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Newcastle United 6-2 Norwich City - 18/10/15 post match reaction from page 44


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The coaches are going to have to look at how narrow our back 4 positions itself when defending.  We make it far too easy for opposition players to overlap past our fullbacks and get into good crossing positions.

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As a neutral, that was really entertaining to watch. Which is nice after so long of watching us play, believe me.


You looked dangerous as fuck on the break, but to be honest, and this won't go down well, 6-2 was hugely flattering. I thought Norwich looked the better side for long spells of the match. Some fucking awful defending, though.


What a lift, though, six goals. In one match. At home. Some good goals as well.


I dream of stuff like that.

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As a neutral, that was really entertaining to watch. Which is nice after so long of watching us play, believe me.


You looked dangerous as fuck on the break, but to be honest, and this won't go down well, 6-2 was hugely flattering. I thought Norwich looked the better side for long spells of the match. Some fucking awful defending, though.


What a lift, though, six goals. In one match. At home. Some good goals as well.


I dream of stuff like that.


Norwich did move the ball around better, we were mainly dangerous on the break. But then when you play two defensive midfielders there is going to be some gaps in midfield.

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It was flattering slightly aye, but we broke with conviction and made the most of all our chances.


Yeah, I'd concede that it was definitely flattering but we wasted nothing other than that Dummet cross.  Incisive and clinical, it was great to see.

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Guest DebuchyAndTheBeast

Funny game, Norwich didn't deserve to lose 6-2 and we were awful defensively and in midfield all over the shop. Our attacking players linked up superb though and thankfully Norwich were just as bad as we were in defence which is where and how we won the game. A welcome win, but don't be fooled by the scoreline!



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Was really concerned after we went 1-0 up. We absolutely shat ourselves and it was obvious Norwich were going to equalise. At that point I thought the momentum would stay with them and they would go on to win.


Thankfully we sorted that out and played some great football at times. The movement in attack was something we haven't seen since ba, Ben arfa and cisse were working well together. Really good to see us scoring 6 goals.

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There's definitely a lot of fragility to our confidence.  It's hardly surprising given the results.  A few more positive results and some of that might disappear, although we'll always be vulnerable at the back.  Colo is still weak and Janmatt still disappears when he's been on an attacking run, while our left back situation is far from stable.  Add to that our defensive midfielders, who do more to cause goals than protect the defence and we have a lot to work on.  The positive side of things was how well we transitioned into counter attacks.  Our pace and the ability of our new strike partnership to hold the ball and be positive, was a massive improvement.  Wijnaldum and Sissoko were first class going forward.  Mitrovic and Perez look brilliant together.  I don't think we've had a strike partnership I've been as excited about in years.

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I'm one of his biggest critics but Sissoko was absolutely brilliant today, credit where credit is due. He needs to be consistent with them type of performances and not have one every 7 or 8 games (can't even remember if he's had another one in 2015). Norwich helped with the way they defended though, both sides were absolutely dreadful at the back.


Perfect result going into the derby, win that and things are starting to look a lot more rosy; lose and we're back to square one again.

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As a neutral, that was really entertaining to watch. Which is nice after so long of watching us play, believe me.


You looked dangerous as f*** on the break, but to be honest, and this won't go down well, 6-2 was hugely flattering. I thought Norwich looked the better side for long spells of the match. Some f***ing awful defending, though.


What a lift, though, six goals. In one match. At home. Some good goals as well.


I dream of stuff like that.


You're a good guy Brummie. I'll let you find the last time we scored 6 in a game.

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As a neutral, that was really entertaining to watch. Which is nice after so long of watching us play, believe me.


You looked dangerous as f*** on the break, but to be honest, and this won't go down well, 6-2 was hugely flattering. I thought Norwich looked the better side for long spells of the match. Some f***ing awful defending, though.


What a lift, though, six goals. In one match. At home. Some good goals as well.


I dream of stuff like that.



You're a good guy Brummie. I'll let you find the last time we scored 6 in a game.



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There's all sorts of problems with our defending, we look like we could concede any time the ball is anywhere near our penalty area - but I can't even remember the last time I enjoyed one of our games as much as that.

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As a neutral, that was really entertaining to watch. Which is nice after so long of watching us play, believe me.


You looked dangerous as f*** on the break, but to be honest, and this won't go down well, 6-2 was hugely flattering. I thought Norwich looked the better side for long spells of the match. Some f***ing awful defending, though.


What a lift, though, six goals. In one match. At home. Some good goals as well.


I dream of stuff like that.


You're a good guy Brummie. I'll let you find the last time we scored 6 in a game.


:lol: :lol:

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Feel like today's performance has been coming, tbh. We've strung together some really good periods of play in the last few matches but just haven't had the consistency for various reasons.


We're not going to be perfect defending, there's too many gaps in the squad for it, so I'd stick with this approach for now, even if it is a bit chaotic. We've mixed it up between possession and countering in the last 3 too, so there's reason for optimism there.


Confidence is still a huge problem. We had to ride our luck at the beginning of the second - you could see them sagging back - but that was necessary with the current character of the squad. Today will have made a big difference, we just need to obviously push on.


Fitness is still a bit weird, mind, they don't look fit enough to me. Some good pressing in the first but then a few seemed to lose their legs quickly into the second.

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