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They will never now finish below the top ten, but they won't do much better. He is cut from the same cloth as MON, Bruce, Big Sam et al. In Rafa we have the real deal. For them, though, he is as good as it gets.

No way are they suddenly becoming top ten.

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They will never now finish below the top ten,


Eh? Never? They've done it 3 times since the Cretaceous period man!


How did your last job go Mr Moyes?

F*cked it up, got sacked.

And the one before that?

F*cked it up, got sacked.

And your trophy record....?

What? I'm here to coast into 17th and be carried shoulder-high for doing so.




In that case.....Welcome to Sunderland!

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The Mackems at work aren't impressed by this like but I actually think he'll do canny for them.


They're all gutted about us having Rafa though. They hate the fact that they're irrelevant and we're a bigger talking point despite being a division below...[emoji38]

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I liked Moyes a lot while he was at Everton. Although consistently rigid, his tactics and game plan often exploited the opposition's weaknesses. At the time I rated him as one of the best in England.


Succeeding Ferguson would be a challenge for any manager but Moyes failed spectacularly at Man U. Might be wrong but I think he persisted with the same everton deep counter-attacking 4-2-3-1 from day one until he got sacked. He wasted half the budget on Fellaini, who he couldn't even fit into his tactic. He isolated influential players and staff very quickly and it was obvious the players played without any confidence.


By all accounts his tenure at Sociedad was even worse. Once again Moyes didn't even attempt to change his ways in order to succeed. Can't find the link but there was a particularly scathing article from an English journalist(?) living in San Sebastian.

I remember that he was on Goals on Sunday a couple of days after getting sacked. Laughing about it, denying that he failed in any way backed by impeccable LMA bullshit repertoire and the two clowns in the studio.


He might be a good fit for the mackems. Even remote competitiveness will grant him legendary status there. On RTG, they are still idolising Allardyce and trying to convince themselves that he's their friend. Nevermind f***ing off the whole pre-season, leaving before the end of his last game and not saying a word about Sunderland since then.


Like Allardyce, Moyes probably sees the mackems as a way to get back into the PL spotlight and eventually an easy opportunity to claim his 3-year wages for several months' work.

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He'll do OK for them. More importantly what's his derby record like (Merseyside & Manchester) and how many trophies has he amassed in his managerial career?


He had a very poor record in the Liverpool games especially at Anfield.

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Think a couple seasons back, it would've been. Now though, the standard of manager in the league's increased and in comparison it looks fairly ordinary. Should definitely be a step up from Sam mind.

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Dont really think its a step up.. Moyes is not tactically very good, just strong wing play, lots of crosses and set pieces. Might work, or then it goes tits up with their shit squad

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Sunderland should survive comfortably next year. Hull are in a right mess and Burnley will struggle, that would leave 1 place up for grabs. If Defoe loses form or gets injured and they haven't bought decent back then that might change.

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