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Guest Roger Kint

He might have walked.

And pigs might fly.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was using his helicopter to get across the golf court.





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3 weeks in and the Ashley Out campaign has been brilliant, without this we wouldn't hear a thing from anybody about the state of the club yet everybody is discussing us. People ask if boycotts and such are a success. The answer is a simple one and everybody can see it.

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To be fair, in the comments before the Spurs game there were an awful lot of comments saying "Geoffrey" :lol: :lol:


I considered it to be absolutely horrendous attempts at humour but maybe there might have been a prevention of writing boycott!?

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3 weeks in and the Ashley Out campaign has been brilliant, without this we wouldn't hear a thing from anybody about the state of the club yet everybody is discussing us. People ask if boycotts and such are a success. The answer is a simple one and everybody can see it.


:thup: totally agree.


And the narrative in the media is now about Ashley and what he gets out of owning the club and why he is systematically destroying it.


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At this stage, the rationale for people still going seems to be one of the following:


1. I've always gone and I can't stop going (and/or I want to get away from my wife).

2. It's an enjoyable day out with my mates/dad/son/etc.

3. I've already paid.


If you fall into category 1, you have an addiction. And like many addictions, things done to escape the reality of your life, it's not healthy. Especially in this case, when the club as we've known it is dead. This addiction is fueling a regime sucking the life out of a once-proud region and institution.


If you fall into category 2, there are plenty of other ways to spend time with your loved ones. For everyone's sake, please explore them. The football on show at SJP is hardly worth watching and there have to be far better ways to spend your precious free time.


If you fall into category 3, consider it a sunk cost. If you've bought a ticket to a movie that you absolutely hate, you're not required to stay until the end. The money's gone. Just don't buy another ticket when such time rolls around.


It really does seem that the only way for the general public to start putting two and two together to realize the bigger picture of what Ashley's ownership is doing to this club is for fans to boycott. It makes the biggest public statement from a visual perspective.


I would ask those that continue to go, and who consider themselves lifelong die-hard fans of Newcastle United Football Club, what is it you are doing by attending? The club tried its best, in spite of profits coming in, to cut every corner and scrape by with a shoddy team to finish this season. The club does not want to achieve all it can.  They have made that clear in word and in deed. The team on the pitch, such as it is, clearly doesn't respond to the supporters who do show up.


What good is your continued attendance this season? What does it achieve? Wouldn't you be better served, for the long-term health of the club - a social structure far beyond Mike Ashley or any other single person - to try to enable true change?

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Richardson can f*** off tbh. Liked him in football Italia as a youth


What's he said?  Really like him on the guardian podcast..


He was just trying to play devils advocate really, most the comments he said were completely tongue in cheek.


Evans completely gets what is going on though, really impressed by the way he spoke. The other journo, Sean Ingle, made a few points but he seemed to be of the opinion that we just needed to stop buying replica shirts and that 10th is 'about where we should be aiming for' :anguish:

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Richardson can f*** off tbh. Liked him in football Italia as a youth


What's he said?  Really like him on the guardian podcast..


He was just trying to play devils advocate really, most the comments he said were completely tongue in cheek.


Evans completely gets what is going on though, really impressed by the way he spoke. The other journo, Sean Ingle, made a few points but he seemed to be of the opinion that we just needed to stop buying replica shirts and that 10th is 'about where we should be aiming for' :anguish:


We should be aiming for as high as we can get, if we finish 10th trying then everyone's happy. You don't aspire to 10th though, can they not see that?

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This shit about clubs having a certain place in the league annoys me like. If we finish 10th one year are we deluded for wanting the club to aim for the top 8 the next season? Obviously if you finish 5th aiming higher is a massive dream but 10th ffs?

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