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FIFA World Cup


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I'm not sure how reliable TNT Sports are, but they say there have been secret meetings at FIFA to strip Qatar of the World Cup rights.


Explosive news, if true.

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Qatar have already built stadiums and spent £bns. Nee chance.


I'm sure if it get's bad enough FIFA will magically just all of a sudden discover a pile of evidence of various Qatar bid wrong-doing, sacrifice a couple of middle tier execs and use it as an excuse.


No doubt the bidding and hosting agreements contain clauses for the World Cup to be stripped in those circumstances. 

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Qatar have already built stadiums and spent £bns. Nee chance.


I'm sure if it get's bad enough FIFA will magically just all of a sudden discover a pile of evidence of various Qatar bid wrong-doing, sacrifice a couple of middle tier execs and use it as an excuse.


No doubt the bidding and hosting agreements contain clauses for the World Cup to be stripped in those circumstances. 


Don’t get me wrong it’s bent as fuck but it’s surely too far down the line.


The corruption and subsequent loss of life has been obscene, to turn back now would take cojones not available in Fifa.

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Surely can't strip it from Qatar and then give it to a country who's fans have been terrorising Europe for the last 3 years


Russia had it last year.


Agree with what others have said though. Surely too late to move it after all the lives lost building the infrastructure to host it, not to mention insane money spent.

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Fuck, I can't believe I'm going to defend this in any way, but the construction deaths that are always touted need to be taken with a pinch of salt because when you have 100,000s men aged 18-55 doing construction for the best part of a decade, there is a percentage which are statistically expected to die which then get included in these "X number of men died making stadiums". Are they treated well? No. Are they all dying like 1900s miners? No.

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World Athletics Champs in Doha are apparently an utter disaster so far - empty stadiums and competitors openly slating the conditions and atmosphere.  Current excuses are the local strife between Qatar and their neighbors and events starting too late, so people can't come because they have to go to work (Pardew-esque)


Now while it is the poor cousin of the Olympics and small compared to the World Cup, it is still a reasonably big international event so be interesting to see if this is a precursor of what we should expect to see in 2022.

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Fuck, I can't believe I'm going to defend this in any way, but the construction deaths that are always touted need to be taken with a pinch of salt because when you have 100,000s men aged 18-55 doing construction for the best part of a decade, there is a percentage which are statistically expected to die which then get included in these "X number of men died making stadiums". Are they treated well? No. Are they all dying like 1900s miners? No.


Surely the comparison should be with 21st century construction workers.

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World Athletics Champs in Doha are apparently an utter disaster so far - empty stadiums and competitors openly slating the conditions and atmosphere.  Current excuses are the local strife between Qatar and their neighbors and events starting too late, so people can't come because they have to go to work (Pardew-esque)


Now while it is the poor cousin of the Olympics and small compared to the World Cup, it is still a reasonably big international event so be interesting to see if this is a precursor of what we should expect to see in 2022.


Aye, an appalling decision to give it to them in both cases. Nobody gives a shit over there, feel for the athletes doing their lap of honour in front of empty seats and stadium cleaners. 28 of 68 of the marathon runners couldn't finish because of the conditions, heat and humidity. Fucking brutal.

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