as manager!all need get behind the team unlike southampton match,cheeky twat we were behind team just also we were against u!


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He should just go all out and curse Ashley and the fans and the players and everyone! Or at least make a few more snarky comments about the abuse he's been getting. Then it's all out war and everyone knows who'll win that war.

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Yes I am, purely because at the moment I don't see what difference it will make. Pardew is shit, Ashley is shit, and 99% of our players are shit. To me, we need to start at the top.


Cough up 300 mil to buy the club then.


Boom! KO.



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Just seen his interview on SSN. My opinion? He's gone and knows it.


What was said?


Said the bit about having a chat with Ashley. Also said he knows he is under-pressure - hopes that the Hull game won't be like it was last week, in terms of what the fans did. Said Southampton wasn't good enough - no excuses. Said that the good times he has had have been forgotten about too quickly - also talked about one or two of the players still settling in. Mentioned Cabaye (as per usual)

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Just seen his interview on SSN. My opinion? He's gone and knows it.


What was said?


Said the bit about having a chat with Ashley. Also said he knows he is under-pressure - hopes that the Hull game won't be like it was last week, in terms of what the fans did. Said Southampton wasn't good enough - no excuses. Said that the good times he has had have been forgotten about too quickly - also talked about one or two of the players still settling in. Mentioned Cabaye (as per usual)


Eh?? is he off his nut?

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Just seen his interview on SSN. My opinion? He's gone and knows it.


What was said?


Said the bit about having a chat with Ashley. Also said he knows he is under-pressure - hopes that the Hull game won't be like it was last week, in terms of what the fans did. Said Southampton wasn't good enough - no excuses. Said that the good times he has had have been forgotten about too quickly - also talked about one or two of the players still settling in. Mentioned Cabaye (as per usual)



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Just seen his interview on SSN. My opinion? He's gone and knows it.


What was said?


Said the bit about having a chat with Ashley. Also said he knows he is under-pressure - hopes that the Hull game won't be like it was last week, in terms of what the fans did. Said Southampton wasn't good enough - no excuses. Said that the good times he has had have been forgotten about too quickly - also talked about one or two of the players still settling in. Mentioned Cabaye (as per usual)




One 5th placed finish a few years back and he thinks he has the right to wonder through the city naked like King Xerxes.

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Just seen his interview on SSN. My opinion? He's gone and knows it.


What was said?


Said the bit about having a chat with Ashley. Also said he knows he is under-pressure - hopes that the Hull game won't be like it was last week, in terms of what the fans did. Said Southampton wasn't good enough - no excuses. Said that the good times he has had have been forgotten about too quickly - also talked about one or two of the players still settling in. Mentioned Cabaye (as per usual)




Too many on here have brushed that encouraging opening day defeat to Man City under the carpet, tbf.

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• performance upset him wasn't proud of it,not guna offer any excuses


• when we go behind in games need show better spirit


• in season u get games where it gets away from u,happens to top teams as well Arsenal had some games last year where they were beat 5 and 6,it happens!


• spoke to mike had long conversation on Sunday was disappointed with performance as has right to as the owner,both agreed to focus on a win for Saturday,issues about me need to take a bit of a back seat or will be difficult environment if we have same atmosphere as southampton


• discussions bout his job never came up talked about the team, about the performance!


•we have had some great times that seem to be forgotten here recently,we have had some tough days as well,environment for players on sat will b tough as it's ever been,


• new players finding adjustment tough


•need put excuses behind us and get this magnificent football club a win on Saturday

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