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Newcastle United vs Everton - 28/12/14 @ 4:15PM (live on Sky Sports)


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We're probably the worst team in the league at the minute. I'll be shocked if we don't win the passing and lose by 2 goals.


I remember our resident mackems saying similar (well except for the passing bit) a week ago. It is hard to underestimate how shit Pardew has us playing. Sadly, our position in midtable suggests we should be much better than we are in reality.

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Yes, you're f***ing s***.




It's genuinely puzzling to me how shit everyone seems to be this year (we're shit too, naturally). That said, I don't think it will be a draw - I foresee a comedy winning goal. I just can't work out which team is going to get it.

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It's genuinely puzzling to me how shit everyone seems to be this year (we're shit too, naturally).


A lot of very decent players who in earlier seasons would be playing for the upper-mid table teams are now sitting on the bench for, in the reserves of, or out on loan from a clutch of super-squads.


The PL improved in the 90s by widening its catch of players and bringing better players into the division, now real game-changers are hoarded by two sides in particular, leaving everyone else with mediocre grafters and little genuine class.

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Think we'll win 2-1. It'll be absolutely woeful and all will be forgotten about for the majority of the support in SJP once again..


This is the reason it's difficult to care at the minute, even if we win the game it's guaranteed to be needlessly dreadful. Think I'm on a train for most of it and not exactly disappointed about that.

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Just had a glance at a couple of Everton forums - they really fucking hate Martinez :lol:


If you're talking about GOT, then you'll find its knee jerk heaven.


That said Roberto's got some work to do.

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So after having actually scored against 'united' and only conceded the three goals, this will really feel like 2 good results in our magnificent managers eyes...

Champagne alround.


Baines will get a brace (free kick off Taylor and pen off Collo). Lufattykaku hatrick. Cabella blamed for world hunger.

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So after having actually scored against 'united' and only conceded the three goals, this will really feel like 2 good results in our magnificent managers eyes...

Champagne alround.


Baines will get a brace (free kick off Taylor and pen off Collo). Lufattykaku hatrick. Cabella blamed for world hunger.


Baines. Every time.

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It's a total crapshoot like; he either gets it accidentally right or accidentally spectacularly wrong. Either way he's clueless.


And blameless.


A fluke win and he'll lap up the credit. A loss and he'll blame injuries and tell us how great Everton are, which the matchday mongs will lap up.

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