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What the actual fuck man  :lol: :lol:


He criticised himself and invited a follow up question, then he kicks off  :lol:

It's insane. "The subs were crap" "Why do you say they were crap?" "Look let's not debate ... you're trying to antagonize me" :lol: Asshole you just said it, explain yourself.
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Would somebody get some palace fan quotes please?

Went trawling through r/soccer and r/crystalpalace but there's not much. I think losing from being a goal up and a man up, and the manner in which they did, coupled with the long run of shite they've been on may have been the turning point for many of them. A few holdouts still blame some kind of biblical injury crisis and "bad luck". The rest have kind of gone quiet, hopefully engaged in somber reflection upon their manager.
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Guest firetotheworks

Watch the full one that Pav posted, there's further anger from him and it's sensual.

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Rattled and seething!!!


The guy asks one question, and he's being "antagonistic", man what I wouldn't give to see this guy stuck in a 1x1 metre room and having to eat and sleep in his own faeces. :lol:

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That interview man. What a whooper :lol:


Gets all arsey about a question regarding his subs. Then says he's getting stroppy because they need to move on from talking about the penalty?! Well, which is it? He's lost the plot. Hilarious seeing him crack like that.


Oh and even when he is taking responsibilty. He still manages to blame others. "Yeah, the subs weren't very good today. They didn't play well or affect the game. So I have to take responsibility for that." Nice way to alienate your players, Alan.

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