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Alan Pardew is joining Sky Sports for the 2017/18 season, bringing his unique perspective as a manager of no fewer than four Premier League teams. Here, he tells Adam Bate what he hopes to offer as a pundit and why he is not done with management just yet…


The newest pundit in the building has just finished his stint on Sky Sports News before being whisked away for another chat. "I am learning and picking up little things as I go along," he explains. There are the usual handshakes, of course, but he also wants to know not just people's names but to understand precisely what their roles are within the company.


In short, Alan Pardew is still thinking like a manager.



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The problem wif Rafa woz, and I'll say this straight because that's the type of manager I am, that he didn't try playing front foot football I did when I came fifth. I came fifth wif Nooooooocarsel playing that way and now the fans demand it. Those fans can be too demanding at times especially when you woz not from the region or midduwl clars and thats sumfin Rafa needs to know to come 5th like I did.
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"If you are 2-0 down to Manchester United at Old Trafford it is damage limitation."


Just about sums him up. 2-0 ffs.


:lol: even more baffling as Man U can barely muster two goals in one home game these days.


Must be what he decided to do at the Etihad every frigging season - gets to 2-0, let's keep it single figures. Prick.

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Well played whoever called this in the predictions thread.


Sky become that much more odious and he becomes that much better protected by his old boys' club in the next role he takes on the bulletproof managerial merry-go-round.


Sky BOYCOUTT continues.

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